This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 34. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Faction Turn 34
Resulting Lore Announcements Beacon Space Tonight 34
Beacon Space Map Faction Turn Map
Beacon Space Spreadsheet Faction Turn Spreadsheet
Faction Turn 33 Faction Turn 35

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 33.5 Turn:

  • Ascent sent 2 FC to Children of the Vein
  • Children of the Vein sent 4 FC to Starlit Court
  • Tahora Whai sent 1 FC to Amelhart Institute
  • Ascent sent 2 FC to Assembled Commonwealth
  • Tahora Whai sent 2 FC to Assembled Commonwealth
  • Concord of Mutual Disdain sent 1 FC to Starlit Court
  • Assembled Commonwealth transferred a Distorted Lense asset on 0408 / Kuafu / Langgan to Ascent
  • Ascent sent 2 FC to Aguamala Syndicate

Turn Details

Turn Details for Faction Turn 34
Faction Turn Details
1 Ascent LEVEL UP: Increase Force to 3.
Goal: Root out the Enemy (Tahora Whai, Telas)
Income: 6 FC
Action: Attack

Activate Smugglers on 0301 / System XIII / Planet DD to move itself and Seditionists to 0203 / System IX / Point of Interest.
Activate Smugglers on 1018 / System XL / Point of Interest to move to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Attack Valkaii Factions on 1304 / System L / Valkaii with Treachery targeting the Pretech Manufactory.


Attack Tahora Whai on 0909 / Center / Telas with Smugglers.


Establish an Outpost on Mortiferum Mori.


Quest Roll


Gain 3 XP.

2 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Scout a System
Income: 5 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Activate 0909 / Center / Telas Ruin (via Council Membership) to repair Zealots.
Activate 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso Planetary Tag to repair Strike Fleets.
Quest: Establish Sighting Outpost in 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso.


Quest: Establish Sighting Outpost in 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cauahtemoc.


Revise Charts on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S to reveal Moons.


Unveil Ruins on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S.


Seize 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S with Strike Fleet.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0811 to move to 1010.
Activate Strike FLeet on 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Kalypso to 1406 / System LVII / Planet P.
Gain 1 XP.

3 Telas Council Income: 0 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Party Machine on 0909 / Center / Telas.

4 Starlit Court Goal: Exporation
Income: 8 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Strike Fleet on 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move to 1609 / Grail System / Grail World.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0909 / Center / Telas to move to 1609 / Grail System / Grail World.
Activate Smuggler on 1609 / Grail System / Grail World to move to 1502 / System LXIII / Planet CX.
Explore 1808.


Gain 2 XP.

5 Children of the Vein Goal: ABANDON GOAL
Income: 0 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Activate Smugglers to move itself and Seditionists from 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move to 1103 / System XLII / Planet CB.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0613 to move to 0414.
Activate Extended Theatre on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move Pretech Infantry from 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Covert Shipping on 0711 / Bazar / Longza to move Commodities Broker from 0909 / Center / Telas to move to 0315 / Aedia / Morrow.
Seize Planet 0315 / Aedia / Morrow with Commodities Broker.

OPPOSED BY Amelhart Institute.

Seize Planet 1103 / System XLII / Planet CB with Smugglers.
Attack Amelhart Institute on 0315 / Aedia / Morrow with Commodities Broker.


Form Constellation Silva Obscura with Hexes 0807, 0904, 0905, 0906, 0907, 1005, 1008, 1103, 1104, 1203.
Revise Charts on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to form a Moon Base.

6 Tahora Whai Goal: Scout a System
Income: 16 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Seize 0012 / System III / Planet BQ with Surveyors.
Activate Covert Shipping on 0609 / Teuthem / Dynae to move Distorted Lense from 0310 / Electrum / Penningar to 0408 / Kuafu / Langgan.
Activate Strike Fleet to move from ?? to 0107 / System V / Planet CS.
Activate Strike Fleet to move from ?? to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate 0909 / Center / Telas Ruin (via Council Membership) to repair Strike Fleet.
Revise Charts: Refueling Station on 0107 / System V / Planet CS.
Gain 1 XP.

7 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: Scout a System
Income: 5 FC
Action: Sell Asset

Activate Anchorage Station on 14030/ System LV / Planet AD to move to 1304 / System L / Valkaii.
Revise Charts: Refueling Station on 1213 / Vaddonia / Koritas.


Sell Surveyors asset.
Gain 1 XP.

8 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Postech Industry on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos, 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus, 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Party Machine (x2) on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1410 / Valtamvirta / Jääaika to move to 1609 / Grail System / Grail World.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 1001 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move to 0911 / Asta / Idarast.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet R to move to 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S.
Activate Extended Theatre on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move itself to 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros.
Revise Charts: Research Station for 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S.


Unveil the Ruin on 1505 / System LXIV / Planet S.


Finish Quest 'Reveal a Scout' by removing Stealth from Strike Fleet on 1609 / Grail System / Grail World.
A Party Machine on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos supports the Loyalists.
Gain 2 XP.

9 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 8 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Expand Influence on 1517 / System LXVII / Planet BK with Strike Fleet to build a 1 HP Base of Influence.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 1304 / System L / Valkaii to move to 1609 / Grail System / Grail World.
Revise Charts: Modification Points on 1418 / Vendi-i-keq / Tātō to change Temperatute to Temperate.

Success 2 Modification Points.

Gain 1 XP.

10 Amelhart Institute Goal: Blood the Enemy
Income: 6 FC
Action: Attack

Attack Children of the Vein on 0909 / Center / Telas with Demagogue.

Defended by Ascent Book of Secrets.
SUCCESS, 9 damage.

AI Research.

11 Valkaii Factions Repair.
12 Megafauna No Fauna Created.

End of Turn Updates

Planet Z aka Valkaii

Doom: 8/12 | Evacuations: 5/5 | Government: 0/10 | Resistance Groups: 4/10

0408 / Kuafu / Langgan Ruin

  • Telas Council receives a Distorted Lense asset on 0408 / Langgan / Kuafu


Clock 9/12

Faction Turn

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