Assembled Commonwealth Faction Turn

The Assets and Actions of the Assembled Commonwealth in the Beacon space Faction turn


Asset Details
Asset Icon HP Stealth Location Name Lore
Homeworld Base of Influence


35/36 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD The Assembly and governing institutions of the Assembled Commonwealth
Base of Influence


1/1 1011/Ande/Mankira Niti TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 0810/Ledro/Magalca TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1312/Astynar/Peleus TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1312/Astynar/Planet O TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1213/Vaddonia/Koritas TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1214/Kandrou/Iverleth TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1315/System LIII/Planet BH TBD TBD
Base of Influence


1/1 1609/Grail System/Grail World TBD TBD
Anchorage Station


14/14 0911/Asta/Idarast Pride of Ida TBD
Gravtank Formation


14/14 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Gravtank Formation


12/14 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Pretech Infantry


16/16 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Pretech Logistics


5/6 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Extended Theater


10/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Extended Theater


10/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Covert Shipping


4/4 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD


8/8 1214/Kandrou/Iverleth TBD TBD
Hostile Takeover


2/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Commodities Broker


2/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Commodities Broker


4/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Commodities Broker


8/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Commodities Broker


10/10 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD
Transit Web


4/4 0911/Asta/Idarast TBD TBD

Faction Turns

Faction Turn 00
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Covert Shipping placed on 0911 / Asta / Idarast N/A N/A
Pretech Logistics placed on 0911 / Asta / Idarast N/A
Commodities Broker placed on 0911 / Asta / Idarast N/A
Commodities Broker placed on 0711 / Bazar / Longza (GM Placement) N/A
Commodities Broker placed on 1008 / Gograpatk / Hiss (GM Placement) N/A
Strike Fleet placed on 1008 / Gograpatk / Hiss (GM Placement) N/A
Faction Turn 0.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
The Assembled Commonwealth trades a Strike Fleet located on 1008 / Gograpatk / Hiss to Children of the Vein. N/A N/A
Faction Turn 1
Goal Exploration
Action Exploration Action
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Use Covert Shipping on [0911 / Asta / Idarast] to move the Commodities Broker on [0711 / Bazar / Longzo] to [1213 / Point of Interest] N/A N/A
Explore System XLVII with Commodities Broker. [Roll 1d10+6: 7, Failure, Take 1d4: 3 Damage to Succeed] Goal Complete +2 XP
Faction Turn 1.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
The Larkspur Combine Harvester on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos has been transferred to Assembled Commonwealth. N/A N/A
Faction Turn 2
Goal N/A
Action Use Asset Action
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Activate Harvesters on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos [INVALID] N/A
Activate Freighter Contract on 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros, moving the Freighter Contract and Commodities Brooker from 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros to 0909 / Center / Telas. N/A
Activate Commodities Brooker on 0909 / Center / Telas Rolled 1
Activate Commodities Brooker on 0911 / Asta / Idarast Rolled 3
Activate Commodities Brooker on 1213 / System XLVII / Planet D Rolled 5
Activate Pretech Logistics on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to Purchase a Extended Theatre. Apply Commodities Brooker discounts to purchase. N/a
Faction Turn 2.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
The Assembled Commonwealth Freighter Contract on 0909 / Center / Telas has been given to Ascent. Transferred 2 FC to Children of the Vein N/A N/A
Faction Turn 3
Goal N/A
Action Seize Planet
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Use Covert Shipping on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move the Commodities Brooker on 0909 / Center / Telas to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti N/A N/A
Use Extended Theatre on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move the Covert Shipping on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti N/A
Seize 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti with Commodities Brooker N/A
Faction Turn 3.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Transferred 3 FC to Children of the Vein. The Children of the Vein transfers control of the Bank on 0810 / Ledro / Magalca to the Assembled Commonwealth. N/A N/A
Faction Turn 4
Goal Exploration
Action Explore
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Activate Covert Shipping on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move 7HP Commodities Broker from 1213 /System XLVII / Planet D to 1312 / System LII / Point of Interest N/A N/A
Activate Extended Theatre on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move Bank from 0810 / Thuces / Magalca to 0909 / Center / Telas N/A
Explore the PoI on 1312 with the 7 HP Commodities Broker [Rolled a 16 Success] Goal Complete +2 XP
Faction Turn 4.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Transfers Bank on 0909 / Center / Telas to Children of the Vein N/A N/A
Faction Turn 5
Goal Seize Planet
Action Seize Planet
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Begin Seizure of **1312 / System LII / Planet N** using Commodities Broker N/A N/A
Use Covert Shipping on **1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti** to move the Comodities Broker on **0911 / Asta / Idarast** to **1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtemoc** N/A
Attack **Aguamala Syndicate** with Commodities Broker on **1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtemoc**. Attack with advantage using Imperialist Tag. Defended by Informers. [AC Rolls 8+6=14 Vs AS Rolls 7+2=9 Damage: = 9.] Destroy the Informers.
Complete Seize of 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti: Complete goal +1 XP Planet Mechanical Tag: +1 XP
Faction Turn 5.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Transfers 1 FC to Starlit Court N/A N/A
Faction Turn 6
Goal N/A
Action Use Asset Ability
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Use Covert Shipping on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move the Comodities Broker on 1209 / Mentta / Nueva Cuauhtemoc to 0911 / Asta / Idarast N/A N/A
Activate Harvester on 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos Rolled 1d6=6 > 3 therefore +1 FC
Activate Commodities Brokers on 1312 / System LII / Planet N, 0911 / Asta / Idarast, and 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti Rolled [3d8=7, 4, 3]
Activate Pretech Logistics on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to purchase a Postech Infantry using CB discount N/A
Activate Extended Theatre on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to move the Postech Infantry on 0911 / Asta / Idarast to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti N/A
Faction Turn 6.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 7
Goal Seize Planet
Action Seize Planet
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Complete Seizure of 1312 / System LII / Planet N using Commodities Broker - Planet Renamed to Peleus Complete Goal +1 XP N/A
Use Covert Shipping on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move the Commodities Broker on 1312 / System LII / Planet N to 1213 / System XLVII / Planet D. [-1 FC] N/A
Seize Planet D with Commodities Broker No Contest 1/3
Faction Turn 7.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 8
Goal Expand Influence
Action Expand Influence
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Use Covert Shipping on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move the Comodities Broker on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to 1312 / System LII / Planet N. [-1 FC] N/A N/A
Build a 1HP Base of Influence on 1312 / System LII / Planet N [-1 FC]. Complete Goal +1 XP
Planet D Seizure 2/3 N/A
Faction Turn 8.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 9
Goal Seize Planet
Action Buy Asset
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Planet D Seizure 3/3 Complete Goal +1 XP N/A
Use Covert Shipping on 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti to move the Comodities Broker on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus to 1011 / Ande / Mankira Niti. [-1 FC] N/A
Buy a Covert Shipping asset on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus [-8 FC]. N/A
Faction Turn 9.5
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 10
Goal Exploration
Action Explore
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Use Covert Shipping on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus to move the Comodities Broker on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus to Point of Interest XLVIII. [-1 FC]. (Discount from TTGI vote option) N/A N/A
Explore Point of Interest XLVIII with 10hp Comodities Broker, take damage if roll fails. [d10+6 > 10] 8+6=14 Success
Complete Goal +2 XP N/A
Civil War Quest: The Covert Shipping Asset on 1312 / Astynar / Peleus sides with the Royalists Dice added to the Royalist Dice Pool