Faction Turn 35

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This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 35. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Faction Turn 35
Resulting Lore Announcements Beacon Space Tonight 35
Beacon Space Map Faction Turn Map
Beacon Space Spreadsheet Faction Turn Spreadsheet
Faction Turn 34

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 34.5 Turn:

  • The Bank sent 9 FC to the Amelhart Institute
  • Amelhart Institute sent 5 FC to the Assembled Commonwealth
  • Starlit Court sent 3 FC to the Bank
  • Tahora Whai sent 12 FC to the Concord of Mutual Disdain
  • Children of the Vein sent 3 FC to the Starlit Court
  • Ascent sent 2 FC to the Larkspur Combine
  • Concord of Mutual Disdain sent 4 FC to Ascent
  • Concord of Mutual Disdain sent 6 FC to the Bank
  • Assembled Commonwealth sent 14 FC to the Bank via 28 FC worth of Commodities Broker discounts
  • Starlit Court sent 9 FC to the Aguamala Syndicate
  • Tahora Whai sent 3 FC to the Telas Council
  • Telas Council transferred a Distorted Lense asset on Langgan to Tahora Whai
  • Children of the Vein transferred a Covert Shipping asset on Longza to Ascent
  • Amelhart Institute sent 2 FC to Tahora Whai
  • Tahora Whai sent 5 FC to the Bank
  • Tahora Whai transferred a Distorted Lense on Langgan to Amelhart Insitute
  • Ascent received 2 FC from the Bank as reimbursement for Freighter Contract activations
  • Assembled Commonwealth received 1 FC from the Bank as reimbursement for Freighter Contract activations

Turn Details

Turn Details for Faction Turn 35
Faction Turn Details
1 Tahora Whai Goal: Exploration
Income: 18 FC
Action: Exploration

Revise Charts: ?? / ?? / Penningar to improve TL to 4. DC 11 vs d10+7
Move Strike Fleet The Black Ghorāb to Saarinen
Move Strike Fleet Kahupapa Rēmana to 0105 / ?? / PoI IV
Explore PoI IV, succeed at cost. (d10+6 vs DC10)
Activate Anchorage Station with 'Adapt Link' to give the Strike Fleet Stealth
Move Anchorage with Postech Infantry to Dynae
Activate Telas Ruin Ability to heal Strike Fleet for 1 HP.
Support Expansionsts party for TTGI elections (d10+CEIL(AVG(13) vs DC 9)
Gain 2 XP.

2 Amelhart Institute Goal: Blood the Enemy
Income: 6 FC
Action: Buy Planet

Buy a Party Machine on 0415 / System XXIV / Ingirid. Trade-In Covert Shipping
AI Research d6 + 4fc with <Commodities Broker> on 1207 / Buena / Sihi
Gain 1 XP.

3 Starlit Court Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 8 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Move Strike Fleet on Grail World to 1703 / System LXXIII / Planet W
Move Strike Fleet on Grail World to 1701 / System LXXI / Planet BC
Expand Influence on Planet BC for 1 FC
Expand Influence on Planet CX for 1 FC
Expand Influence on Planet DE for 1 FC
Establish Constellation 'NAME' with hexes 1609 1708 1808 1707 1706 1705 1704 1703 1604 1702 1701 1700 1600 1500 1501 1502.
Gain 1 XP

4 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 5 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Use Anchorage Station on **1304 / System L / Valkaii** to move it and Grav Tank to **1609 / Grail System / Grail World** (1 + ceil(1/2) = -2FC).
Revise Charts, Modify population on **1312 / Astynar / Plaent O** (d10+6+2, DC11), using +2 bonus from succeeding in taking the 'Help Valkaii' action. Going from Outposts to Millions on success.
Expand Influence for 1FC on **1609 / Grail System / Grail World**
Political Block Influence (d10+5 vs DC11), **increasing** the Sovereignty Block on success.
Gain 1 XP

5 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Expand Influence
Income: 5 FC
Action: Expand Influence

Activate Telas Ruin ability to give 1HP to Zealots (1/4) on Telas
Establish a Sighting Outposts DC9 - establish a sightings outpost on 1307/Quetzalcoatl, 1d10+6 vs DC 9
Establish a Sightings Outpost DC14 - if previous attempt failed, establish a sightings outpost on 1307/Quetzalcoatl, otherwise establish a sightings outpost on 1208/Gome, 1d10+6 vs DC 14
Revise charts on 1505/System LXIV/Planet S to create a moon base, 1d10+6 vs DC10, on a success, create a moon base on Moon 5
Ruin Excavation on 1505/System LXIV/Planet S, 1d10+3FC
Political block influence, reduce influence of expansionary group, 1d10+4 vs DC 9, -1 influence to Expansionary group on success
Expand Influence for 1 FC on Planet S.
Gain 1 XP.

