This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 33. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Faction Turn 33
Resulting Lore Announcements Beacon Space Tonight 33
Beacon Space Map Faction Turn Map
Beacon Space Spreadsheet Faction Turn Spreadsheet
Faction Turn 32 Faction Turn 34

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 32.5 Turn:

  • Telas Council sent 1 FC to the Larkspur Combine
  • Starlit Court sent 3 FC to the Larkspur Combine
  • Ascent sent 1 FC to the Concord of Mutual Disdain
  • Tahora Whai sent 3 FC to the Concord of Mutual Disdain
  • Concord of Mutual Disdain transferred a Distorted Lense on 0408 / Kuafu / Langgan to Ascent
  • Ascent sent 2 FC to the Children of the Vein
  • Assembled Commonwealth sent 3 FC to the Amelhart Institute
  • Larkspur Combine sent 5 FC to the Aguamala Syndicate

Turn Details

Turn Details for Faction Turn 33
Faction Turn Details
1 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: Scout a System
Income: 5 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Anchorage Station on 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move itself and Surveyors to 1403 / System LV / Planet AD.
Activate Surveyors on 1403 / System LV / Planet AD to move itself to 1502 / System LXIII / Planet CZ. Help Valkaii - Fight Resistance Groups.


Activate Covert Shipping on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus to move Commodities Broker from 1213 / Vaddonia / Koritas to 1315 / System LIII / Planet BH.
Activate Covert Shipping on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move Commodities Broker (10 HP) from 0911 / Asta / Idarast to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti.
Activate Extended Theatre on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move the Gravtank Formation from 0911 / Asta / Idarast to 0810 / Ledro / Magalca.
Create Constellation 'Aether Reach': Remove 1012 (empty hex), Add 0910 (empty hex), Add 0810 (filled hex), Add 0912 (empty hex), Add 0913 (empty hex), Add 0814 (filled hex). Revise Charts: Establish a Refueling Station in 1315 / System LIII / Planet BH.


Activate Commodities Broker on 0911 / Asta / Idarast (x2), 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti, 1315 / System LIII / Planet BH.
Gain 1 XP.

2 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 6 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Ruin Excavation on 1609 / Grail System / Grail World with 3 FC.
Help Valkaii - Hinder Government.


Activate Strike Fleet on 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move to 1505 / System LXIV / Planet R.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1210 / Hela / Kardakouk to move to 1410 / Valtamvirta / Jääaika.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti.
Activate Extended Theatre on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move Postech Industry from 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus.
Expand Influence on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet R with Strike Fleet to build a 1 HP Base of Influence.
Unveil the Ruin on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet R with Strike Fleet spending 5 FC.


Gain 2 XP.

3 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Repair Asset

Help Valkaii - Fight Resistance Groups.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move to 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0712 / 0712 / 0712 to move to 0811 / 0811 / 0811.
Repair Strike Fleet (4 HP) on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S for 5 HP.
Repair Strike Fleet (3 HP) on 0811 / 0811 / 0811 for 5 HP.
Activate Planetary Tag of 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso to repair Strike Fleet (5 HP) by 1 HP.
Revise Charts: 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S to improve the TL of the planet.


Unveil the Ruin on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S with Strike Fleet spending 5 FC.

4 Starlit Court Goal: Seize Planet
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Sihi to move from 1107 / 1107 / Sihi to 1207 / Buena / Sihi.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1207 / Buena / Sihi to move to 1304 / System L / Valkaii.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0510 / Gateway / Saarinen to move to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1609 / Grail System / Grail World to move to 1808 / System LXXVII / Point of Interest.
Help Valkaii - Evacuate.


Activate Harvesters on 1207 / Buena / Sihi.
Ruin Excavation: 1609 / Grail System / Grail World for 3 FC.


Gain 1 XP.

