Whai Cuisine

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The Tahora Whai and residents of the Kikorangi o te Tahora Whai have a unique cuisine and food culture.


With the devastation of most of Dynae, only a small part of the planet is safe from the destructive atmosphere and can support agriculture. The high plateau of Hōkūpa'a in the planet’s tropical region has a unique microclimate that enables traditional terrestrial agriculture on Dynae’s surface. With limited hectares of arable land though, the locals make the most of it and provide orbiting populations with agricultural products that are impossible to cultivate in sterile hydroponic facilities or in microgravity. The majority of Teuthem’s caloric intake is not sourced from this small patch, but on ships and orbital stations. Void-cultivated proteins and carbs derived from algae, fungi, and insects serve as staples for Teuthemi diets.

Tahora megafauna provide a vast bounty for the Whai. Meat, blubber, milk, offal, and blood harvested from the Tahora are enjoyed in various local dishes and delicacies. Some believe that regular consumption of Tahora products enhances one’s physical abilities and their connections to the Erinaa, the Tahora Whai’s neural link; evidence for these benefits is sparse and hotly debated.

On top of the megafauna and station-based agriculture, a surprisingly large portion of food consumed by the Whai comes by way of plundered cargo. As ships fall prey to the notorious pirates of Dynae their goods are brought to the Rangi. Surplus takings and salvage are exchanged with outsiders for a variety of resources including foodstuffs of the sector. A rich selection of the sector’s diets are available to Dynaeans through this system. For the metropolitan population of the Rangi, snacks from one’s homeworld may not be available at will, but are nonetheless likely to pass through a nearby station soon.

Whai cuisine, as a result, is an eclectic mix of traditional Dynaean dishes, Tahora products, and foodstuffs scavenged from across the sector.

  • Traditional ingredients include but are not limited to:
  • Tropical fruits: pineapple, lychee, guava, banana, passionfruit, kiwi, citrus, etc.
  • Edible ferns, sprouts, seaweed
  • Salt-water fish: tuna, swordfish, salmon and cod.
  • Lamb and Mutton, typically minced
  • Fried and dehydrated insects


Pirate Punch, aka Whai Grog

A simple drink made from whatever canned fruits, soda, and high-proof alcohol are on hand. Served in a communal punch bowl or grog barrel for all to enjoy responsibly.

Puluhanni Green Smoothie

The planet Puluhan is known for it's invasive and toxic algae but mixologists of the sector have a new technique to make it palatable to the masses. Blending up the algae with a specialized enzyme the toxins are broken down into a mild psychadelic after 5 minutes, an alcoholic beverage in 20, and inedible slime after an hour.

It is often mixed with clam juice, hot sauce, and a sprig of celery to make a Toxic Mary

Toto Ora

Toto Ora is a fortified wine distilled from the blood of the Great Tahora usually mulled with spices and often spiked with various cheap and crude alcohols. No two batches are the same, varying wildly between brewers. While serving, each cup has a slightly different characteristic as they are poured, as well, drinkers are encouraged to add their preferred garnishes and last-minute spices to their cups. The last serving, containing sediments from the bottom of the barrel, is traditionally saved to start the next batch of Toto Ora.

Tahora Tea

Regional differences abound with this drink. Sometimes a hot drink made from rehydrated whale blood or a bone-broth derived from the same creatures. In other areas it is a sweet iced drink flavoured with various fruits. Tahora Tea also is used as a euphemism for bottom shelf alcohol in dive bars and other low rate establishments.


Fiddlehead Salad

Small shoots of fiddlehead ferns, known as Pikopiko in Dynaean, are boiled or stir-fried and tossed as the base vegetable of a salad.

Head Cheese Crostini

For the rugged Whai, preservation of food and flexibility in diet are essential to their survival. Canned cold-cuts such as head cheese and other meat jellies--made from rendering the gelatinous connective tissue and off-cuts of Tahora--ensure that all of the noble creatures are used. Tahora head-cheese may have a lightly smoked flavor added to mask a tangy aftertaste. Love it or hate it, head-cheese on toast is a quick and classic breakfast or mid-shift meal.


Simply spiced meatballs served on a small skewer with a sweet and sour dipping sauce. The meatballs, a relatively common ingredient in sandwiches, wraps, stews and pasta dishes of the Whai, are raised to center stage with this elegantly uncomplicated dish. They were originally a Dynaean staple before the cataclysm and traditionally are made from either lamb or pork mince, breadcrumbs, onion, and spices. Whale meat and void-farmed protein are common substitutions when terrestrial mince is unavailable.


Blood pudding and dumpling soup made with various off-cuts and offal along with simple grains.


Also known as Kaihaukari or Kohoikori Delia in some Dynaean dialects, Sharkuterie, is a shared feast or potluck presented in celebration of a successful voyage or when Whai meet each other out in the depths of space. Combining their pantries of traditional Dynaean delicacies and a pirate’s plundered cargo a feast is prepared. Small, bite-sized dishes allow the whole crew to share the meal and exchange stories of their travels. In many respects the meal is similar to Tapas.

Spam Musubi

A type of sushi made with potted ham, rice, and kelp. Often served with a spicy sauce. It’s origin may be traced to ancient human settlement.

Tahora Shortbreads

Any number of baked goods that use Tahora blubber in place of butter or shortening to create crumbly or mealy doughs. Includes but is not limited to cookies, biscuits, scones, tarts, and pies.


Sold under the brand name Zārol!, thses bite-sized pockets of sauce in a shortcrust pastry are a processed ship's ration and meal substitute. Although a traditional family recipe from Dynae they are most commonly a mass-produced and found in vending machines. They come in dozens of flavors.

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