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|title=Planet AG
|title=Planet H

Latest revision as of 01:45, 1 May 2023

Planet H
Government None
System Nusantara
Tech Level TL 3
Population Millions
Atmosphere Corrosive and Invasive
Biosphere Immiscible
Temperature Temperate
Planet Tag 1 Warlords
Planet Tag 2 Hatred
Mechanical Tag Governor's Force Assets deal +1 damage on this planet
Ruin No


Notable Locations

SWN Worldtags


The world is plagued by warlords. Numerous powerful men and women control private armies sufficiently strong to cow whatever local government may exist. On the lands they claim, their word is law. Most spend their time oppressing their own subjects and murderously pillaging those of their neighbors. Most like to wrap themselves in the mantle of ideology, religious fervor, or an ostensibly legitimate right to rule.


  • Warlord
  • Avaricious lieutenant
  • Expensive assassin
  • Aspiring minion


  • Vengeful commoner
  • Government military officer
  • Humanitarian aid official
  • Village priest


  • The warlords are willing to cooperate to fight mutual threats
  • The warlords favor specific religions or races over others
  • The warlords are using substantially more sophisticated tech than others
  • Some of the warlords are better rulers than the government


  • Weapons cache
  • Buried plunder
  • A warlord’s personal battle harness
  • Captured merchant shipping


  • Gory battlefield
  • Burnt-out village
  • Barbaric warlord palace
  • Squalid refugee camp


For whatever reason, this world’s populace has a burning hatred for the inhabitants of a neighboring system. Perhaps this world was colonized by exiles, or there was a recent interstellar war, or ideas of racial or religious superiority have fanned the hatred. Regardless of the cause, the locals view their neighbors and any sympathizers with loathing.


  • Native convinced that the offworlders are agents of Them
  • Cynical politician in need of scapegoats


  • Intelligence agent needing catspaws
  • Documentary producers needing “an inside look”
  • Unlucky offworlder from the hated system


  • The characters are wearing or using items from the hated world
  • The characters are known to have done business there
  • The characters “look like” the hated others


  • Proof of Their evildoing
  • Reward for turning in enemy agents
  • Relic stolen by Them years ago


  • War crimes museum
  • Atrocity site
  • Captured and decommissioned spaceship kept as a trophy