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[[Category: Starlit Court]]
[[Category: Weapons]]
[[Knightly Orders of the Starlit Court|The Knights]] of [[Sihi]] and the Men at Arms that fight alongside them use a vast array of weaponry across many scales of warfare. From the colossal magnetically accelerated shells of their capital ship mass drivers down to the smallest of coil guns.
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====Galat’s Plasma Caster====
Syr Galat, a prominent member of the Order of the Bright Forge, invented the Plasma Caster shortly after the Tereket Wars, inspired by weapons used by the Tereket Dynasty he improved on the design of the weapon that they used against the Court. Making it usable at a personal scale if only as an entrenched gun emplacement as well as a model that could be wielded by Mechs instead of tanks and warships.
===MIR-142 Anti-Material Sniper Mag Cannon===
The standard-issue rifle designed for The Order of the Mystic Dragons,. With superior optics and deadly large calibre firepower, they are designed to take down heavily armoured targets from a maximum of three thousand yards away. Firing massive Mag projectiles at near Mach speeds.
====OPR-14 Plasma Gatling Cannon====
When one is outnumbered, you call upon the mighty OPR-14, a massive Gatling cannon capable of flinging hot plasma at a very rapid rate. It is not operable by a typical person, so it is usually manned by someone in a mech. There isare only a small number of them available.
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===Mass Driver Gauntlet===
A mass driver gauntlet is a weapon which enhances the punching force of a warrior after making contact with a target’s body. Most standard Mass driver gauntlets use pneumatic or tension driven impact cylinders to impart a large concentrated secondary impact or to drive a spike into an opponent. Some Mass Driver gauntlets make use of chemical reactions or mag weapon technology to fire a point blank shot into the target. While normally designed for power armor or mechs, stand alone gauntlets are not unheard of. Mass Driver Gauntlets are a favorite weapon among the Order of the Fist.
=Personal Armor=