Children of the Vein Faction Turn

From Beacon Space
Revision as of 20:06, 4 September 2020 by beaconspace>Eon Dusk

This page contains faction turn details and lore for the Children of the Vein.

Basic description of the faction. It's general structure, main features, and any other details that are the most important to know. This space can serve as a place to describe it's general function in the setting in detail, describing what makes it special.


Asset Details
Asset Name Asset Location Asset Lore
Boaty McBoatface Mars Woah, Boaty did what?
Shippy McShip Neptune Shipping all day long.

Faction Turns

Faction Turn 0
Actions Rolls and Results Lore
The thing occurred. 2+2=5 It occurred like this.
Woah and maybe this, too. 2+2=5 But like this this time.

Media Links

This space can serve as a place to link twitter accounts, propaganda posters, and other off-wiki faction content.

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