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Driver: Gronge Mollow Yalec (Current Sector Champion)
=== Pro League OffSeason Celebration===
== End of Season Ceremony ==
The time between the adrenaline thrill of the final races of the Pro-League and the heart pounding exitation of the debut races is a cold and dark time for many fans of the sport, and it has given rise to a yearly celebratory tradition at the midpoint between end and start of season. Marked by the coming together at local establishments with a Robo-Racing table, people are encouraged to dress up and act like caricatures of their favourite figures from the Pro-League scene. From the managers to the drivers, doing your best (sometimes borderline offensive) impression of a vaunted sports figure along with a group of your friends around a Robo-Racing table is a guaranteed way to boost the spirits.
The other main aspect of the tradition is deep fried foods. It does not matter which culture from which you originate, what traditional or cultural dish it is, so long as you coat it in some kind of batter and deep fry it in oil you have yourself an Offseason Celebration food. A cottage industry around the perfect Offseason fried foods springs up every year, with cookbooks advertising the best way to marinade your Kardakouk snail in Sihian Energy Drink and then coat in Dynaen breadcrumbs before frying up for the masses. Multi-cultural and deeply unhealthy, this part of the tradition is essential in creating the sense of shared hardship as everyone bites through a crispy golden-brown crust.