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Ikaros is the homeworld of the Ascent in the Gograpatk. It is a distant, warm-climate planet with a thick atmosphere, with a population of tens of millions. Lacking a native biosphere but rich in bio-engineered life, the planet is a marvel of advanced technology. The planet is divided into five diverse continents—Helianth, Nerydica, Sylthor, Thesporia, and Kythera. Each continent has a major settlement specializing in various aspects such as governance, leisure, military, academics, and adventure. A sophisticated mass-transit system interconnects these settlements. Ikaros hosts a vibrant culture that fuses ancient traditions with futuristic innovations, reflected in its language, festivals, arts, and cuisine.

Government Ascent
System Gograpatk
Tech Level 4
Population Tens of Millions
Atmosphere Thick
Biosphere No Native
Temperature Warm
Planet Tag 1 Rigid Culture
Planet Tag 2 Xenophobes

Sentient Species of Ikaros






Home to the capital city, Ascadia, Helianth is a diverse landmass featuring mountain ranges, forests, and rolling plains. It serves as the political and administrative heart of Ikaros, attracting people who aim to influence or serve in government roles.


Known for its tropical climate, white sand beaches, and idyllic islands, Nerydica is the vacation hotspot of the planet. Mysara, the city of leisure, sits on one of its larger islands, making it a go-to destination for tourism and relaxation.


Characterized by arid landscapes, canyons, and rocky plateaus, Sylthor is a rugged and tough environment. The vertical city of Canyora is built into one of its most massive canyons, making it the mining and adventure tourism hub.


A frozen tundra, Thesporia is inhospitable to most but serves as an essential military zone. Frygia, the primary military installation, is located here, making the continent crucial for Ikaros' defense strategies.


Dominated by a mix of temperate and deciduous forests, Kythera is the planet's intellectual center. Home to Saltys and its famous university, "The Lyceum," the continent is a hive of academic activity and technological innovation.


Oceanus Ethereal

The largest ocean, known for its mysterious depths and unexplored territories. Often shrouded in mist, this ocean is believed to contain lost relics from ancient civilizations that first explored Ikaros.

Azure Abyss

A vibrant blue ocean teeming with bio-engineered marine life, the Azure Abyss is a popular destination for water-based activities and hosts the AquaSprint race annually.

Titan's Gulf

A turbulent ocean with frequent storms, Titan's Gulf separates Helianth and Thesporia. The waters are notoriously difficult to navigate, adding to its mythical aura.

Whispering Strait

A narrow passage of water connecting the Azure Abyss and Oceanus Ethereal, the Whispering Strait is known for its calmer waters and is heavily used for trade routes between Nerydica and Helianth.

Notable Locations


Located on the continent of Helianth, Ascadia is the bustling capital and the seat of the Planetary Council. With a population of around 8 million, it's the nerve center for governance, legal services, and administration. A blend of high culture and adventure, residents and tourists alike can explore art galleries or participate in the yearly "Ascent" mountain race. Infrastructure is state-of-the-art, featuring the Sky Garden, a terraced green space filled with bio-engineered flora and open-air theaters. Special districts like Governance Square and Cultural Heights cater to different functions and classes. The city is also known for its unique cuisine, including the "Peak Platter" and "Skywine."


Situated on the leisure-focused continent of Nerydica, Mysara is the tourism hub of Ikaros. With a population of around 3 million, the city is designed to cater to visitors and locals seeking relaxation and leisure. Architectural beauty blends with nature through biophilic designs, featuring buildings covered in lush vegetation. The economy thrives on tourism, especially through its agricultural domes that replicate diverse biomes. Special locations include floating farms and parks showcasing unique plant species like the color-changing "Rainbow Rose." Mysara hosts a number of exclusive resorts and hotels, making it the go-to destination for eco-tourism and luxury. A key feature is the annual "AquaSprint," a water-based race attracting thousands of competitors.


Built into the towering walls of a massive canyon in the arid continent of Sylthor, Canyora is a vertical city like no other. Home to approximately 2 million people, the city utilizes its unique geography to its advantage. Brutalist architecture dominates, as structures are built directly into the rock faces of the canyon. This space-efficient design has resulted in a low cost of living. The local economy focuses on mining and resource extraction, but also has a burgeoning adventure tourism sector, especially centered around the annual "Descent" race to the canyon's bottom. Canyora is renowned for its vertical farms and unique "cliff livestock" like rock-climbing goats. The city's transit needs are met through a system of "Descent Lifts" which ferry people up and down the vertical expanse.


Located in the tundra expanse of the continent Thesporia, Frygia serves as Ikaros' primary military installation. The city has a restricted population of about 500,000, most of whom are military personnel and their families. With fortifications built to withstand extreme cold, the architecture primarily consists of reinforced bunkers and aerodynamic structures. The economy is almost entirely focused on defense research and military training. Despite the harsh conditions, the local flora includes bio-engineered moss and lichen that are both hardy and capable of air purification. Frygia is infamous for its grueling "SnowRun," a difficult race conducted in sub-zero temperatures, doubling as military training. Due to its sensitive nature, access to Frygia is strictly controlled, and specialized "Tundra Rovers" are the primary mode of transport within the city.


