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Assembled Commonwealth

From Beacon Space
The Assembled Commonwealth
Motto "Valoru, Fortune, Assembly"
Focus Trade and Expansion
Homeworld Idarast
System Asta
Faction Tag Imperialist
Conjugation Assembled Commonwealth/Commonwealthers/Commonwealth

The Assembled Commonwealth is a union between several city-states on Idarast and the various belt communities located in the star system of Asta. Led by the Assembly and ostensibly the Aetharch Tyber I, the Commonwealth is a powerful faction in beacon space. Its merchants can be found in most ports and its naval presence stands ready to protect its vital trade.

Commonwealth society has shifted rapidly ever since The Idari Crisis; a focus on community and survival was born out of terrible disaster. There has long been a desire in the Commonwealth that each citizen works to the benefit of the whole. No matter who you are, as long as you are a citizen of the Commonwealth your life and happiness matters.

Link to the Assembled Commonwealth Faction turn details


Humans Arrive 586 (PA) (654)

It was during the mass migration of humanity that Idarast, then known as Asta prime, was colonised by the ancestors of the Commonwealth. In the year 484 (PA) (552) a small colony was built in the area that has become the city of Montar. Soon more colonists arrived, unaffiliated with the original migrants but drawn to the planet by its rich minerals and its relatively habitable surface conditions. Colonies had to contend with the existence of several harmful toxins in the atmosphere, its effects unnoticed until several hours after initial exposure. Effects include dizziness and nausea eventually resulting in unconsciousness. Several of the compounds were identified upon initial scans of the planet and deemed not enough to classify the planet as uninhabitable. The colonists were forced to devise ways of combating the toxins, but luckily improved air filters and basic masks were enough to block the harmful effects while outside.

For around two decades the fledgling colonies continued to grow, aware of each other's presence but hardly interacting, instead focusing on establishing secure settlements and adapting to the planetary quirks. In 465 (PA) (533) a large fleet arrived in orbit of Asta prime, not colony ships, but all manner of vessels: mining ships, freighters, refinery vessels, and at least a dozen military vessels. Fearing this armada represented some sort of invasion, the various colonies attempted to contact the ships.

Instead of invaders, they discovered the remnants of a civilisation. Forced from their own home these refugees had fled to Asta in search of an expedition dispatched from their world of Ida many decades ago. These refugees had been on the run for over twenty years, their ships barely holding together, and now they found no respite for the thriving colony that they had hoped for did not exist, the expedition had never arrived.

Seeing the desperate situation these refugees found themselves in, several settlements offered them tools and supplies to form their own colony. This act of charity is often cited as the reason the colonies quickly established and maintained a close relationship despite their differing cultures and backgrounds. The beleaguered refugees quickly established their own settlement, landing ships to serve as shelters and for the first time in many years prepared a permanent settlement. Many of the refugees began referring to the planet as Ida’s Rest.

The Glitch 445 (PA) (513)

For twenty years the scattered colonies continued to grow, now mostly stable. Several colonies had finished their second phase of embryo introductions, resulting in a population boom. Attempts had been made to introduce Terran-like species to the planet with varying success, with some species susceptible to the toxic atmosphere and others managing to thrive. The colonists were largely unaffected by The Glitch, not having established enough of a presence to be active with interstellar travel. However this sector event did coincide with the arrival of a new vessel to the Asta system.

The Verdant had been delayed for several decades: losing two of its engines and being reduced to half power, the vessel had limped its way to Asta. Its crew was woken several times on the journey to fix various failing systems, barely keeping the ship running. It had finally arrived, only to find the remnants of their civilisation had arrived before them. This was the colony ship that the refugees of Ida had expected to find in Asta.

The crew of the Verdant were quickly contacted by the refugees of Ida, informing them of the terrible fate that had befallen their home. One individual in particular was sought out immediately, Uriele was the last living member of the House of Ida and heir to the crown. A message was delivered to Uriele from the last monarch of Ida, proclaiming them as their heir and successor, that “they or their descendants should lead the people of Ida into a new day.”

At first Uriele refused, they had left Ida with a desire to escape the boundaries of the Aetharchy, to be free to explore their own future without the expectations that were now thrust upon them. Days passed with fierce negotiations between Uriele and the leaders of the Beorgan, until finally agreeing that Uriele would only take up the mantle if the public consented. A poll was run which almost unanimously ruled in favour of restoring the Aetharchy and so Uriele was crowned the first Aetharch of Idarast.

