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From Beacon Space
Government Tahora Whai
System 0408/Kuafu
Tech Level TL3
Population Millions
Atmosphere Airless or Thin
Biosphere Hybrid
Temperature Temperate
Planet Tag 1 Rigid Culture
Planet Tag 2 Immortals

The jade world of immortals, Langgan (/lɑŋ³⁵ kän⁵⁵/)--also known as lánggān, Long gon, or Lòhng gōn--is a inhabited planet in the 0408/Kuafu system in Sector West. Tahora Whai are the active custodians of this world and are exploring an Bleed related oddity in it's oribt. For a short time the world was known as Planet AN.

Langgan was originally a satellite colony of the much bigger planet Rosebud. Early understanding was that few resources could be extracted from this world. The founding populace was constituted predominantly of scientific researchers and monastic orders. The insular nature of Langganites gradually made them a forgotten neighbor.


Langgan is characterized primarily by its thin atmosphere that hangs low on the planet’s surface. This gossamer blanket of breathable air is a poor insulator and results in strong temperature swings between day and night. Only in coastal regions, or near other large bodies of water, is the temperature fluctuation normalized.

Inland and at altitude, the air is devoid of moisture and too thin for life. High deserts and barren alpine zones are baked with scorching noon rays and likewise frozen by overnight shadows. Most vegetation can be found in coastal mangrove swamps, grassy lowland steppes, and underwater kelp forests.

Population centers tend to stick to the verdant coastal regions. Here the folk of Langgan live in low-density housing blocks among the forests. Cultivation of the trees and kelp gardens that generate oxygen and thus breathable air is a dire requirement of locals; without this resource human life would be impossible.



Little archeological evidence points to any sapient life on this planet prior to the arrival of humans in the Kuafu system. A few rock formations and idiosyncratic terrain are popularly prescribed to a mythologized precursor peoples. These ancient aliens are suspected to have terraformed the land and planted the lazarus-like Tree of Life.

Human Settlement

Langgan was discovered by humans 646 years ago by the Meigui Mandate. Seen as resource poor and requiring too much development, settlement of the jade planet was not encouraged. A handful of scientific and religious academies planted roots on the quiet world, despite the directions of the Mandate. The forgotten sibling to the vibrant and bustling planet of Rosebud, Langgan developed as a contemplative site of learning and self-reflection. For many the rudimentary technology and slow-paced lives of Langgan evoke an idealized sense of 'the simple life. Monks, hermits, loners, and various sorts of quiet folk set up lives here.

Discovery of the Elixir

After the disruption of the gates during the dark ages of The Glitch, memory of the planet of Langgan faded, even to the neighboring planet of Rosebud. It suited the folk of Langgan just fine: no one bothered them and that was exactly how they liked it. Local study flourished in this time of rumination. It was then that a treatment was found to counteract the effects of aging.

A team of botanists came across a rare species of tree native to the world with seemingly impossible qualities. Nicknamed the Tree of Life, the plant’s sap was observed to not simply form healing scabs on its surface, but rejuvenated other species of plants. Distilling this sap, the scientists contrived a life-extending tonic.

Finding this treatment caused the already insular locals to further isolate themselves, lest their neighbors disrupt their cherished quiet life. The esoteric rituals redoubled the secrecy around the elixir. Rigorous social codes and practices protected the recipe and the plants. In time, the elixir was perfected and seemingly enhanced by these elaborate rituals. Trials of testing, The Gauntlet, served as a coming of age ceremony and the beginning of a new stage of life for Langganites.

News from Rosebud across the system further drove isolationist policies. Extensive and unchecked mining and industrialization on the neighboring world triggered a climactic collapse and destabilization of civilization. Travel to Langgan, already limited to preserve the paper-thin atmosphere, was cut off completely.

The Gauntlet

When Langganites reach maturity, they are invited to partake in a demanding series of trials. The practice is guarded closely and few, if any, outside of the planet know of these trails.

Across the planet, in various cliques and cabals, the gauntlet may manifest in different ways. However, three stages are universally present. Discovery, Triumph, and Acceptance. Upon completion of all three trials, the initiates partake of the elixir and reenter common society renewed, enlightened, and matured.


Initiates are challenged to venture beyond their comforts and traverse the planet in search of a truth hidden from them. Outside the verdant canopies and conditioned spaces, Langgan’s surface is a cold and airless expanse that threatens them. This stage is often framed as a pilgrimage that requires strong personal will and the camaraderie of fellow initiates. Both teamwork and fortitude are necessary to reach their destination; a sacred grove of the Tree of Life.


Upon discovery of the Tree of Life, the physical trials begin. Initiates are vetted on their personally perceived physical ability. They are then tasked with superseding this standard through studying anatomy, training, and introspection. Triumph is achieved by holistic understanding of the power and grace they possess. Limits that Initiates had artificially placed on themselves are torn down.

Initiates who enter this trial strong and confident are given no advantage over others, the trial of Triumph is designed to challenge all initiates equally regardless of their physiques and physical aptitudes.


