Kardakouk Cuisine: Difference between revisions

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;Coral platter
:This appetizer comes with a variety of corals that come in various colors, flavors and textures that is sure to make any meal fun. The selection is wide but most find themselves after trying them all sticking to a few of them. They grow by themselves, thus having a sustainable source of food, however the corals would be decimated by the local sea life if they tried to grow in the wild so they are kept in an isolated area.The live ones taste better than the dried out ones however they are rarely brought out for visitors due to them not wanting to decimate their own exports . These corals have gone through many experimentation and treatment processes to make them palatable to humans.
:A drink that is made from an edible coral that has the texture of jelly. the juice is pressed out and then mixed with some mineral spring water that settles in surface area of the ocean.