The next century on Idarast was extremely peaceful, the settlements grew and grew, forming what we would recognise as the city-states of the present day. The ships brought from Asta were vital in exploiting the asteroid belts, several permanent stations were established in the Baldr belt with aid from more recent arrivals, belters who had been cut off from home during the glitch. The cities on Idarast, as the planet had become known as now, forged even closer ties, trade routes were established, mutual expeditions to survey Idarast and the system of Asta were undertaken, understanding of the planet and how to survive and thrive were shared throughout the cities. It was on these expeditions that the first precursor ruins were discovered, vast underground cave systems that had collapsed burying technology that was extremely alien. It is theorised that only 25% of the site near Montar- the largest found, has been excavated to this day.

Great Migration 311 (PA) (379)

It is thanks to the belter communities that the secrets of gate travel were brought to Idarast. With it, a burgeoning industry building ships capable of interstellar travel was kickstarted. The first merchants that ventured out into the unknown faced incredible hazards, financing their expeditions was high risk, these merchants therefore decided it was better to band together. Thus in 257 (PA) (325) the first of what we now know as guilds were formed, filled with groups of like minded individuals from throughout the city-states of Idarast united under one banner. These proto-guilds competed for contracts from the city-states, worked together to lessen risks and provided industries with better lobbying and bargaining power. Several merchant guilds banded together to lobby the governments of the city-states to do more on the pirate threat both within Asta and in the wider sector. It was largely because of this political pressure that the Navigation Treaty was signed in 224 (PA) (294).

The Navigation Treaty was a set of agreements that enshrined the rights of merchant and civilian vessels to travel unencumbered within Asta and along several popular trade routes. The treaty assigned the responsibility of ensuring these freedoms to the various navies of the city-states, forming a joint task force that would become the basis for the Commonwealth Navy in years to come. This joint fleet was small, with some city-states only being able to contribute a single vessel, but the task force managed to quickly make a significant impact. Several pirate vessels were captured or destroyed in the first months after the treaty's signing, caught unaware by the newly deployed task force. This was the first of many times that Idari naval forces were called upon to defend their planet’s interests, and they soon developed a reputation for skill in void warfare, being recognised as a force to be reckoned with.

Beacon wars 160 (PA) (228)

Over a century passed and the city-states continued to grow, becoming a minor power in the sector as more and more of their merchants spread across Beacon Space. Their leaders were aware of the deteriorating diplomatic situation in the sector: the threat of war loomed ever closer, and Asta would not escape these events. Programs to improve the defences of the whole system were ongoing, such a joint effort by the city-states to fortify the System Gates, while each polity attempted to increase its own navy as well; the city-states were limited in what they could achieve, and it was unclear if the combined fleet would be able to stand against any of the major powers.

On the 16th July 152 (PA) (220) Idari defence forces detected a large gate transfer: dozens of vessels were entering the Asta system. Calls for the ships to identify themselves were ignored, and the Idari defence fleet was given orders to open fire beginning the Battle of the Gates. While initially outnumbered the Idari fleet had the advantage of being in optimal defensive formation while the enemy fleet was still concentrated and unable to bring most of its guns to bear. The first opening salvo destroyed or disabled several of the invading vessels, however the enemy still outnumbered the defence fleet. The invaders continued into the system, forming into their line of battle and engaging the Idari defence fleet. The battle raged for hours, neither side gaining enough of an advantage to win the day. Losses were mounting for the Idari forces and they would soon have no choice but to surrender the field.

The Aetharing Uriele, who was serving as captain of the HMS Invincible, understood that something had to be done to prevent total defeat and they ordered their squadron to break formation and head towards a small gap in the enemy line. The squadron plunged through heavy fire towards the gap, breaking through and delivering punishing broadsides to two of the enemy vessels. As the rear portion of the enemy fleet broke formation to avoid the now floating hulks that had been left behind, the enemy vanguard was now engaged on two sides. One by one the enemy fleet was picked apart, unable to properly coordinate their defence networks and being overwhelmed from both sides. The situation had drastically switched and the remaining enemy vessels attempted to retreat, being chased all the way by Idari forces.

