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Faction Turn 2

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Faction Turn 2
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This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 2. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 1.5 Turn:

Turn Details

The following TTGI Overseers Board vote applied at the start of this turn.

TTGI Vote Results - Resource Allocation I

  1. Reduce distance by 1 hex when calculating exploration difficulty but the autoexplore damage goes from d4 -> d6. This lasts for 3 turns once enacted.
  2. Advance the Telas Terraforming Clock increases by 1.


  1. 1 Vote
  2. 8 Votes
Turn Details for Faction Turn 2
Faction Turn Details
1 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 4 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Posttech Industry on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos
Activate Surveyors to move themselves to 0809 / Sihi
Activate Seductresses on 1208 / Hie / Gome to move to 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc
Gain 2 XP.

2 Amelhart Institute Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Use Asset Action

Activate Commercial Broker Asset on 0711 / Bazar /Ingirid [7]
Activate Commercial Broker Asset on 0711 / Bazar /Ingirid [5]
Activate Commercial Broker Asset on 0809 / Cacho / Sihi [1]
Activate the Party Machine on 0909 / Center / Telas <Roll 5: Result +1 FC>
Activate Smuggler on 0909 / Center / Telas move to 0811 / Space / Space. (-1 FC)
Activate Homeworld Ability of Ingirid (0711) to move to 0712

3 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: N/A
Income: 6
Action: Use Asset Action

Activate Harvesters on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos [INVALID]
Activate Freighter Contract on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros, moving the Freighter Contract and Commodities Brooker from 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros to 0909 / Center / Telas. (-1 FC)
Activate Commodities Brooker on 0909 / Center / Telas [1]
Activate Commodities Brooker on 0911 / Asta / Idarast [3]
Activate Commodities Brooker on 1213 / System XLVII / Planet D [5]
Activate Pretech Logistics on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to Purchase an Extended Theatre asset. Apply Commodities Brooker discounts to purchase. (Asset Cost 15FC - Discount {9} = 6FC)

4 Tahora Whai Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 4 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Activate Strike Fleet on 0609 / Teuthem / Dynae to move to 0510 / System XXVIII / Planet A. Cost: 1 FC
Expand Influence on Planet A for 1 HP. (-1 FC)
Gain 2 XP.

5 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 4 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Activate Strike fleet on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros and move to 1209 / Metta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc. (-1 FC)
Activate Strike fleet on 1109 / Space / Space and move to 1208 / Hie / Gome. (-1FC)
Spend 1FC to build a 1 HP BOI on 1208 / Hie / Gome with the Cyberninjas
Gain 1 XP.

6 Starlit Court Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 3 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Build 1 HP Base of Influence on 711 / Bazar / Ingirid (-1FC). Unopposed.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1407 / System LVIII / Planet B to move two hexes to 1606 / Space / Space. (-1 FC)
Activate Smugglers on 1208 / Hie / Gome to move two hexes to, 1305 / Space / Space. (-1 FC)
Gain 1 XP.

7 Children of the Vein Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Refit Action

REFIT Shipping Combine (10FC) ON 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos TO Extended Theater (10FC). Unopposed.

8 Ascent Goal: Exploration
Income: 4 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Smugglers on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros to move themselves and Tripwire Cells on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros to 1207 / PoI. (-2 FC)
Explore 1207 / PoI with the Smugglers. <Roll 1d10+4 Result 14. Success!>
Explore 1207 / PoI with the Tripwire Cells. If fail, succeed at cost. <Invalid>
Gain 2 XP.

9 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Exploration
Income: 4 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Smugglers on 1210 / Hela / Kardakouk to move themselves and Lobbyist on 1210 / Hela / Kardakouk to 1410 / PoI (-2 FC)
Explore 1410 / PoI with the Smuggers. <Roll 1d10+2 = 8. Failure>
Explore 1410 / PoI with the Lobbyist. If failure, succeed at cost. <Roll 1d10+2=9. Failure, succeed at cost with 1d4 damage = 1>
Gain 2 XP.

End of Turn Updates

Telas Terraforming Clock

Clock Status: 1/12

Telas TerraGroup Initiative Overseers Board Vote

TTGI Overseers Board Turn 3 Vote: Dividend Disbursement

TTGI has FacCreds to disburse to its investors; however, political maneuvering is always a part of distributing excess funds (9 FC), so factions have the following choices:

  1. Steal - Try to gain an unfair share of the pot; however, if more than three (3) factions try to steal the FacCreds, no factions get anything.
  2. Share - Only receive an even split of the FacCreds to be distributed.

Mechanical Revisions

TODO: Extract relevant time-revisions (The announcements channel in discord is poorly formatted to extract these).

Faction Turn

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