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Faction Turn 12

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Faction Turn 12
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This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 12. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 11.5 Turn:

  • None!

Turn Details

The following TTGI Overseers Board vote applied at the start of this turn.

TTGI VOTE RESULTS - Terra-forming Decision 3 The Telas TerraGroup Initiative considers funding increased exploration outside of the Center of the System. The TTGI allocates funding to remove the increased burden of exploration for a time period at the cost of slower terraforming progress.


  1. Remove FC penalty for moving into unexplored hexes for 2 Turns - 6
  2. Advance Terraforming Clock by 1 - 1
Abstain - 2
Turn Details for Faction Turn 12
Faction Turn Details
1 Children of the Vein Goal: Exploration
Income: 7 FC
Action: Exploration

Explore 1004 / System XXXIX / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1004 / System XXXIX / ??? to move to 0904 / System XXXIII / Planet AQ.
Gain 2 XP.

2 Ascent Goal: Seize Planet
Income: 5 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Seditionists on 1405 / ??? / ???. Trade-In Tripwire Cells. Cost 2 FC.
Activate Smugglers on 1405 / ??? / ??? to move themselves and Seditionists to 1304 / ??? / Planet Z. Gain 1 XP.

3 Starlit Court Goal: Exploration
Income: 4 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Smugglers on 0815 / 0815 / 0815 to move to 1016 / 1016 / 1016.
Explore 1702 / System LXXII / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet. Failure, succeed at cost.
Activate Smugglers on 1101 / System XLI / Point of Interest to move to 0900 / 0900 / 0900.
Quest: 'Ping!' with Smugglers on 0900 / 0900 / 0900. Spending 3 FC and taking d2 damage.
Gain 2 XP.

4 Amelhart Institute Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Activate Covert Shipping on ??? to move to 0515 / ??? / Ingirid to move to 0315 / System XVIII / Planet AK.
Seize 0315 / System XVIII / Planet AK with Commodities Broker.

5 Assembled Commonwealth LEVEL UP: Force increases to 6.
Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Pretech Logistics on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to build an Extended Theatre Asset. Cost 15 FC.
Activate Extended Theatre on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move Extended Theatre on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti.
Activate Commodities Brokers on ???, ???, ???.
Activate Harvester on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos. No FC gain.
Quest: Pretech Logistics supports the Royalists. Takes d2 damage.

6 Tahora Whai Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Seize 0408 / ??? / Planet AN with Strike Fleet.
Attack Starlit Court on 0909 / Center / Telas with Blockade Fleet. Special Attack.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0212 / ??? / ??? to move to 0012 / System III / Point of Interest.
Excavate Ruin on 0408 / ??? / Planet AN. Failure.
Create Constellation: Update 'Kikorangi o te Tahora Whai' to include 0211, 0111, 0012.
Revise Charts on 0408 / ??? / Planet AN to establish a Research Base. Success.

7 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 5 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Expand Influence on 1206 / System XLV / Planet K for 1 HP Base of Influence.

8 Larkspur Combine Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Strike Fleet on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos for 6 FC using 7 FC discount from TTGI.

9 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Exploration
Income: 5 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Strike Fleet on 1614 / ??? / ??? to move to 1715 / ??? / Point of Interest.
Explore 1715 / ??? / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet. Failure, succeed at cost.
Gain 2 XP.

End of Turn Updates

Telas Clocks

Terraforming Clock Status: 7/12. CLOCK STOPPED.

Ruin Clocks

Planet AN: 0/8

Telas TerraGroup Initiative Overseers Board Vote

TTGI Overseers Board Turn 12 Vote: Terraforming Decision IV The Telas TerraGroup Initiative needs its overseers to make a final selection to influence the final outcome of the planet. Simple Majority Support will win the additional planet tag. In the event of a tie the proposal returns for a future chair to propose. If no tag is chosen before the planet is terraformed then the additional tag is not earned. The overseers board is given the final decision by Management to assign how the ending of terraforming resources are allocated to change the perception of the planet.


  1. Seagoing Cities
  2. Trade Hub

Mechanical Revisions

Children of the Vein Quest

A Children of the Vein Quest has been announced.

Faction Turn

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