Kardakouk: Difference between revisions

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|title=Planet NameKardakouk
|pgov=[[Concord of Mutual Disdain]]
|Tech Level=Tech LevelTL4
|population=PopulationTens of millions
|atmosphere=AtmosphereAirless or thin
|biosphere=BiosphereNo native biosphere
|planettag1=FirstPleasure Planet TagWorld
|planettag2=SecondPrison Planet Tag
Due to the lack of real atmosphere most of Kardakouks inhabitants and introduced life live below the surface in vast underground oceans
Basic description of the planet and any notable features.

Revision as of 03:10, 30 August 2020

This page contains the template for making a Planet page

Government Concord of Mutual Disdain
System System
Tech Level TL4
Population Tens of millions
Atmosphere Airless or thin
Biosphere No native biosphere
Temperature Warm
Planet Tag 1 Pleasure World
Planet Tag 2 Prison Planet

Due to the lack of real atmosphere most of Kardakouks inhabitants and introduced life live below the surface in vast underground oceans


A place to go into more detail on the 'Attributes' as found in the sector map. These include atmosphere, temperature, biosphere, and the like.

Notable Locations

A place for notable locations on the planet to be listed and described, potentially linking to a more detailed page. For example faction bases of influence, cities, spaceports, etc.

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