Soon after the news of the battle reached Idarast an emergency conference of all city-states leaders was called, with Aetharch Alexander II using their influence to spearhead the call. Dignitaries, ambassadors, and heads of state gathered in Beorgan, where the Aetharch made their proposal: gather all the people of Idarast under one union and combine their resources into one entity that could defend their way of life, creating a Commonwealth that would ensure the freedoms that were enjoyed by its citizens would continue for long into the future. Many had been already convinced of the merits of this idea in the months prior to the meeting, though it was not decided who would lead this union.

The Aetharcy was extremely influential on Idarast, they controlled the largest population, the largest navy, they were even well liked throughout the other city-states, their popularity surged even more so due to the actions of the Aetharing at the Battle of the Gates. It was clear that Aetharch Alexander II was the primary candidate for head of any such Commonwealth, yet some city states were reluctant at the idea of a union under the Aetharchy. The city-states agreed that this new entity needed strong leadership if it was to survive and that it needed to begin working to defend Idarast as soon as possible but needed some assurances before agreeing to the idea. First that no city state would be forced to join the Commonwealth and provisions would be made to allow a city state to leave the Commonwealth if desired. Secondly, city-states would retain some level of local autonomy, leaving the Aetharch to deal with matters that affect Idarast as a whole. Finally that an advisory council would be formed by the Aetharch that had representatives from each of the city states.

The Aetharch agreed to all points and after a period of internal debate the city states unanimously agreed to join together and to form the Assembled Commonwealth. The Idari defence force was unified into the Commonwealth Navy, unified rules on trade were established including the introduction of the Charters. A full constitution was written, enshrining certain rights to every Citizen of the Commonwealth including but not limited to freedom of speech and religion, freedom of movement and the right to a fair trial. A degree of autonomy for city states was maintained and though it has never been used a process to secede was established.

Era of peace 33 (PA) (101)

For a century the Commonwealth thrived, surviving the Beacon wars without another serious incursion. The guilds grew to rival even the ruling classes, branching into industries outside of trade. The Navy became a pillar of the Commonwealth and a source of pride for many. Asta became even more industrialised with the construction of dozens of stations, habitats and shipyards. The Aetharchy maintained its popularity, though its influence was waning.

The Guilds had become one of the most influential groups in Idari society, their grip on the economy of the Commonwealth was near absolute, even the Aetharcy was unable to compete. More and more criticism was leveled at the Aetharcy, a minority wondered whether the Aetharcy was needed now the Commonwealth faced no threat.

Fearing the guilds could cut them off from their sources of wealth the Aetharcy authorised Project Atlas, a source of wealth that was completely independent from the Guilds. Project Atlas involved capturing an extremely wealthy asteroid that had been identified several months prior and bringing it into close orbit above Idarast. The idea was to undercut many of the mining guilds and harvest the rare metals and minerals that could be found.

For nearly a decade the Project seemed to be successful, the Aetharch Vittore I however pushed for more profits to be extracted from the project, authorising the relaxation of certain safety protocols to access more of the rare minerals. On the 17th June 8 (PA) (76) the Atlas Event occurred, disaster struck when charges meant to clear out debris instead caused a portion of the Atlas asteroid to break off. This chunk of rock hit several of the engines designed to ensure the asteroid maintained its orbit, a routine burn of the other engines then caused the orbit to drastically change. The asteroid began to spin, further increasing the speed with which the asteroid's orbit began to decay. Naval officers advised the Aetharch that if action wasn’t taken quickly then the asteroid would hit Idarast and cause unimaginable destruction. For several hours the Aetharch deliberated, despite protests by many of their advisors, some of which described the Aetharch as paralysed by the events. All the while the public were kept in the dark.

Eventually the Aetharch authorised multiple missile strikes hoping to vaporise the asteroid. The missile strikes were only a partial success, the asteroid broke into a dozen pieces and continued into the upper atmosphere of Idarast. The pieces were large enough to survive entry and plummeted to the ground, most missed any population centres but two hit near the cities of Ankon and Erida causing tremendous damage and killing over two hundred thousand Commonwealth citizens.

