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[[Category:Free Agents]] [[Category:Ascent]]
[[Category:Free Agents]] [[Category:Ascent]] [[Category:Decadentian Epistratum]]

The Techdivers are a martial order of warrior-monk-scientists who operate out of [[Ikaros]] under the nominal command of [[Ascent]]. They believe in purity of soul and spirit, dedicating themselves to their mission of discovering lost and dangerous technology. They embark on expeditions to ruins and archives and "dive" into such places. Due to the dangers associated with lost technology, such as unencountered viruses, unbraked and alien AI, unknown power fields, or the many other potential hazards, the Techdivers swear off the use of personal technology. On a Dive They use only what is absolutely neccessary such as Breathers and Environment suits. They rarely will own spacecraft of their own instead hiring the use of others.
The Techdivers are a martial order of warrior-monk-scientists who operate out of [[Ikaros]] under the nominal command of [[Ascent]]. They believe in purity of soul and spirit, dedicating themselves to their mission of discovering lost and dangerous technology. They embark on expeditions to ruins and archives and "dive" into such places. Due to the dangers associated with lost technology, such as unencountered viruses, unbraked and alien AI, unknown power fields, or the many other potential hazards, the Techdivers swear off the use of personal technology. On a Dive They use only what is absolutely neccessary such as Breathers and Environment suits. They rarely will own spacecraft of their own instead hiring the use of others.