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Revision as of 00:37, 3 October 2020 by beaconspace>Chiyoko

Ezekiel Blacktallow
Name Ezekiel Blacktallow
Affiliation Tahora Whai
Played By Chiyoko#3493
Homeworld Mos
Birth Date 26
Death Date Date of Death
Species Human
Gender Male
Bleed Aptitude Magical
Height 5'9
Weight 120lbs
Hair Colour black
Eye Colour Silver/Yellow

Ezekiel Blacktallow is a player character in the Tahora Whai, ran by Chiyoko#3493 on discord.

Traits and Appearance

Ezekiel is a tall, mildly lanky male, with pale skin and a mop of black hair. Ezekiel has silver/yellow eyes that fade to red as he uses magic. Ezekiel is a biomancer, but he doesn't like using his abilities in the open unless necessary.


Details on Ezekiels life.

Early Life

Ezekiel Blacktallow is a 26 year old human male born in mos before the civil war that is now ongoing onworld. Ezekiel, despite his fraternizing with the tahora would suggest of him, grew up in a normal, peaceful merchant family. His family being in service to one of the mafia controlling the world, however, meant he quickly grew up learning how to wield a weapon, lie, cheat, and work his way into a deal by any means necessary. He chafed against such things, though, and after his family got drawn in too deep, he abandoned them and made his work in a ship working for the combine.

Career and Hostel

Ezekiel continued to bounce from job to job for the better part of three years until he found himself a ship of his own, nearly robbing the poor captain with how cheaply he haggled it down. Since then, he has begun working towards making this ship like a floating, traveling hostel, taking up people running from their family; escaping their own world and lives; and generally in need of getting lost.

Fraternizing with the Tahora

Ezekiel got involved with the Tahora entirely by accident. He ended up becoming interested in their ways after a chance encounter with a captain playing a game of stacks, and ended up signing a contract with them after taking up the art of scrimshaw mostly due to their numerous ways of acquiring the stuff. He has since then become a capable artisan in their employ, but he regularly does business with any other faction or individual who appreciates his work and art.

Additional Links

This section is for linking to any other relevant content that is not appropriate for the wiki. Things such as

  • twitter accounts,
  • propaganda pieces,
  • etc.