Two weeks later, still reeling from the disaster the news broke about the rising radiation levels discovered by Edward Newell, dust and particles from the asteroid had spread throughout the atmosphere and now threatened all life on Idarast. Local species began to die in droves, areas of Idarast became almost barren, only the simplest of plant species survived and even those mostly in the polar regions far away from the impact sites. The only thing that saved the inhabitants of the city states was the heavy duty filters that every building had to protect from the atmospheric toxins. Though a huge Infrastructure project had to begin immediately to ensure these measures would survive constant exposure to the radiation levels.

Merchant Guilds switched all their trade routes to basic supplies, food and survival equipment and provided it for free to many of the citizens of the Idarast. Several groups of belters provided their services to dig tunnels to form emergency shelters under the surface of Idarast. Many citizens were evacuated into hastily organised cargo ships in orbit while the surface was made safe.

The Aetharchy had been extremely slow to react during the Idari Crisis, it had done its best to limit the public's knowledge throughout the crisis, the trust the people held in the Aetharcy had been irrevocably tarnished by the events. Once people learned of the Aetharch’s involvement in the asteroid's fall, protests were held throughout the Commonwealth calling for the Aetharch to abdicate.

A year passed and much had stabilised thanks to the efforts of the Guilds and ordinary people of Idarast. The Aetharch had become absent from public life, isolating themselves within the Verdant palace. A collection of representatives from the city states and the Guilds called for an audience with the Aetharch which was reluctantly granted. In this it was made clear to the Aetharch that he has lost the support of the people and most damning the Navy, he was informed that either he peacefully leave and abdicate in favour of his young son, or he would be forcefully deposed.

Aetharch Tyber I was crowned on the 12th November 7(PA) (75) at the age of ten, and a regency council was formed to ensure the day to day running of the Commonwealth was completed. The council included representatives from each of the city states as well as Guild members and Naval officers.

For several years the Regency council governed Idarast, the Commonwealth had managed to survive the worst results of the Idari Crisis. Many saw the actions of the Regency council as the only reason the Commonwealth remained unified, there were calls throughout Aetharch Tyber’s early reign to make the council permanent, either relegating the Aetharch or dissolving the institution entirely. However the majority of Commonwealth citizens still held an immense amount of respect towards the House of Ida and its role in the Commonwealth.

On the 1st January 1(Ae) (68) the Assembly was formally established, a compromise between those who called for the Aetharch to be dissolved and those who could not countenance a Commonwealth without the Aetharchy. The Assembly granted seats to representatives from all the city states, several guilds and selected Naval officers and was seen as an expansion of the scale and scope of the regency council. The Aetharch maintained their position as head of the Commonwealth and officially retained the majority of their powers, however in reality the Assembly would act as arbitrators of those powers, decisions would be agreed upon by the Assembly and then carried out on behalf of the Aetharch. This convention has been upheld ever since.

The Commonwealth continued to recover from the events of the Idari Crisis, however would be forever changed by those events. A focus on the common good and a desire to see all citizens of the Commonwealth succeed became the driving force for many. As thanks for their actions during the crisis the belter communities were invited to join the Commonwealth as their own entity. Trade began to flow once more, eventually rising to levels once seen before the Idari Crisis. The Navy made radical changes to how they recruited officers, reducing requirements to allow any citizen to apply for the Naval college. The Guilds continue their dominance, however many guild members spread their wealth to Idarast’s poorest in pursuit of the Common good. The Aetharch is in his waning years, his daughter the Aetharing Ceinwyn is a political player not to be underestimated and is rumoured to desire a return to the Aetharcy of old.

The Commonwealth stands as one of the most powerful factions within Beacon space and now looks to spread its ideals throughout the sector. Seeking wealth to improve the lives of the citizens of the Commonwealth but also to improve the fortunes of the people of the sector as well.

Aetharchs of Idarast
Reign Aetharch
Pre 445 (PA) 513 Interregnum
445 (PA) (513)- (69y) Aetharch Uriele I (First Idari Aetharch)
376 (PA) (444)- (34y) Aetharch Victoria I
342 (PA) (410)- (64y) Aetharch Alexander I
278 (PA) (346)- (55y) Aetharch Alletta I
223 (PA) (291)- (54y) Aetharch Maria I
169 (PA) (237)- (36y) Aetharch Alexander II (Founder of the Commonwealth)
133 (PA) (201)- (48y) Aetharch Uriele II
85 (PA) (153)- (50y) Aetharch Ceinwyn I
35 (PA) (103)- (28y) Aetharch Vittore I (Aetharch during the Idari Crisis)
7 (PA) (75)- (Current) Aetharch Tyber I


The Assembled Commonwealth has been a federal, constitutional monarchy since year 1 (AE) (68), when the power of the Aetharch was greatly curtailed in favor of the newborn Assembly. Theoretically, the Assembly still operates in the Aetharch’s name, and all legislation must receive royal assent before it can be promulgated, but in reality the Aetharchy has almost no power and now serves a largely ceremonial role. The Commonwealth has a written constitution, originating from a royal charter of rights that was written at the formation of the Assembled Commonwealth.

