Faction Turn 20

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Faction Turn 20
Resulting Lore Announcements Beacon Space Tonight 20
Beacon Space Map Faction Turn Map
Beacon Space Spreadsheet Faction Turn Spreadsheet
Faction Turn 19 Faction Turn 21

This page details the Actions and Announcements for Faction Turn 20. In addition, links to relevant lore write-ups and documentation are provided where appropriate. Be aware that links to live spreadsheets and the map reference the latest version of events and may not reflect the board's status at the time of this turn below.

Half Turn Trades

The following Asset or Faction Credit trades were processed in the 19.5 Turn:

  • Tahora Whai sent 12 FC to Larkspur Combine.

Turn Details

The following TTGI Overseers Board vote applied at the start of this turn.

Turn Details for Faction Turn 20
Faction Turn Details
1 Ascent Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Buy Asset

Activate Smugglers on 1418 / ??? / ??? to move to 1217 / 1217 / 1217.
Activate Smugglers on 0902 / ??? / ??? to move themselves and Seditionists to 0701 / ??? / Planet BW.
Buy Cracked Comms on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros.

2 Assembled Commonwealth Goal: N/A
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Surveyors on 1312 / Astynar / Planet O to move to 1213 / Vaddonia / Koritas.
Activate Commodities Brokers on 0911 / Asta / Idarast, 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti (x3).
Revise Charts 1213 / Vaddonia / Koritas to revise Tech Level to 5. Failure.
Quest Completion: Royalsts 4 vs. Republicans 2.

3 Larkspur Combine Goal: Inside Enemy Territory
Income: 6 FC
Action: Use Asset Ability

Activate Posttech Industry (x4) on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos.
Activate Strike Fleet (x2) on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move to 0911 / Asta / Idarast.
Activate Strike Fleet on 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus to move to 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros.
Gain 2 XP.

4 Aguamala Syndicate Goal: Blood the Enemy (0/?)
Income: 5 FC
Action: Attack

Activate Covert Shipping on 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc to move Cyberninjas from 1206 / Cuarenta y Cinco / Planet L to move to 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc.
Activate Strike Fleet [La Casa de Fieras] on 1211 / 1211 / 1211 to move to 1012 / 1012 / 1012.
Attack White Whale on 1012 / 1012 / 1012 with Strike Fleet.
Attack Tahora Whai on 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc with Cyberninjas.

5 Starlit Court Goal: Exploration
Income: 4 FC
Action: Exploration

Explore 1500 / System LXII / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet.
Activate Strike Fleet on 1500 / System LXII / ??? to move to 1400 / ??? / ???.
Gain 2 XP.

6 Children of the Vein Goal: Exploration
Income: 9 FC
Action: Exploration

Activate Strike Fleet on 1204 / 1204 / 1204 to move to 1103 / System XLII / Point of Interest.
Explore 1103 / System XLII / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet.
Activate Telas Planetary Tag to Heal Strike Fleet for 1 HP.
Gain 2 XP.

7 Amelhart Institute Goal: Exploration
Income: 6 FC
Action: Exploration

Explore 0516 / System XXX / Point of Interest with Smuggler.
Gain 2 XP.

8 Concord of Mutual Disdain Goal: Exploration
Income: 6 FC
Action: Exploration

Explore 1418 / ??? / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet.
Activate Smugglers on 1510 / ??? / ??? to move to 1412 / ??? / Planet BL.
Gain 2 XP.

9 Tahora Whai Goal: Exploration
Income: 6 FC
Action: Exploration

Explore 0009 / ??? / Point of Interest with Strike Fleet.
Activate Strike Fleet (4 HP & 8 HP) on 1211 / 1211 / 1211 to move to 1012 / 1012 / 1012.
Activate Strike Fleet (1 HP) on 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtémoc to move to 0909 / Center / Telas.
Lure the Whale.
Create Constellation 'Kikorangi o te Tahora Wahi' with Hexes: ???
Revise Charts on 0009 / System II to establish Asteroid Belts.
Gain 2 XP.

10 White Whale Action: Roll a d20. If the value is below its current HP, fight back. Otherwise, flee.


End of Turn Updates

Ruin Clocks

Langgan: 5/8

Mechanical Revisions

Armored (Status)

The next damage this asset would take is reduced in half rounded down. This status is lost if the asset moves or is moved.

Anchorage Station (Asset)

Force (Tier 7)
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Anchorage Station 14 20 5 Starship FvF, 2d4+2 2d6+2 The Anchorage Station is the centerpiece of any mobile system military power. Capable of repairing and crafting assets along with an array of local fighter craft, it's a proficient arsenal in any combat engagement. This asset can support any number of land-based assets on board and can support the purchase of any force asset TL2 or lower. It also counts as a BoI for purposes of the 'Repair' action. For 1 + ceil(land-based assets / 2) FC, it can move to any location within two hexes of its current location (no action). As an action, this asset can gain the status 'Armored.' Upkeep: 1 FC.

Anchorage Assemblers (Faction Tag)

This faction can support one Anchorage Station asset without paying the upkeep cost or having the tier or tech level requirement. Assets of T4 or lower can be built on this platform. Additionally, the anchorage can move three (2) hexes rather than two (2) for an extra one (1) FC.