
From Beacon Space
Revision as of 18:01, 15 October 2023 by 2601:285:201:bea0::6ee2 (talk) (purge)

Government Ascent
System Gograpatk
Tech Level 4
Population Tens of Millions
Atmosphere Thick
Biosphere No Native
Temperature Warm
Planet Tag 1 Rigid Culture
Planet Tag 2 Xenophobes

Sentient Species of Ikaros


The Ikarians, scientifically known as Homosapien Aureus, are a distinctive branch of humanity native to the planet Ikaros.


The Ikarosi are a tall, humanoid species with a resemblance to graceful hoofed prey animals such as gazelles, deer, and springboks. Their physiology is optimized for speed and efficiency in all aspects of their lives.


Notable Locations

Weather Phenomena

Dyēus' Race

Dyēus' Race is not just a weather phenomenon but a celestial spectacle that graces the skies of Ikaros. With its cyclical alignment with the PanIkaros Triathlon, it serves as a testing ground for human endurance, a generator of rare materials, and a spiritual cornerstone for the planet's inhabitants.

The Perpetual Tempest is a constant lightning storm that encircles the planet, a result of the planet's unique atmospheric composition and magnetic fields from its alignment with the star of Gograpatk. This awe-inspiring phenomenon has both practical and spiritual significance for the people of Ikaros.

Solis Flares

Solis Flares are glowing, ionized particles that rain down from the sky in regular intervals, a direct result of Pulsar Solis's intense magnetic fields interacting with Ikaros' thick atmosphere. Unlike any traditional form of precipitation, Solis Flares have unique properties and cultural implications for the inhabitants of Ikaros.



The PanIkaros Triathlon

The PanIkaros Triathlon is an annual, planet-wide sporting event on Ikaros that combines three challenging races: the Ascent of Helios, a mountain climb in Helianth; the Descent into Nyx, a canyon descent in Sylthor; and Poseidon's Sprint, a water race in the Azure Abyss. Participants can compete individually or in teams, and the event is a showcase of pure athletic prowess. Winners receive prestigious rewards such as the The Golden Laurel, the The Scholar's Scroll for academic pursuits, and the The Hero's Stone. The triathlon is a unifying cultural event that captures the adventurous spirit of the planet's inhabitants.

The Aqua Sprint


The Snow Run



SWN World Tags

Rigid Culture

The local culture is extremely rigid. Certain forms of behavior and belief are absolutely mandated, and any deviation from these principles is punished, or else society may be strongly stratified by birth with limited prospects for change. Anything which threatens the existing social order is feared and shunned.


  • Rigid reactionary
  • Wary ruler
  • Regime ideologue
  • Offended potentate


  • Revolutionary agitator
  • Ambitious peasant
  • Frustrated merchant


  • The cultural patterns are enforced by technological aids
  • The culture is run by a secret cabal of manipulators
  • The culture has explicit religious sanction
  • The culture evolved due to important necessities that have since been forgotten


  • Precious traditional regalia
  • Peasant tribute
  • Opulent treasures of the ruling class


  • Time-worn palace
  • Low-caste slums
  • Bandit den
  • Reformist temple


The natives are intensely averse to dealings with outworlders. Whether through cultural revulsion, fear of tech contamination, or a genuine immunodeficiency, the locals shun foreigners from offworld and refuse to have anything to do with them beyond the bare necessities of contact. Trade may or may not exist on this world, but if it does, it is almost certainly conducted by a caste of untouchables and outcasts.


  • Revulsed local ruler
  • Native convinced some wrong was done to him
  • Cynical demagogue


  • Curious native
  • Exiled former ruler
  • Local desperately seeking outworlder help


  • The natives are symptomless carriers of a contagious and dangerous disease
  • The natives are exceptionally vulnerable to offworld diseases
  • The natives require elaborate purification rituals after speaking to an offworlder or touching them
  • The local ruler has forbidden any mercantile dealings with outworlders


  • Jealously-guarded precious relic
  • Local product under export ban
  • Esoteric local technology


  • Sealed treaty port
  • Public ritual not open to outsiders
  • Outcaste slum home
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