Mos: Difference between revisions

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HZL: Far. More ice than water. Cold, and even colder if you stray from the ring.
R&G: Medium. About the same size and mass as Earth.
===Heavy Industry== =
The planet of Mos has immense productive and manufacturing power, and this is manifested throughout the planet's byways in urban settlements and the ubiquitous amount of agricultural industry overall.
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Even within all of these legal facets, there is a good living that can be made for those who come to the planet seeking labor, and temporary work visas within the many industries of the planet are much easier to acquire than other forms of documentation, especially if a union has sponsored the work.
===Civil War===
For almost two centuries, colder divisions on the planet have seeded a conflict that ignited into a tense heat in 278 MC. Revisionist Partisans have often taken lead from [[Albesu]] ideology but while that family may lead the torch they represent more than their brood. There are many who wish for significant political shifts such as; manufacturing policies having laxer regulations, reduction of the current social safety net and shifting its burden from the government to the unions, and also focusing the resources and production more towards Mos and less towards other planets and systems throughout beaconspace. There is also concern of the Urban-Rural divides that have long existed and the Revisionists Bilateral Front Party (RBFP) carries much of these political and social banners for their constituents.