5 Ascent Goal: Exploration
Income: 5 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Smugglers on 0200 / System VIII / Planet DA to move itself and Seditionists to 0301 / System XIII / Point of Interest.
Explore 0301 with Smugglers.
Establish an Outpost on 0400 / Nekhrosia / Djedefre-Khonsu spend 4 FC.


Help Valkaii - Evacuate Population.
Gain 2 XP.

6 Tahora Whai Goal: Seize Planet
Income: 16 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Anchorage Station on 0510 / Gateway / Saarinen.
Activate Strike Fleet (8 HP) on 0310 / System XVI / Planet AG to 0209 / 0209 / 0209.
Revise Charts on 0310 / System XVI / Planet AG to improve TL.
Gain 1 XP.

7 Chilren of the Vein Goal: Blood the Enemy
Income: 6 FC
Action: Seize Planet (Forced)

Activate Smugglers on 1204 / 1204 / 1204 to move to 1304 / System L / Valkaii.
Activate Extended Theatre on 0810 / Ledro / Magalca to move Covert Shipping from 0909 / Center / Telas to 0711 / Bazar / Longza.
Activate Extended Theatre on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move Pretech Infantry on 0909 / Center / Telas to 0810 / Ledro / Magalca.
Delay the Activation on 0711 / Bazar / Longza.


Attack Amelhart Institute on 0711 / Bazar / Longza with Gravtank Formation.

Defended by Saboteurs.

Attack Amelhart Institute on 0810 / Ledro / Magalca with Pretech Infantry.

Defended by Covert Shipping.

Activate Strike Fleet on 0711 / Bazar / Longza to move to 0613 / 0613 / 0613.

8 Amelhart Institute Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Demaoguge on 0415 / System XXIV / Ingirid; include Stealth.
Activate Covert Shipping on 0415 / System XXIV / Ingirid to move Demaoguge from 0415 / System XXIV / Ingirid to 0909 / Center / Telas.

9 Telas Council Income: 0 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Venture Captial on 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Postech Industry (x2) on 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Harvesters on 0909 / Center / Telas.

10 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Scout a System
Income: 8 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Seize 1418 / Vendi-i-keq / Planet CG with Strike Fleet.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso to move to 1304 / System L / Valkaii.
Activate Strike FLeet on 1418 / Vendi-i-keq / Planet CG to move to 1517 / System LXVII / Planet BK.
Revise Charts: Establish a Research Base on 1818 / Glorious / Vίκη.
Help Valkaii - Resistance Groups.


Gain 1 XP.

11 Valkaii Factions Use Asset Action

Gain 3 FC.

12 White Whale Action: Retirement

Retires peacefully to the Void Sanctuary of Akhlut.

End of Turn Updates

Planet Z aka Valkaii

Doom: 7/12 | Evacuations: 5/5 | Government: 4/10 | Resistance Groups: 5/10

Ruin Clocks

0400 / Nekhrosia / Djedefre-Khonsu: 4/45 FC. Grail World: 8/8

Grail World Ruin

When this planet has a Planetary Governor, it becomes a legitimate target of any movement asset, regardless of hex range. Starship type assets controlled by the Planetary Government Controller have quadruple the range when starting on this hex. Any Starship type assets cost FLOOR(ASSET_TIER/2) FC less to build. Additionally repairing any Starship type assets cost 1 less FC to repair.

0408 / Kuafu / Langgan Ruin

Assembled Commonwealth received the free Distorted Lens asset.


Clock: 7/12.

White Whale Faction Updates

  • Joins Peaceful Retirement
  • Any assets controlled by the White Whale asset no longer needs to guard the creature and they disband. Each asset remaining rolls a D10 for the following results: 1-7: The Asset is Lost. 8: The asset is set to 0 HP and in ‘Stasis’ (See: Boltholds). 9: The asset is disabled. 10: No Effect. 8-10: A random Faction receives the asset.
  • Distorted Lense: Removed
  • Zealot: Set to 0 HP and in 'Stasis'. Received by the Aguamala Syndicate

Quest Announcements

Aguamala Syndicate Quest: Fauna Sightings

  • After tracking the White Whale for an epoch, Aguamalan Hunters have become more adept at locating the signs and identifiers left by space fauna. Identifying places where these creatures may gather could establish hot spots for eager hunters.*


Establish 4 Sighting Outposts.