The Aetharchy

The Commonwealth Aetharchy claims to be the continuation of the House of Ida, descendants of the rulers of the planet bearing the same name, from which some of the first Idari colonizers came. Originally at the head of just one of Idarast’s city-states, at a time of crisis the Aetharcy became the figurehead of the Assembled Commonwealth. The name “Aetharchy” originated from the world of Ida recognizing their domain over the “Aether” (space). The ruler became known as the Aetharch, and their heir as the Aetharing. Since its inception, the Aetharchy followed a philosophy of enlightened despotism, caring for their subjects’ well-being but granting few political liberties. An advisory council composed by regional representatives chosen by the Aetharch was occasionally called, but its powers and influence were very limited. As the Commonwealth prospered, the influence of rich commoners over society grew, and the role of the nobility as planetary protectors became more and more dubious in the eyes of some. With the coming of the Idari Crisis and the implicit involvement of the Aetharchy, influential citizens seized the occasion to pressure the Aetharch into giving up most of their powers, leading to the creation of the Assembled Commonwealth. Today, the Aetharchy is relegated to a ceremonial and diplomatic role, but there are some who would like to see them restored to their previous position of power.

The Assembly

After the events of the Idari Crisis and the following instability the Assembly has emerged as the main political entity in the Commonwealth. The Assembly is made up of representatives coming from all walks of life: merchants, nobles, commoners, all representing the local populace of their region. Each region, be it a city-state or a voidborne community, elects their representatives following their own systems. Though many regions have implemented more republican elections for all citizens, a minority maintain dynastic families. Additional seats are granted to Navy officers, notable Guilds and Charter holders. The latter two of which are appointed directly by the Assembly. The choice of Charter and Guild representation is intended to be completely meritocratic, representing the commercial interests of the Commonwealth, however many have been selected for their influence or political savvy. While the Assembly wields legislative authority, executive power is held by collection of Cabinets. The Cabinets are small groups dedicated to a certain function or area of government (e.g Ten of War, Six of Commerce, Eight of Security, Seven of Home, etc). Cabinet Ministers are appointed by the Assembly and must be ceremonially approved by the Aetharch. The Cabinets are aided by a vast and efficient Civil Service to execute the will of the Assembly.

The Commonwealth Navy

Born out of a desire to protect Idarast’s important trade routes, the Navy has remained an important force for centuries, though it has recently undergone major reforms and doctrinal shifts whose efficacy still needs to be tested. Primacy is given to lighter ships that can operate in independent task forces for prolonged periods, as the range required to cover the Commonwealth’s interests is ever growing. The Commonwealth Aether Marine Corp acts as the principal force projection and expeditionary force of the Assembled Commonwealth. In addition to providing security on warships, marines are expected to be deployed in a variety of operations and theatres, such as boarding operations, planetary invasions, peacekeeping, and disaster relief. The Marine Corps doctrinal focus is on rapid reaction utilizing highly trained and equipped light infantry.

The Barochenstein

The Barochenstein was a light cruiser of the defunct kanaka-class recorded as lost with all hands in the year 660 TSYAB. Recently several vessels and research stations have reported sightings of a so-called "Ghost Ship" bearing a striking resemblance to a kanaka-class warship.

The City-States

The city-states are the constituent entities of the Assembled Commonwealth. There are currently over a dozen city-states recognized by the Commonwealth, plus several prefectures composed by the voidborne communities that reside in the Baldr Belt. Each city-state is an autonomous entity with defined powers. While the Commonwealth has absolute jurisdiction over defense and foreign affairs, some other areas might be left completely or partially in the hands of the city-states, such as policing and security. People living on Idarast often have multiple citizenships: Commonwealth citizenship is granted by the central government, while regional citizenships are handled by local administrations. If someone is a citizen of a recognized city-states, they are automatically granted Commonwealth citizenship. As new territories and protectorates develop, they can petition the Assembly for full integration as prefectures or city-states. If approved, the newly inducted states complete the last phase of integration and become true members of the Commonwealth.

