Faction Turn 14
Resulting Lore Announcements | Beacon Space Tonight 14 |
Beacon Space Map | Faction Turn Map |
Beacon Space Spreadsheet | Faction Turn Spreadsheet |
Faction Turn 13 | Faction Turn 15 |
This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 14. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.
Half Turn Trades
The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 13.5 Turn:
- None!
Turn Details
The following TTGI Overseers Board vote applied at the start of this turn.
TTGI VOTE RESULTS - Clean up STROVACARRO debris The impact of the comet STROVACARRO has impacted the constant drive of terraforming on Telas. A dedicated effort is needed to clean up the scatter debris and repair the damage caused by the controlled impact. Mechanically restoring the auto-progress of the Telas clock requires a successful DC12 roll on a D10 + FC where the FC value is the total amount of faction credits contributed.
- Contribute Faction Credits to the roll. If successful, the top half of the factions which contributed gain 1 XP.
- Do not contribute Faction Credits to the roll.
7 FC (Tahora Whai), 5 FC (Children of the Vein), 4 FC (Larkspur Combine), 3 FC (Aguamala Syndicate), 3 FC (Ascent), 1 FC (Concord of Mutual Disdain). Success!
Faction | Turn Details | |
1 | Assembled Commonwealth | Goal: N/A Income: 6 FC Action: Use Asset Ability Activate Commodities Brokers (x4) on ???, ???, ???, ???. |
2 | Larkspur Combine | Goal: Inside Enemy Territory Income: 5 FC Action: Buy Asset Buy Posttech Industry on [[Mos|1008 / Gograpatk / Mos]. Cost 8 FC. |
3 | Concord of Mutual Disdain | Goal: Expand Influence Income: 6 FC Action: Expand Influence Activate Strike Fleet on ??? / ??? / Planet AY to move to 1817 / ??? / Planet AZ. |
4 | Ascent | LEVEL UP: Increase Cunning to 6. Goal: Exploration Income: 6 FC Action: Exploration Activate Smugglers on 1016 / ??? / ??? to move themselves to 1216 / ??? / Point of Interest. |
5 | Children of the Vein | Goal: Expand Influence Income: 7 FC Action: Expand Influence Expand Influence on 0904 / System XXXIII / Planet AQ with Strike Fleet to build a 1 HP Base of Influence.
Gain 1 XP. |
6 | Tahora Whai | Goal: Seize Planet Income: 5 FC Action: Seize Planet Seize 0408 / Kuafu / Planet AO with Strike Fleet. |
7 | Starlit Court | Goal: Exploration Income: 4 FC Action: Exploration Explore 1701 / System LXXI / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet. Success. |
8 | Amelhart Institute | LEVEL UP: Increase Force to 4. Goal: Seize Planet Income: 5 FC Action: Buy Asset Buy Informers on 0711 / Bazar / Longza using Commodities Broker discount. |
9 | Aguamala Syndicate | Goal: Expand Influence Income: 5 FC Action: Expand Influence Expand Influence on 1207 / ??? / Planet F with Strike Fleet to build 1 HP Base of Influence. |
End of Turn Updates
Telas Clocks
Terraforming Clock Status: 8/12. The Planetary Government now gained +2 FC per turn.
Ruin Clocks
Langgan: 1/8
Telas TerraGroup Initiative Overseers Board Vote
TTGI Overseers Board Turn 14 Vote: Resource Allocation III The Telas TerraGroup Initiative Needs To Allocate Resources for the next investment cycle
- Reduce distance by one (1) hex when calculating exploration difficulty, but the auto-explore damage goes from d4 -> d6. This lasts for two (2) turns once enacted.
- Advance the Telas Terraforming Clock increases by one (1).
Mechanical Revisions
Tier 7 Asset Updates
Minor updates were made to Tier 7 assets.
Movement Clarification
To better align movement assets with each other, as this makes both knowing the rules and administrating them easier, the Beachhead Landers, a tier 4 Force Asset will have its ability text changed to: "Beachhead Landers are a collection of short-range, high-capacity spike drive ships capable of moving large numbers of troops. As an action, the Beachhead Landers may move any number of Force assets, including itself, to any world within two hexes." as this better aligns it with the changes to the Deep Strike Landers.
Faction Quest
Aguamala Syndicate Quest v1 was announced.
Faction Turns | |
Faction Turn Lore | |
Faction Turn Resources |