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Seasons 3, 4 and 5 maintained steady viewership and the show continued to be a success to the public, thanks in part to modifications to the show's formula such as crimes spread across two linked episodes. The series also saw the visionary director Al’Fred Hit’Chock take over the season during this time period and it served to be the first in a long line of successful productions for him. A few production hiccups meant that production had to stop for a few months between seasons 4 and 5 but that did nothing to wane the shows popularity. Season 6 was met with some backlash over the choice to kill off the ever present Officer VanBor Mil’Taren and the season is generally considered the second worst by the fanbase and critics alike. Nevertheless there was a lot of optimism and expectation as season 7 began production and eventually shooting.
===Production End===