Order of the Mystic Dragons: Difference between revisions

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These are the smaller combat-capable vessels that fly in formation with The Leviathan, due to the capital ship's size. The Dragoons are deployed to protect her; they are faster to deploy and more nimble than the Dragon Knights, though they usually only engage targets that directly threaten The Leviathan. </br>
====The Dreadnaughts====
These vessels are the main transport and support fleet. Although the dragons are capable of flying in the vacuum of space, it is often more logistical to simply load them into the Dreadnaughts when the situation is deemed too dangerous to involve The Leviathan directly. They are equipped with weapons should they be attacked when transporting personnel.</br>
====The Dragonflies====
These small drones are used within the ships to perform repairs or other support services in the event that the vessels in the Order are damaged in the middle of the battlefield and don’t have access to repair facilities. The drones are able to self-replicate in the event they are attacked and destroyed by utilising a hivemind system.</br>