Notable Locations Of Mos
New Harmony
The City of New harmony is the largest existing settlement on Mos, the seat of the Mosi Republic, and the only major space port on Mos. Since the Tragic loss of Orasestra, New Harmony has become the center of trade, industry, and arguably culture on Mos, home to the vast majority of the planet’s population, entertainment, manufactories, and mercantile efforts.
Wayfinder’s Plateau
An immense swath of land north of New Harmony that has had infrastructure and foundations installed throughout. A specialized Metro line is operated by the city during the annual world’s fair, a week-long event of exhibitions, inventions, and contests are held from settlements and cities throughout the planet.
Winchester Alley
The Largest Firearms, Artillery, and Archery range in the system. The location features many exhibits and courses on handling multiple forms of weaponry as well as having several gunsmiths employed to support new designs and customizations.
The Blanter Baseball Batting Balustrade
Founded by the Blanter family and currently operated by Borist Blanter, the Blanter Baseball Batting Balustrade is the largest and only professional baseball arena on Mos. The Blanter Baseball Batting Balustrade is technically located in New Harmony, but is just outside of the official city limits, surrounded on three sides by suburbs, and one by a dedicated stop on the Neme. The Blanter Baseball Batting Balustrade hosts regular events and games between New Harmony University and the Mosi Republic School of Science collegiate baseball teams, and fully half of the Mosi baseball league’s games and championships, as four of the eight major league teams call New Harmony home.
The Blanter Baseball Batting Balustrade is not the only baseball stadium in New Harmony, as both colleges, and three of the four other New Harmony baseball teams all have smaller spaces scattered around the city. However, due to the popularity of the sport, and the size of the venue, the arena hosts most of the games, with side events happening in the other smaller venues during the championships.
Three-Card Monte Cafes
Three pug cafes that have extensive menus with one of them randomly hosting a weekly performance. All civil vices are accepted as long as all staff are treated courteously. Cards, shows, slots and drinks are always available.
Mosi Republic School of Science
The Mosi Republic School of Sciences was established shortly after the Mosi Republic in response to the destruction of Pabo 8 and the planet’s need for a central place of higher learning and advancement for the sciences. The Mosi Republic School of Science boasts several advanced laboratories, an expansive campus on the north side of New Harmony, and schools dedicated to engineering, chemistry, medicine, physics, meta-physics and more. The Mosi Republic School of Science often clashes with New Harmony University over funding, overlapping fields of education, sports, and petty slights in a famous rivalry that began when the Mosi Republic had the school established.
New Harmony University
The oldest still standing college on Mos, New Harmony University has been educating the people of New Harmony nearly since the city’s original founding. New Harmony University boasts a robust social sciences and arts program that are second to none, as well as competitive programs in business, and design. The University’s main campus is located on Mos’ southside, with dozens of smaller locations and dorms scattered across the city. New Harmony University often clashes with The Mosi Republic School of Science over funding, overlapping fields of education, sports, and petty slights in a famous rivalry that began when the Mosi Republic chose to build a new center for higher education, rather than expand and increase the budget for the one they already had.
Eridov Artisan District
A rough, loose, unofficial, and extremely productive district of New Harmony collecting artisans of every stripe. Workshops, foundries, weavers, small film studios, all can be found here, working with all materials and processes with a personal touch.
The Undercity
A behemoth of subterranean facilities and causeways to house the industrial heart of Mos found below New Harmony. While residency at these levels is practically banned and strongly discouraged, there are many who find this place their home. The mess of industrial trains, trams, manufacturing stations, furnaces, and other similar installations make this place a complex and somewhat dangerous place. The unions that operate the litany of works often have arranged the needed equipment for safe passage and personal protective equipment and these same unions are often quick to try and adduct the unprepared to the surface should they be found.
Orasestra Ruins
Formerly the second largest city on Mos and much of the planet's research and academic centers, there is little of Orasestra left today. Small bits of rubble and picked over ruins dot the area outside of Fools crater, many of which half covered in ash and pyroclastic flow. To the south is the Orasestra memorial station, the last stop on the rail line, and for many seeking to make their fortune picking over the ruins or gathering petrified wood from the surrounding area.
Fool’s Crater
Sitting where the heart of Orasestra once stood, is Fool’s Crater. A massive gouge in the land where nothing but burnt remnants of the trees that once surrounded New Harmony’s sister city can be identified. The crater itself is rough, obsidian, still oozing lava, and various other glasses paint a dark yet beautiful picture. It’s hard to believe that there was once a bustling metropolis here. Travel to and from Fools Crater is ill advised, as the area is still active both volcanically, and with bleed energies suffusing the area.
The Greenbelt
Less a single location and more the most habitable Macro-biome on the planet. The Greenbelt is made up of several smaller Biomes and regions but are primarily made up of deciduous plant life. The Greenbelt is also home to the majority of Mos’ liquid water, and its aquatic biomes, as it is dotted by a number of salt water lakes, and small inland seas. The Biodiversity of the Greenbelt is varied, but limited as much of the planet’s flora and fauna have had to be imported and altered to survive the difficulties of the Mosi climate. The Greenbelt is largely divided into four regions and sub-biomes: the Floodlands, the Barrens, the Hills, and the Bloom. While each of these biomes are scattered across the greenbelt, the regions that bear their names four large stretches of land primarily dominated by its titular sub-biome.
The Floodlands
A wet boggy stretch of territory straddling the equator and stretching across the glacial melt zone east of new harmony and west of Orasestra. The floodlands are one of the only natural sources of fresh water on Mos. The Floodlands are a marshy, boggy territory that is akin to a shallow sea, with what land between the countless lakes, rivers, and ponds are muddy and often partially flooded.