The Guilds

Companion Guilds and Charter Guilds are complex business networks of companies and individuals who work in the same trade, founded with the goal of furthering the interests of their members and guaranteeing them basic living standards in times of need. They are expected to aid the central government with foreign trade promotion, regional economic development, and vocational training. They operate under the scrutiny of the Cabinets, but are granted large autonomy.

Companion Guilds are usually formed by groups of like minded individuals and businesses. They are traditionally based around a particular industry and region. They provide a variety of benefits to their members but mostly they increase the lobbying power of those individuals with the Assembly and provide a way of pooling resources without integrating businesses. Certain Companion Guilds representing critical industries have been granted seats in the Assembly.

Charter Guilds are very similar to Companion Guilds, however Charter Guilds are built around a Commonwealth granted charter, these charters grant the holder a multitude of rights but mainly the permission to trade in certain resources, or locales. Charters are primarily focused on interstellar shipping and trading, though some terrestrial based charters have been granted on Idarast as well. The holders of these charters are known as Charter captains, by forming a charter guild individuals without a charter can act under a Charter captain and access the benefits granted by a charter. Some of the largest Charter Guilds have multiple Charter captains within their organisation. A Charter Captain receives a seat in the Assembly with some of the larger charter guilds being granted an additional seat. Charter Guilds are therefore some of the most influential organisations in the Assembled Commonwealth.

Organization of Transportation and Interstellar Infrastructure Guilds (OTIIG)

A cooperative organization of energy focused guilds whose focus is in creating and maintaining interstellar logistics and infrastructure within the Aether Reach.


The culture of the Commonwealth has always been a melting pot of different cultural practices and the popular culture found in the city-states and various population centres of Asta. Commonwealth culture is also hugely influenced by art, entertainment, fashion and stories imported from every corner of beacon space by the traders of the Commonwealth and those who come to Idarast to trade. These different cultural aspects have been adopted into a loosely unified culture, with a focus on integration and celebration of those differences.

Common good

This unified Commonwealth culture went through a rapid shift during and after the events of the Idari Crisis. Throughout Idarast and the citizens of the Commonwealth there has been an underlying effort to attempt to work towards an idea of a Common good. The philosophy of the Common good has even infiltrated the workings of the Assembly and the Aetharcy. The idea of the Common good was born from the struggles during the aftermath of the Atlas Event during the Idari Crisis, communities were required to sacrifice many of their comforts and their resources in order to ensure their survival. Merchants, miners, aristocrats, and workers banded together to see their communities safely through some of the darkest times.

Working towards the Common good has become a societal expectation in the Commonwealth, no government legislation has required its observance, though many policies have been influenced by its teachings. Those who are deemed to work against the common good or in favour of selfish aspirations with no desire to give back to the people have seen their social capital plummet. Within the communities of the Commonwealth are the tenets and teachings of the Common good best seen, neighbours gather to enjoy themselves in communal theatres and gatherings, philanthropic efforts by the wealthy are encouraged if not expected, all predicated on the idea that every citizen of the Commonwealth works towards the common goal of the betterment of society as a whole.

Part of the culture of the Commonwealth has always been a system of proteges and apprentices, wealthy and influential people sponsoring the education and business efforts of others in order to build networks. This has become even more widespread with the idea of the Common good, with some individuals sponsoring entire schools in their name. These traditional proteges and apprentices are usually found outside of the sponsor's family, it is seen as a way of building bonds outside of just family.

National Service

An extension of the system of apprentices and proteges has been the adoption of the National Service program. The Assembly decreed that every citizen of the Commonwealth at the age of eighteen will undertake two years of national service as part of their continued education. The Office of National Service contacts each citizen and offers them several placement options. These placements can be in a multitude of civil services, the military and even some private companies that have offered places. Many private companies compete to provide the most placements as a sign of their contribution to the Common good of the Commonwealth. Citizens can organise their own placements but these must be approved by the office as legitimate and serving the interests of the Commonwealth. Those who enter military service are offered extremely favourable loan terms upon completion of their service in order to take the examinations to obtain the licenses to work civilian vessels as officers, engineers and technicians. A majority of young people see the national service program as a way to gain valuable experience in a career or profession they desire to proceed with once their education is finished with.