Action "Establish a Sighting Outposts"

Choose a Hex where this Faction has an Asset then roll a d10+FC+D+Con against DC 9 where FC is an amount of Faction Credits from 0 to 5, D is a bonus related to the asset taking a d2 (+1), d4 (+2), d6 (+3) of damage, and Con is your constellation bonus if applicable. On a success, establish a "Sighting Outposts" sector object in the given Hex; this will complete the 'Scout a System' goal if taken. This action can be taken up to twice on a single turn with the second attempt having a DC of 14. If the first attempt fails, the second may be in the same location.


  • Gain the existing Faction Tag developed
  • Gain a single use 'Advantage' for *any* action taken against the Megafauna Faction that requires rolling a d10.
  • All current Bases of Influence gain the 'Armored' status.

Amelhart Institute Quest Reward Announcement

At the completion of the Amelhart Institute's quest they will receive the following tag:

Reawakened Fleet This faction can support one Scavenger Fleet asset without paying the upkeep cost nor having the tier or tech level requirement.

Mechanical Revisions

Mechanical Megafauna

Megafauna shall now be represented on the Faction Turn with a series of assets and methods of interaction. This process necessitates creating a 'Faction' called Megafauna. More details about this environmental system can be found on the Faction Page and the Asset List.

Activation and Turn Action Clarifications

Asset Ability Activation

Assets can ‘activate’ an ability once on a turn unless the ability allows multiple activations. All assets of the same name must also activate simultaneously during the turn. Assets with the phrasing “as an action” require the Faction to take the “Use Asset Ability” Faction Turn to activate. Abilities with either “As a free action” or without the “as an action” qualifier can be activated at any time, regardless of the Faction Turn Action chosen. If an asset has multiple abilities, only one can activate it, but different assets of the same name can choose different activations.

Turn Action

Factions can only select an ‘Action Type’ per turn (e.g., Buy Asset, Attack). In addition to this action selection, Factions may meet the requirements to take other ‘Free Actions’. These actions do not require the selection of a specific action type but instead, just require meeting the requirements. Any number of these ‘Free Actions’ can be taken on a Faction’s Turn so long as the requirements are met however, each named ‘Free Action’ can only be taken once unless the action says otherwise.

Movement Asset Clarifications

Several movement assets in the game still have yet to be updated into the modern standard of “Free Ability” movement costs FC while ‘Action Ability’ does not. The following changes aim to bring these changes to hopefully completion.

  • Shipping Combine: As an action, the combine may move any number of non-Force assets, including itself, to any planet within two hexes.
  • Blockade Runner: As an action, a Blockade Runner asset can transfer itself and/or any one Military Unit or Special Forces to a location within three hexes.
  • Covert Shipping: Free Ability: Select two planets within three hexes of this asset, and move one Special Forces asset between the two planets for 1 FC.
  • Extended Theatre: Free Ability: Select two planets within two hexes of this asset, and move one non-Starship Asset, including itself, between the two planets for 1 FC.

Movable "Planet" Mechanical Tag Clarification

The current text of the Mechanical Tag to enable movement reads:

As an action, this homeworld can move one hex. Any assets on this homeworld moves with it.

This is reworded to replace “homeworld” with “planet.” The power to move these pseudo-planets rests with the Planetary Government and is unrelated to the ‘homeworld’ status.

Stealing Assets

Factions can only steal assets available on the “Core Asset List” (e.g., Assets that have a listed *cost* and can be purchased) if an Action would steal an asset not on this list, it will, at minimum, be destroyed. Other interactions may occur at the GM’s discretion.

Faction Turn

Faction Turns
Faction Turn Lore
Faction Turn Resources