Located on the scholarly continent of Kythera, Saltys is the intellectual heart of Ikaros. With a population close to 4 million, the city is known for its expansive university, The Lyceum, which attracts scholars and students from across the planet. Architecture is a blend of classical and futuristic, with academic buildings often modeled after ancient amphitheaters but equipped with cutting-edge technology. The economy is primarily driven by research, technology, and education. Special locations within the city include the "Knowledge Spire," a towering library with millions of digital and physical texts. Saltys is famed for its unique "Thought Brew," a caffeinated drink that enhances cognitive functions. The city's internal transit is primarily facilitated by the "EduTrams," aimed at efficient student transport.

Weather Phenomena

Dyēus' Race

Dyēus' Race is not just a weather phenomenon but a celestial spectacle that graces the skies of Ikaros. With its cyclical alignment with the PanIkaros Triathlon, it serves as a testing ground for human endurance, a generator of rare materials, and a spiritual cornerstone for the planet's inhabitants.

The Perpetual Tempest is a constant lightning storm that encircles the planet, a result of the planet's unique atmospheric composition and magnetic fields from its alignment with the star of Gograpatk. This awe-inspiring phenomenon has both practical and spiritual significance for the people of Ikaros.

Solis Flares

Solis Flares are glowing, ionized particles that rain down from the sky in regular intervals, a direct result of Pulsar Solis's intense magnetic fields interacting with Ikaros' thick atmosphere. Unlike any traditional form of precipitation, Solis Flares have unique properties and cultural implications for the inhabitants of Ikaros.



The PanIkaros Triathlon

The PanIkaros Triathlon is an annual, planet-wide sporting event on Ikaros that combines three challenging races: the Ascent of Helios, a mountain climb in Helianth; the Descent into Nyx, a canyon descent in Sylthor; and Poseidon's Sprint, a water race in the Azure Abyss. Participants can compete individually or in teams, and the event is a showcase of pure athletic prowess. Winners receive prestigious rewards such as the The Golden Laurel, the The Scholar's Scroll for academic pursuits, and the The Hero's Stone. The triathlon is a unifying cultural event that captures the adventurous spirit of the planet's inhabitants.

The Aqua Sprint

The Snow Run


Staple Ingredients

PhytoGrains: A bio-engineered grain that is a primary source of carbs and nutrients.

SkyFish: Lab-grown protein resembling fish but made from plant-based sources.

Aegreens: Leafy vegetables grown in aeroponic farms.

Nectarries: Engineered fruits that are nutrient-rich and have a long shelf life.

Ambromilk: A dairy substitute rich in vitamins, created from cultured yeast.

Signature Dishes

Phyto Pilaf: A spiced grain bowl featuring PhytoGrains, Aegreens, and SkyFish.

Hera's Elixir: A smoothie made from Nectarries and Ambromilk, said to promote longevity.

Zeon Skewers: Plant-based "meat" skewers marinated in traditional herbs and grilled.

Oracle Soup: A nutritious broth featuring a mix of Aegreens, known for its healing properties.

Pegasus Pie: A dessert made of flaky pastry filled with Nectarries, a sweet treat for special occasions.

Peak Platter: A high-protein dish consisting of various plant-based "meats," often consumed by athletes training for the PanIkaros Triathlon.

Skywine: A fermented beverage made from a blend of Nectarries, celebrated for its light and refreshing taste.

Thought Brew: A specialized herbal tea blend designed to enhance cognitive function.

SWN World Tags

Rigid Culture

The local culture is extremely rigid. Certain forms of behavior and belief are absolutely mandated, and any deviation from these principles is punished, or else society may be strongly stratified by birth with limited prospects for change. Anything which threatens the existing social order is feared and shunned.


  • Rigid reactionary
  • Wary ruler
  • Regime ideologue
  • Offended potentate


  • Revolutionary agitator
  • Ambitious peasant
  • Frustrated merchant


  • The cultural patterns are enforced by technological aids
  • The culture is run by a secret cabal of manipulators
  • The culture has explicit religious sanction
  • The culture evolved due to important necessities that have since been forgotten


  • Precious traditional regalia
  • Peasant tribute
  • Opulent treasures of the ruling class


  • Time-worn palace
  • Low-caste slums
  • Bandit den
  • Reformist temple


The natives are intensely averse to dealings with outworlders. Whether through cultural revulsion, fear of tech contamination, or a genuine immunodeficiency, the locals shun foreigners from offworld and refuse to have anything to do with them beyond the bare necessities of contact. Trade may or may not exist on this world, but if it does, it is almost certainly conducted by a caste of untouchables and outcasts.


  • Revulsed local ruler
  • Native convinced some wrong was done to him
  • Cynical demagogue


  • Curious native
  • Exiled former ruler
  • Local desperately seeking outworlder help


  • The natives are symptomless carriers of a contagious and dangerous disease
  • The natives are exceptionally vulnerable to offworld diseases
  • The natives require elaborate purification rituals after speaking to an offworlder or touching them
  • The local ruler has forbidden any mercantile dealings with outworlders


  • Jealously-guarded precious relic
  • Local product under export ban
  • Esoteric local technology


  • Sealed treaty port
  • Public ritual not open to outsiders
  • Outcaste slum home

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