The Floodlands are home to several unique species of plants and animals, including the Mosi Ghost willow and ash stick, species of willow tree and bamboo that absorb what salt exists in the waters of the floodlands and exude it through their bark, covering their exteriors in sheets of salt to ward of predation. The waterways of the Floodlands are also home to the majority of Mos’ fish, with dozens of unique species of mudskipper, catfish, minnow, and crustation calling the bogs home, including the delicacies that is the blue mudbug, the murkstrider, and the water-porcupine (species of crawfish, crabs, and lobster respectively).
Odessova is a large town on the eastern edge of the floodlands, and the floodlands largest settlement. Odessova is populated by approximately 7000 people, packed into a dense urban area that more resembles a district of New Harmony on petrified wood stilts than a town. Odessova is primarily built atop a stable peninsula of high land that juts out into the swampy quagmire of the Floodlands. This strip of solid ground is home to the town’s most important structures, including its church, city hall, main market, and trainstation, which is the final western stop on the Neme. Odesova is known for its canals and raised platforms that make up its streets and byways, as well as its extremely rich and varied cuisine, which takes full advantage of the native fish, wildlife, and spices only found and grown within the Floodlands. The city’s main exports are also these fish, boats, as well as glass and other valuable minerals refined in local workshops from silts dredged up by surrounding towns and villages.
The Hills
A large stretch of rocky territory spanning the western half of the floodlands, stretching across the greenbelt to west of the ruins of Orasestra, the hills are the lowest point between the two largest arctic and Antarctic mountain ranges on Mos. Sat astride an enormous tectonic pinch the Hills are volcanically active, prone to tremors, and known for their geothermal activity, extending the greenbelt north of its expected territory by an enormous margin. The hills are rough terrain, containing on average 30% less topsoil and 50% less forestation than the rest of the greenbelt. It is dominated by low bushes, scrub-brush. These territories are also highly mineral rich, which draws settlers and prospectors to the territory despite the dangers posed by the volcanic activity in the region.
Richard’s Springs
Richards springs is a small town on the edge of the south west prospectors path, and a somewhat popular tourist destination. The town is known for its hot springs, salt-rubs, volcanic mud baths, good food, and redlight district. The town draws its name from the enormous free standing rock formation at the center of its hot springs, a salt encrusted fifteen foot tall geothermal geyser the townsfolk fondly call “Richard’s Rock” which goes off twice a day like clockwork. The town was founded partially as a joke when the first settlers made camp in the area, it's unclear if the following quote is apocrypha, but it does get banded about as the words of the community’s founding members: “Hey, doesn't that rock look like a giant dick? Wouldn't this be a hilarious place to build a brothel? Oh god lookit what it's doin now!”
The Barrens
Contrary to its name, the Barrens have one of the densest concentrations of plant life on Mos. Located east of the Flood Lands. Tapering off to the north east at New Harmony, the Barrens are an enormous pine and redwood forest broken up by small creeks and valleys. The Barrens were a popular settlement location during the early colonization of Mos. The region's abundant woods made for cheap building materials and slash and burn practices allowed early colonists to literally carve out early farming communities.
Now many of these early communities have vanished and been abandoned, as the introduction of churno-boars and other predators have forced these communities to relocate. Additionally, many settlers were not prepared to maintain the quality of their soil without continued slash and burn tactics, or found their fields rapidly covered with native weeds and saplings. Those communities that survived in the region have proved resilient, and several of the larger towns on Mos can be found in this area.
Barrows Bounty
Originally settled at the same time as New Harmony and Oresestra, Barrows Bounty is the largest town on Mos and a local hub for trade, and manufacturing. Originally a farming community and breadbasket for New Harmony, Barrows Bounty has since shifted its economic output to the manufacturing of fine wood furniture and goods. The town is home to a population of about ten thousand people, and is known for its wooden exports and its thriving theater district, which has been known to draw thousands to the town from Mos and beyond. Barrow’s Bounty is a major stop on the Neme, making it a vital trade hub for the towns and villages of the Barrens. Barrows Bounty is a large enough township that it has formed its own police department in the same vein as the New Harmony PD, which has lead to some tension between the two forces and over who has jurisdiction over the stretch of the Neme and the station within the towns borders
The David B. Larkspur Memorial Opera
The David B. Larkspur Memorial Opera, or the DB Opera, is the largest theater and opera house on Mos, and the center of the Barrow’s Bounty theater district. Constructed after the death of David B Larkspur as a part of their will, the DB Opera was intended to serve as a center for culture and growth for the people of Mos and has served that role well for nearly a century. Nearly fifty original plays and operas have had their debut at the DB Opera, which regularly serves as a center for charity and has an annual fundraiser to support and grow the talents of struggling musicians and playwrights. Some say that if not for the DB Opera and its charitable works, that the Mosi theatrical tradition would not exist, and be little more than the primitive morality plays held in backwater towns and villages that the modern scene evolved from.
The Bloom
Also known as the prairies, or the valley, the Bloom is the common name for the stretch of flatlands east of New Harmony, between the Barrens and the Hills. The Bloom is a grassy, largely flat land, crisscrossed with small rivers and creeks from glacial melt waters. It gets its name from the hundreds of species of wildflowers that can be found in the area, with several species in bloom year round turning the subtle curves and valleys of the Bloom into picturesque vistas of color. The Bloom is home to the largest density of farm towns and villages, and is the breadbasket for the planet.