
From Beacon Space
Revision as of 03:57, 8 September 2023 by LegateMarz (talk | contribs)

This page is a template for creating a Species

Classification Humanoid
Place of Origin System/Planet/Unknown


For the humans of Ikaros, the relentless pursuit of physical perfection isn't just a cultural norm—it's an obsession. Competition is the pinnacle of this, a way to prove their worth, not just among themselves but also against the various species and other communities throughout Beacon Space.

Core Beliefs

Perfection or Nothing

Failure isn't just frowned upon; it's considered a shame. To be less than perfect is to be less than trash in the eyes of an Ikarian. This attitude permeates every aspect of life, from athletics to academics.

Competitive Nature

Competition is not just encouraged; it's mandatory. From early childhood, Ikarians are taught to view their peers not just as friends but as rivals. Every aspect of life becomes a competition, even mundane tasks.

Superiority Complex

Ikarians believe they are the epitome of human potential and that it's their birthright to prove this to every other species and culture. The embassies on Ikaros thus sponsor unique races from their own cultures, only to be bested by the Ikarians.

Daily Life

Rigorous Training

Every Ikarian, regardless of age, undergoes rigorous physical training. Even the elderly engage in competition to keep their bodies in optimal shape.

Cultural Gauntlets

Many embassies on Ikaros sponsor races, known as "Cultural Gauntlets," to engage with Ikarian society. These are hotly contested events where Ikarians aim to defeat others at their own games, thus proving their superiority.

Holistic Approaches

Due to the obsession with physical perfection, holistic approaches such as diet, mental health, and spiritual well-being are also meticulously managed to achieve optimal physical performance.

Cultural and Political Impact

Athletic Diplomacy

For an embassy to be in the good graces of the Ikarian government, it has to sponsor at least one annual race. These events serve as diplomatic endeavors as much as athletic competitions.

Social Hierarchy

Physical prowess dictates social standing. The winners of the PanIkaros Triathlon and other major races often enjoy a near-celebrity status, with immense political and social influence.


This section contains a description of the species physical attributes


This section contains the history of the species, such as origin location and evolution


This section contains the typical organisation of this species, such as nomadic, tribal, etc.


This section contains information about typical cultural features of the species

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