6 Children of the Vein Goal: Planetary Seizure
Income: 7 FC
Action: Seize Planet (Forced)

FREE ACTION MOVE [Strike Fleet] ON [0414 / 0414 / 0414] TO [0315 / Aedia / Morrow], -1FC
FREE ACTION ACTIVATE [Extended Theater] ON [0810 / Ledro / Magalca], MOVE [Pretech Infantry] ON [0810 / Ledro / Magalca] TO [0909 / Center / Telas], -1FC
SEIZE PLANET: 0315 / Aedia / Morrow
ATTACK TARGET (SEIZE): Amelhart Institute
FREE ACTION HEAL Pretech Infantry, 6HP ON 0909 / Center / Telas, USING Telas Council EFFECT, +1HP
Goal: +6 XP

7 Concord of Mutual Disdain LEVEL UP: Increase Cunning to 4.
Goal: Planetary Seizure
Income: 8 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Move Strike Fleets (x2) from Grail World to Jaaaika
Move Strike Fleet from 1517 to 1318
Buy Monopoly on Kardakouk. Trade-In Posttech Industry
Revise Charts: Increase population of Tato from uncolonized to Outpost
Support Functionary council faction
Gain 1 XP.

8 Telas Council Income: 0 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

ACTIVATE [Venture Capital] ON [0909 / Center / Telas]
ACTIVATE [Postech Industry] ON [0909 / Center / Telas]
ACTIVATE [Postech Industry] ON [0909 / Center / Telas]
ACTIVATE [Harvesters] ON [0909 / Center / Telas]
ACTIVATE [Party Machine] ON [0909 / Center / Telas]

9 Ascent Goal: N/A
Income: 7 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate the Freighter Contract on 1304 Valkaii to move the Freighter Contract and Pretech Manufactory to 1505 Planet S.
Activate the Pretech Manufactory
Using Mercenary Group Faction Tag, move the Distorted Lense #1 on 0408 Langgan to 1408 Rosebud.
Using Mercenary Group Faction Tag, move the Distorted Lense #2 and #3 on 0408 Langgan to 0909 Telas.
Activate Smugglers on 0909 Telas for 1 FC to move the Smugglers asset and Distorted Lense #3 to 1004 Planet AT.
Activate Smugglers on 0203 Point of Interest IX for 1 FC to move the Smugglers asset and Seditionists to 0504 Point of Interest XXII.
Ruin Excavation on 1505 Planet S.
Revise Charts: Discover Asteroid Belt | Hex 1505 | Planet S | Roll D10 vs. DC 8
Establish an Outpost - Quest Action

Location: Telas Roll d10+4(Spend 4 FC) vs DC 8 (Reroll the d10 if the roll is a failure and the Book of Secrets reroll is still available)

Quest Roll: Roll d10+I*2+FC vs. DC17 (No FC Spend)
Political Block Influence -- Reduce Functionary (D10+4 vs. DC 8)

10 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Posttech Industry on 1008/Mos
Activate Posttech Industry on 0807/Helocytus
Activate Posttech Industry on 0909/Telas
Activate Party Machine x2 on 1008/Mos
For 0FC attempt to construct a research base on Planet S
The Strike Fleet on 1505/Planet S attempts 1d10+3FC
Activate 2x Strike fleets for 2FC to move from 0911/Idarast to 1011/ Mankira Niti (IET 2/4)
Activate Extended Theatre located on 1008/Ikaros for 1FC to move the Planetary Defenses on 1008/Gograpatk to 0909/Telas (IET 3/4)
Activate Strike fleet for 1 FC to move from 1505/Planet S to 1405/Mortiferum Mori (IET 4/4)
The Larkspur Combine Attempts to Sway favor to the expansion faction on Telas via stats
Gain 2 XP.

11 Valkaii Factions Repair.

Clocks Checked!

12 Megafauna No Fauna Created.

End of Turn Updates

Planet Z aka Valkaii

Doom: 9/12 | Evacuations: 5/5 | Government: 0/10 | Resistance Groups: 4/10

0408 / Kuafu / Langgan Ruin

  • Larkspur Combine received a Distorted Lense asset on 0408 / Langgan / Kuafu


Clock 10/12

Jailors Discovery (New Quest!)

