Order of the Mystic Dragons: Difference between revisions

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====The Dragonflies====
These small drones are used within the ships to perform repairs or other support services in the event that the vessels in the Order are damaged in the middle of the battlefield and don’t have access to repair facilities. The drones are able to self-replicate in the event they are attacked and destroyed by utilising a hivemind system.</br>
====The Leviathan====
Leviathan is one of the biggest ships in the court's fleet, said to be 1/10th the size of Sihi. Besides housing the order's giant space dragons, it also serves as the capital ship. Avallon's centrepiece is The Oynx Castle, the main residence of the grandmaster, which is located in the heart of the city. The upper surface is divided into three wards, Avallon, Mystic Sanctuary, and Crystal Lake. The ship is divided into several layers, including: The control deck, The upper surface, The lower surface, The Underground, The burrow (The flight deck) and finally The engineering deck. </br>