Children of the Vein Faction Turn

From Beacon Space
Revision as of 20:19, 21 September 2020 by beaconspace>Eon Dusk

This page contains faction turn details and lore for the Children of the Vein.


Asset Details
Asset Name Asset Location Asset Lore
Bank 0810 / Ledro / Magalca Lore
Base of Influence 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus Lore
Medical Center 0909 / Center / Telas Lore
Pretech Infantry 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus Lore
Pretech Infantry 0909 / Center / Telas Lore
Pretech Logistics 0807 / Thuces / Helocytus Lore
Shipping Combine 1008 / Gograpatk / Mos Lore
Strike Fleet 1008 / Gograpatk / Ikaros Lore

Faction Turns

Faction Turn 0
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
Pretech Logistics placed on 0807/Thuces/Helocytus. N/A It occurred like this.
Pretech Infantry placed on 0807/Thuces/Helocytus. N/A But like this this time.
Pretech Infantry placed on 0909/Center/Telas. N/A It occurred like this.
Shipping Combine placed on 1008/Gograpatk/Mos. N/A It occurred like this.
Bank placed on 0810/Ledro/Magalca. N/A It occurred like this.
Medical Center placed on 0909/Center/Telas. N/A It occurred like this.

Media Links

This space can serve as a place to link twitter accounts, propaganda posters, and other off-wiki faction content.

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