The third and final trial is perhaps the hardest. Where the first two stages frame personal growth through externalized and physical measures, the stage of Acceptance interrogates Initiates with existential and personal questions. This trial challenges the Initiate with the consequences of taking the elixir and delves into how they will respond. Part therapy, part spiritual quest, they are invited to willfully and knowingly accept the repercussions.

Phenomena Associated with the Elixir

Bleed sensitive individuals often felt more significant effects from ingesting the tonic, although no outside observers have confirmed these theories.

As with other life-extending therapies, it is unknown if the elixir grants true immortality. It likewise certainly does not confer invulnerability.

Langganites are risk averse and cautious; they have been bestowed a gift of long life, perhaps even immortality, by the elixir and are loath to throw it away. Dangerous circumstances are mitigated with heavy regulation and an apprehensive, yet curious, attitude with the unknown.

Whai Presence

647 years after initial discovery, the Tahora Whai re-discovered Kuafu system in their exploration efforts into sector west.

A curious space station found hidden in a gravitational anomaly drew the Whai to Langgan specifically. This ruin began an extensive archeological campaign in orbit of the planet. The research base of Relic’s Harbor served as the Whai’s forward headquarters as they observed the station and Kuafu system generally.

While the crew of The Rānzo led by Alhaji and Beamish investigated the dangerous anomaly, Whai fleets made contact with the surface population. Witnessing a parallel form of transcendence, the Whai diplomats approached the Langgaites with respect and sympathy. With guarantees of protection and local autonomy, the Whai established a custodial position over the planet. They promised to guard the local’s secrets and ask for no favors or repayment.

The protection of the population continues with the protection of the delicate atmosphere of Langgan. Whai vessels in orbit help enforce the restricted access to the planet to limit unnecessary deterioration of the fragile ecology. The Tahora Whai doubled down on these efforts with an atmospheric regulator station on the surface. The station is based on Dynaean atmospheric filtration systems, and synthesizes breathable air in a local area or enclosed space. It also is nominally a retreat for Whai who wish to escape the hustle and bustle of the Erinaa (the cybernetic song of the Whai) and enjoy a more simple life of quiet contemplation and introspection not found in the still and lonely void.

Relic’s Harbor

A Whai research base established in orbit of the planet dedicated to the discovery of the hidden orbital ruin.

A great number of folk have come to the Kuafu system and the premiere research base of Relic’s Harbor to marvel at the lost Mamitu Academy Station, now known as The Manitou Bleed Temple. With travel to the planet Langgan below remaining restricted to protect its delicate surface ecosystems, Relic’s Harbor has grown to meet the demands of the newcomers. The modest station has undergone transformational expansions and restructuring to accommodate the increased traffic and population. New habitation levels, docking ports, and expanded utility systems have been bolted onto the original structure.

Representatives from various sector powers are uncommon in the Rangi, but here on Relic’s Harbor the mysterious and powerful creatures of the Temple have drawn the sector’s eye.

Manitou Bleed Temple

The planetary ruin in orbit over the planet hidden within a bleed-related gravity anomaly. And powerful bio-lab which produces powerful warriors.

An exploratory team by the crew of the Whai ship The Rānzo uncovered the lost station and its secrets.

SWN World Tags

Rigid Culture

The local culture is extremely rigid. Certain forms of behavior and belief are absolutely mandated, and any deviation from these principles is punished, or else society may be strongly stratified by birth with limited prospects for change. Anything which threatens the existing social order is feared and shunned.


  • Rigid reactionary
  • Wary ruler
  • Regime ideologue
  • Offended potentate


  • Revolutionary agitator
  • Ambitious peasant
  • Frustrated merchant


  • The cultural patterns are enforced by technological aids
  • The culture is run by a secret cabal of manipulators
  • The culture has explicit religious sanction
  • The culture evolved due to important necessities that have since been forgotten


  • Precious traditional regalia
  • Peasant tribute
  • Opulent treasures of the ruling class


  • Time-worn palace
  • Low-caste slums
  • Bandit den
  • Reformist temple


Natives of this world are effectively immortal. They may have been gengineered for tremendous lifespans, or have found some local anagathic, or be cyborg life forms, or be so totally convinced of reincarnation that death is a cultural irrelevance. Any immortality technique is likely applicable only to them, or else it’s apt to be a massive draw to outside imperialists.


  • Outsider determined to steal immortality
  • Smug local convinced of their immortal wisdom to rule all
  • Offworlder seeking the world’s ruin before it becomes a threat to all


  • Curious longevity researcher
  • Thrill-seeking local


  • Immortality requires doing something that outsiders can’t or won’t willingly do
  • The immortality ends if they leave the world
  • Death is the punishment for even minor crimes
  • Immortals must die or go offworld after a certain span
  • Immortality has brutal side-effects


  • Immortality drug
  • Masterwork of an ageless artisan
  • Toxin that only affects immortals


  • Community with no visible children
  • Unchanging structure of obvious ancient age
  • Cultural performance relying on a century of in-jokes
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