Major Organizations and Businesses: Difference between revisions

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Syr Edric (talk | contribs)
Syr Edric (talk | contribs)
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|[[Starlit Court]]
|The Magpie Syndicate is an illegal criminal organization created by the [[Order of the Vulture]] and the [[Sihian Trade Guilds#Guilds of note|The Guild of Glinting Gears]] to exploit trophy taking laws to promote smuggling and the theft of technology. In the years since its founding the Syndicate has evolved into a larger group, smuggling goods on and off of Sihi while expanding into several aspects of organized crime.
|[[Red Harpoons]]
|A dangerous force of pirates which combine Tahora Whai and Starlit Court assets to destructive ends. Currently independently operating under the command of the rogue AI Rasa. The group primarily disrupts shipments of high tech assets, and commercial shuttle services, and are known for ransoming and press ganging victims.
|Example Name