Amelhart Institute Faction Turn

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This page contains faction turn details and lore for the Amelhart Institute.


Asset Details
Asset Name Asset Location Asset Lore
Base of Influence Ingirid Lore
Commodities Broker Ingirid Lore
Commodities Broker Ingirid Lore
Vanguard Cadres Ingirid Lore
Base of Influence Sihi Lore
Commodities Broker Sihi Lore
Party Machine 0909 / Center / Telas Lore
Smuggler 0811 / Space / Space Lore

Faction Turns

Faction Turn 0.0
Goal Action Rolls and Results Lore
Commodities Broker placed on 0711 / Bazar / Ingirid N/A Lore
Commodities Broker placed on 0711 / Bazar / Ingirid N/A Lore
Vanguard Cadres placed on 0711 / Bazar / Ingirid N/A Lore
Commodities Broker placed on 0809 / Cacho / Sihi N/A Lore
Party Machine placed on 0909 / Center / Telas N/A Lore
Faction Turn 0.5
Income Goal Action Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 1.0
Income Goal Action Rolls and Results Lore
5 FC Expand Influence Expand Influence on 0809/ Cacho / Sihi Spent 1 FC to purchase a 1HP BoI Lore
Faction Turn 1.5
Income Goal Action Rolls and Results Lore
Faction Turn 2.0
Income Goal Action Rolls and Results Lore
5 FC None Use Asset Ability
Activate commodities brokers on Ingirid 1d8 = 7
Activate Commodities Brokers on Ingirid 1d8 = 5
Activate Commodities Brokers on Sihi 1d8 = 1
Activate Party Machine on Telas 1d6 rolled 5 = +1 FC
Activate Smuggler on Telas, Move to Empty Hex / 8011 -1 FC
Activate Homeworld Ability 0711 / Bazar / Ingirid, Move to Empty Hex 0712

Media Links

This space can serve as a place to link twitter accounts, propaganda posters, and other off-wiki faction content.

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