This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 26. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Faction Turn 26
Resulting Lore Announcements Beacon Space Tonight 26
Beacon Space Map Faction Turn Map
Beacon Space Spreadsheet Faction Turn Spreadsheet
Faction Turn 25 Faction Turn 27

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 25.5 Turn:

  • Tahora Whai sent 1 FC to Aguamala Syndicate
  • Tahora Whai sent 5 FC to Starlit Court

Turn Details

Turn Details for Faction Turn 26
Faction Turn Details
1 Starlit Court Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 5 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Activate Strike Fleet on 0909 / Center / Telas to move to 0809 / Cacho / Dachia.
Expand Influence on 0809 / Cacho / Dachia with Strike Fleet to build a 1 HP Base of Influence.
Gain 1 XP.

2 Tahora Whai Goal: Blood the Enemy (0/13)
Income: 11 FC
Action: Seize Planet

INVALID. Seize ??? / ??? / Planet BQ with Base of Influence.
Attack Aguamala Syndicate on 0811 / 0811 / 0811 with Strike Fleet.

Defended by Strike Fleet [Etheris Squadron]. Attackers win, 10 Damage.

Attack Aguamala Syndicate on 0909 / Center / Telas with Strike Fleet.

Defended by Strike Fleet [The Rites of Spring]. Defenders win, 5 Counter Damage.

Activate Strike Fleet [The Black Ghorab] on ??? / ??? / ??? to move to 0809 / Cacho / Dachia.
Revise Charts on 0510 / Gateway / Saarinen to change the Biosphere to Engineered.
Lure the Whale. Success.

3 Children of the Vein Goal: Blood the Enemy (Ongoing)
Income: 10 FC
Action: Attack

Activate Extended Theatre on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to move Gravtank Formation from 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus to move to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Activate Telas Planetary Tag to Heal Bank 1 HP.
Attack Amelhart Institute on 0909 / Center / Telas with Gravtank Formation.

Defended by Counter Intelligence Unit. Attackers Win, 13 Damage.

Attack Amelhart Insitute on 0909 / Center / Telas with Pretech Infantry.

Defended by Demagogue. Defenders Win, 5 Counter Damage.

Attack Amelhart Insitute on 0909 / Center / Telas with Strike Fleet.

Defended by Demagogue. Attackers Win, 10 Damage.
4 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Seize Planet
Income: 6 FC
Action: Seize Planet

Activate Strike Fleet on 1718 / ??? / ??? to move to 1818 / ??? / Planet BT.
Seize 1818 / ??? / Planet BT with Strike Fleet.
Revise Charts on 1410 / Valtamvirta / Jääaika to raise Tech Level to 3.
Gain 1 XP.

5 Ascent Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Book of Secrets on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros.
Excavate Ruins on 0400 / System XX / Planet CU.

6 Amelhart Institute Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Commodities Broker on 0114 / System LXXX / Planet BX, 0215 / System XII / Planet CO, 0414 / 0414 / Ingirid, 1007 / 1007 / Sihi.
Activate Ingirid to move from 0414 to 0415.
Activate Covery Shipping on ??? / ??? / ??? to move Commodities Broker from 0415 / System XXIV / Ingirid to 0909 / Center / Telas.

7 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 6 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Buy Party Machine on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move to 0911 / Asta / Idarast.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0911 / Asta/ Idarast to move to Mankira Niti.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus to move to 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros.
Gain 2 XP.

8 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: N/A
Income: 5 FC
Action: Refit Asset

Buy Gravtank Formation on 0810 / Ledro / Magalca. Trade-In: Postech Infantry.
Revise Charts on 1213 / Vaddonia / Koritas to modify the Population to Outpost.

9 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Blood the Enemy
Income: 5 FC
Action: Attack

Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0811 / 0811 / 0811 to move to 0809 / Cacho / Dachia.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0909 / Center / Telas to move to 0809 / Cacho / Dachia.
Attack White Whale on 0809 / Cacho / Dachia with Strike Fleet (x3).

Attacker uses Warlike. Defended by Starlit Court Strike Fleet. Attackers win, 6 Damage.
Defended by Tahora Whai Strike Fleet. Defenders win, 4 Counter Damage.
Defended by Tahora Whai Distorted Lense. Defenders win, 4 Counter Damage.
10 White Whale Action: Roll a d20. If the value is below its current HP, fight back. Otherwise, flee.

Advantage granted from the successful lure. 2d20k1 = ?. Move to 0609 / Thuethem / Dynae.

End of Turn Updates

Ruin Clocks

0400 / System XX / Planet CU: ?/8

0408 / Kuafu / Langgan Ruin

??? received the free Distorted Lens asset.

Council Creation (Telas Council)

The Telas Council has been created with the founding members Ascent and Children of the Vein.

Mechanical Revisions

Anchorage Assemblers (Tag Clarification)

This faction can support one Anchorage Station asset without paying the upkeep cost nor having the tier or tech level requirement. Anchorage Station assets can buy or refit up-to TL4 Force assets instead of TL2. Additionally, the anchorage can move 3 hexes rather than 2 for an extra 1 FC.

This clarifies the TL upgrade is for both refit and buy action, which is implied but not explicit.

GM Fiat, Asteroid Belt

An Asteroid Belt & Base is placed in the 1410 / Valtamvirta system.

White Whale Quest

Centralized Rules for the White Whale Quest, formally combining the Tahora Whai Quest and Aguamala Syndicate Quest were announced.

Faction Turn

Faction Turns
Faction Turn Lore
Faction Turn Resources