Starlit Court Mech Classifications

From Beacon Space

Mechs within the Starlit Court are classified by their size and intended battlefield role. The majority of mechs fall into these categories. However most if not all mechs in the Starlit Court are highly customized and personalized machines, there are always exceptions to these classifications, it is not uncommon to find mechs larger or smaller than the standard scale, or mechs that blur the line between the established battlefield roles. That being said, this guide is still an accurate and useful tool that covers the vast majority of mechs that one can find in the service of the court.

Mech Names

Each mech is personal to the knight who pilots them, and over the course of a knight’s career they will likely customize and fine tune their mech to be a perfect fit for their preferred method of engagement. Likewise, each mech will be given a unique name by their knight, or by a previous pilot if the mech was inherited by its current operator. Formally, each mech’s name has three components; The name of the mech itself, the size category, and its battlefield classification.

The name of each mech is ultimately up to the pilot, and is not typically chosen lightly as in many orders the mech’s name is also used as a call sign, and therefore is a reflection of both the essence of the machine and the pilot. Many orders have naming conventions or prescribed name lists for their knight’s mechs to promote identity and unity among their ranks. While it is common and expected practice for a mech’s name to be short, striking, and unique, this is not enforced, though it is bad practice to name one’s mech after another mech without adding or modifying them name, or creating a name that is over-long.


There are three mech size categories that effectively equate to ‘large’, ‘medium’, and ‘small’, with the bulk of all mechs falling into one of these size categories. These categories are measured by height, as starlit court mechs often operate both in space and on planets of varying gravitational forces. Height is ultimately the main consideration due to the size requirements of hangars, workshops, drop ships, and thruster packs.

Fable Class

Size: 15 - 20ft

The smallest typical mech constructed by the Starlit Court. Typically mono-role mechs, with many mechs of this size category designed with city fighting, and boarding actions in mind.

Saga Class

Size: 21 - 25ft

The median size category of mech constructed by the Starlit Court. Typically flexible, adaptable, and designed to take on multiple roles per engagement.

Legend Class

Size: 26ft - 30ft

The largest and heaviest size category of mech constructed by the Starlit Court. Typically heavy, devastating machines capable of engaging any enemy at any range with a variety of arms and armor at their disposal.

Armageddon Mechs

Recently developed and each truly unique creations, Armageddon Mechs defy the standard mech classification system of the starlit court due to their size, technology, and role in battle. Each Armageddon mech is a true colossus, with the smallest of their type dwarfing Legend class mechs. Lances of Armageddon mechs are equipped with naval grade weapons, are capable of independent operation under height and zero-gravity conditions, in and out of atmosphere. Finally, lances of these mechs possess the unique ability to combine together into a singular even larger more powerful singular Armageddon Mech. The technology required to structurally support these machines was discovered on Grail, and a special interface was developed with the cooperation of The Larkspur Combine which allows pilots to endure the immense neural load required to operate one of these machines in the first place.


Ranger (Artillery)

Mechs primarily designed to deal damage through various means from a long distance, using direct fire or by guided munitions. Designed to flatten anything that approaches them, or be able to hit and move to avoid close combat while still unloading. Do not typically do well in close combat.

Fighter (Close Combat Assault)

Mechs primarily designed for closing the gap and engaging in combat, be it close up ranged or direct melee combat with mech scale swords and fists. Capable of weathering or avoiding oncoming fire until they can engage the enemy at their optimal range.

Paladin (Defender)

Mechs primarily designed with survivability and defense in mind. While these mechs do not prioritize heavy firepower they are more than capable of engaging an enemy at their desired range, with some models designed to defend positions through volume of fire.

Rogue (Scout)

Mechs primarily designed to find and harass the enemy, hitting and fading or rendering an enemy vulnerable to attacks from other better armed and armored allies. These mechs are not typically designed for direct engagements, but are often capable of hitting their enemies in the side or rear lines or staying in the fight long enough for help to arrive.

Cleric (Support)

Mechs designed to support and repair allies. While capable of defending themselves and engaging in combat, these mechs trade out weapons and other direct engagement systems for systems that protect, repair, and assist their allies. These systems include; targeting beacons, upgraded tactical and sensor suites, or repair drone systems.

Warlock (Digital Warfare suites)

Mechs designed to hinder the operations of enemy units and buy an advantage for their allies. While capable of engaging in combat, these mechs trade out weapons and other direct engagement systems that hinder their enemies. These systems include; digital warfare suites, communications jammers, stealth systems, smoke and chaff cannons, remote demolition tools, and mine laying weapons.

Sorcerer (Bleed Specialized)

Mechs designed to take advantage of the bleed. A relatively new classification of mech, cutting edge and rare. These mechs bend and break the laws of reality and will trade off conventional weapons and systems to make room for these systems.