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During the age of mega-fauna migration, research into the Teuthemi Leviathans and other mega fauna exploded.
One noted [[Dynaean|Dynae|Dynaean]] researcher, ''Hakina Paraone'', and their team discovered a means to replicate the song of the majestic Teuthemi Leviathans. The resulting technology was named the Vāk, or Voice, and allows for light-speed communication of thoughts and emotion between individuals. Transcending the restrictions of traditional conversation, a greater sense of empathy and community was quickly apparent with its users. In a matter of months, the researchers brought the technology to a community scale and it was widely adopted. However, the explosion in use of the Vāk also came with its detractors
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===Cultural Significance===
Teuthemi Leviathans are a principleprincipal food source of the planet [[Dynae]] and are symbiotically linked with the [[Tahora Whai]]. Whai have a form of reverence for the Great Tahora and similar mega-fauna as they are seen as foundational to their existence.