
From Beacon Space

Government Concord of Mutual Disdain
System 1418
Tech Level TL4
Population Failed Colony
Atmosphere Thick Atmosphere
Biosphere Immiscible Biosphere
Temperature Temperature
Planet Tag 1 Shackled World
Planet Tag 2 Space Magic Fear
Mechanical Tag Cunning Assets built on this world cost 1 less

Myrjek is a tidally locked planet in the Vendi-i-keq system. One side of the planet is eternally locked in night time and the other permanently scorching under the immense heat of the sun. .


What characterizes the planet more than even the tidal lock is the presence of the Makra-zul, the grotesque creations of the Jailers. These creatures are immensely anti-bleed. They possess many abilities to detect the use of bleed magic and upon sensing the presence of such forces will begin to swarm to where they sense it. As such the use of bleed on the planet, both from individuals and from objects, will result in a ticking time-bomb for anybody on the planet as a swarm of Makra-zul begins to rush towards the presence of the bleed usage, almost like a hivemind.


Myrjek was first discovered shortly after the first instances of the bleed was found in beacon space. Despite the energy being new it seemed that the concentration of it around Myrjek was immense. Many portions of the planet were subject to matter transmutation and very quickly a facility was established to study and make use of this bleed infused world. And that facility quickly formed into a psychic academy and with it came immigration on a massive scale, erecting new and fantastical cities almost overnight. In just a few decades the planet had become a hive of activity for the bleed academics and all the people and businesses that followed in their wake.

At least this was the case on the dark side of the planet. On the hot side of the planet there was a constant danger, the Makra-Zul. Visible even from orbit such was their number the aggressive beasts made colonization of the planet's hot side an impossibility. That's not to say no attempts were made, but any campaign to the other side of the planet met a swift end, either from being wiped out by the Makra-Zul, or simply being exhausted by their immense number and retreating due to fatigue. Yet this was not a problem as the Makra-Zul remained wholly sectioned off on the bright side of the planet. Indeed they seemed almost physically incapable of crossing into the dark side, and retreating forces would actively be able to escape if they passed the invisible boundary where the planet's two sides meet, actively refusing to follow past that invisible point. And with this safety net the planet flourished.

That was until a great change happened. Whilst it was not clear from what was preserved it has been estimated that this great change coincided with the great flash of light seen throughout the sector in 942 (107ABA). Almost as if a biological switch had been flipped, the Makra-Zul’s behavior shifted suddenly with tragic consequences. The entire population of the Makra-Zul swarmed the dark side of the planet. The inhabitants of Myrjek stood no chance, outnumbered and outgunned; the once vibrant city was reduced to ruins in mere hours. Attracted by the immense lens presence the people of Myrjek were eaten and ripped apart en masse. A once vibrant planet reduced to a memory.

Despite this sudden and cruel misfortune life did not fully extinguish on the planet in these brief few hours. Instead desperate surviving holdouts attempted to remain in their new home, albeit also from lacking much of a choice. It was quickly deemed too dangerous to attempt to rescue them with the Makra-Zul prowling everywhere. Nevertheless the survivors continued attempting to survive, their numbers dwindling over the centuries. Several times proper cities and trade networks managed to be established but would inevitably lead to destruction once somebody began to exhibit lens powers, whether deliberately or accidentally. Any such exhibitions of bleed powers would lead to an almost hivemind response of the Makra-Zul hunting down the lenses and any one else close to them. These repeated elimination of huge proportions of the dwindled remaining population left the remaining people on Myrjek paranoid and fearful of all things bleed. Numbering only in the dozens by the time the Concord arrived to the planet the remaining people are a paranoid, isolationist group, meeting each other only rarely and with great suspicion.

Much of the history of Myrjek is not the discovery of the Concord but instead a result of the exhaustive research from the fallen empire of Hydene Directorate but the planet's location was lost in the glitch.

Notable Locations

The largest remnant of the failed civilization on the planet are the remains of a bleed academy. Laying in ruins the once mighty building still hums with the latent energy from the various bleed techniques that used to be practiced there. Anything of real power or value was seemingly ripped from the building when the Makra-zul swarmed the night side of the planet. But if there is anything valuable still remaining it is a mighty challenge to get to it as the building now serves as the largest hive of the Makra-zul on the planet.

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