When announced, a single hex 1411 was selected within the established borders of the Zoanthi Chain (Turn 35 borders) to gain a Black Hole. No black holes can form in the hexes bordering this one.

Phase 1: Discovery

The discovery of a Jailor Black Site on Planet CG has spurred debate and action within Concord society. An escape shuttle was seen launching from Planet CG and heading to Hex 1411 / 1411 / 1411. When this shuttle approached the black hole, it just disappeared. We must prevent this probe from its mission, or the Jailors might return.

To complete the discovery Phase, Concord must sense three Black Holes successfully. Over the timeline of this quest, the rate of Black Hole creation increases to 1-10, and 90-100 on the d100 roll for black holes. Black Hole Sensing (Free Action) Have an asset co-located with a Black Hole, roll a d10+OR(CON, FC+D) against DC12 where OR indicates picking either the constellation bonus (including Foreign constellations with permission of the Constellation Owner) or a bonus from spending up to 5 FC and via taking d2 (+1), d4 (+2), or d6 (+3) of damage. This action may be taken multiple times per turn until success is achieved, with the DC increasing by 2 for each subsequent attempt. All options to increase the roll bonus (constellation, FC, Damage) are available on the third attempt or more. On a success, add a ‘Black Hole Observation Post’ to the Sector Map.

Phase 2: Removal

Upon discovering a ruined Jailor Spaceship now accessible via Beacon Space transit, the Concord sets out on a Path to destroy this vessel at all costs.

The Jailors assets roll at a +5 regardless of the stat used and will be controlled by the GM/Mod Team, who will write a slate for them in a quasi-optimal manner. The Jailor's priorities for Attacks will be to remove Concord assets and Bases of Influence. Should other Factions engage, specific assets or regions may be classified as ‘priority targets.’ The Jailor Faction will function with ‘infinite’ money, taking actions to resolve economic attacks from, e.g. marketers on the following turn. The Jailor Faction will have the Faction Tags “Ancient Technical Expertise” and “Reactive Armor”.

‘Jailors’ receives a Capital Fleet asset (located on the map within the square of 0909 -> 1809 -> 1818 -> 0918 -> 0909) at 25/30 HP with the Armored Status and a Strike Fleet with d2 starting damage and ‘Armored’. One Armageddon Mech spawns anywhere in the sector (random 2d19). Every other turn, if the Capital Fleet is still alive, a new strike fleet spawns within the Jailor Square.


Once the Capital Fleet is destroyed, additional assets are no longer able to take the ‘Repair’ action and will solely attack, aiming to cause as much destruction to anyone as possible. Additionally, Concord receives a new tag (TBD) and a 10 FC discount on the next TL5 asset purchased via reprocessing Jailor technology, for all other Factions receive 2 FC for each increment of damage dealt or received equivalent to the average of their Stat line. (e.g. For a stat line of 6, 4, 3 = CEIL(AVG((13/3))) = 5 damage dealt or received (combined) earns 2 FC)

‘White Sand Beaches Initiative’ (WaSaBI)

The beaches of Telas are extraordinarily beautiful, ecologically diverse, infrastructure barren places. Some development could be enough to inspire more visitors from across the Sector. Maybe the actions taken here will be a model for other improvements across the Sector?

Primary Motion

The WaSaBI proposal seeks to establish local investments, of a yet to be determined amount, to build-up several beach resorts on the world of Telas. Such establishments will certainly bring increased travel to the Telas system furthering the expected tax revenue from the planet.

Addendum 1

This proposal lacks one key element of success, any investment plan to improve the tourism efforts should be matched with investments into security. As such, this amendment modifies the funding distribution to be split to include a distribution towards security, with a primary focus on lower smuggling potential onto the Planet.

Addendum 2

Why should this body purely support the improvement of Telas when many other destination worlds exist in our Sector? Including, but not limited to, the allure of Gome, the pull of Grail’s Spaceyard or even the vacation destination of Szalamandra on Kardakouk? If adopted this amendment modifies the funding distribution to split all fund categories between various planets, to be selected at a later date.

Voting Details

This vote consists of a primary motion and two supplemental addendums. All three of these are independent votes for Factions to vote on. The primary motion must pass for addendums to also apply, however Factions will not official know the results of addendums until the stream where all votes will be counted. When submitting slates for the upcoming turn please include a “yay, nay” for the primary motion and each addendum. The outcome of the pass/reject applies in two ways (1) an immediate impact on support / opposition for specific blocks. (Note that which block made the primary or addendum proposals is not explicitly known you'll need to make a best guess from the written text) and (2) a post-election consideration of the motion if passed for the Telas Council.

Faction Turn

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