Customs and traditions

There has always been a focus on trade and travel within the Commonwealth, customs of spacers have influenced the Commonwealth throughout its history. Many families have long lines of traders, sailors and explorers, many of which hold the belief that taking part in a “tour” of Beacon Space should be seen as a right of passage, whether as a crewmember on a trading ship, as a sailor in the navy or as the captain of their own ship many young people are sent on their way into the stars.

As part of the focus on trade there is an expectation that any transaction comes with the practice of haggling and negotiation. Many ordinary people will seek out the best prices and be willing to barter to obtain whatever it is they desire. The practice of oath taking is common in the Commonwealth and breaking an oath is a major taboo in polite society, same with contracts.

Art and Music

Popular art and music varies across the city-states, with many styles being brought to the planet by the settlers and immigrants that have journeyed to Idarast. There are many styles that have developed on the planet, often you can see the influence of two or more traditional styles.

A majority Idari culture revolves around communal performances, local artists performing music, reading parables and plays. Community dances are a popular weekend activity especially among younger people of Idarast.

Over the years an obvious Idari artistic culture has developed, this culture has seen many shifts over the years, the most drastic being after the events of the Idari Crisis. Those events have seen a shift away from the more formal and severe art of the pre-Assembly days into a more positive, hopeful and idealistic style. One of the biggest proponents of this more hopeful style has been the artists associated with the musical movement known as RadRock spearheaded by Sam Jones and the Iso Tones. This wildly popular group have rocketed to success, sparking a craze across Idarast and the Assembled Commonwealth.

The most recent development in the art world has been a wave of Impressionism and surrealism developing and becoming popular. This has occurred in large parts because of several wealthy guild members commissioning various pieces for public display. The practice of Art patrons commissioning pieces has become more and more popular, it has become a way for many wealthy patrons to emphasize their dedication to the Common Good.


A year in the Commonwealth calendar is based on the time it takes for Idarast to orbit Asta, it is similar in length to a standard year. Each year has 220 days split into twelve months of 18 or 19 days, with a leap day added every 7 years. An Idari day is based on the rotation of Idarast and lasts 40 hours.

Once the Assembly was founded it was decided to symbolise this rebirth of the Commonwealth by restarting the Commonwealth calendar. Each year is counted by how many years it has been since the establishment of the Assembly(AE). Years prior to the establishment of the Assembly are counted as Pre-Assembly (PA). It is also common for the regnal year of the Aetharch to be included when recording the date.

The current year is the 68th year of the Assembly (AE), 75th year in the reign of Aetharch Tyber I.


Saintism is an Idari religion that originated during the Idari Crisis and quickly became one of the major faiths of the planet, though by no means the largest. The religion has no central authority, with much of the clergy living in monasteries spread throughout Idarast away from the main settlements, but occasionally a council is called to make important decisions for the faith as a whole.

Saintism syncretizes elements of traditional Idari ancestor veneration with the worship of Pretech artifacts, and has as its core tenet the idea that by following the example of great people of the past (divided into Saints and Beati), individuals can reach their full potential and society can be restored to a greatness that Saintists believe is now lost. Other core elements are the perceived sanctity of work and the metaphysical importance given to Idarast itself. Saintism also preaches tolerance between different faiths, cultures, and species, believing that everyone has their own Saints and their own way of worshipping them, and that all must work together to restore Beacon Space to what it once was.


Faction Characters

  • Aetharch Tyber I
  • Aetharing Ceinwyn
  • Professor Ionathon Alexsandrov of the Aether institute (Member of the TTGI board)
  • Rep. Lange (Prominent Assembly member and leader of Anti-Ceinwyn coalition)
  • Rep. Alders (Prominent Assembly member)
  • Rep. Haden (Prominent Assembly member)
  • Master Vestri (Prominent Guild Representative)
  • Lina Lambert (head of the Lamber Consortium and holder of the Peleus Charter)
  • Charter Captain Davin (Prominent Charter Captain)
  • Admiral Irvine (First Space Lord)
  • Antiochus Thaksin Caraman (Prominent member of the Saintist movement)

Player Characters

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  • Characters

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