Major Organizations and Businesses: Difference between revisions

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|BBTV is a sector-wide media network providing news, entertainment, and more. Such shows include "Beacon Space Tonight", "The Sector Report with Chaz Gusto Prime", "Kanga Roo Court", "Vaguery", and more. Founded by the TTGI, sponsored and co-owned by multiple for-profit enterprises.
|A chain of retail stores where you can create your own domestic robot.
|[[Dachia Dalmations]]
|Supports the creation of bleed-infused clothing and armor.
|Derrian Agricultural Consortium
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|A collective group of agricultural industry members held together by a shared culture and common trade strategy. 800 Years ago the DAC was a far more significant group, owning several worlds and operating vast fleets. Now they are a shadow of their former self, mainly existing on far-flung and undiscovered outposts of civilization, or managing small farms and processing facilities in the core.
|[[Dew Fog]]
| With the tagline "Unscripted Innovation" this is a culturally modern and desirable brand responsible for a variety of products across the sector, though largely catering to the cultural desires of the [[Starlit Court]]. Their signature product is the [[Double Dew Transcendental Drizzle]]
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|QwikLock is a business of small travelling convenience and refreshment stores available in every system in Beacon Space with a moderate to high volume of space trucker traffic.
|Rolands is a mid-tier fashion brand responsible largely for genuine and synthetic leather goods.
|Robinson Industries
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|Based in the city of Szalamandra on [[Kardakouk]] this corporation is responsible for running the city, the theme park and a host of other entertainment industries and intellectual property within the Concord.
|[[ The NHBC|The New Harmony Broadcasting Center]]
|Victorious Records
|[[ChildrenLarkspur of the VeinCombine]]
|The New Harmony Broadcasting Company (NHBC) is the primary public television broadcasting network on Mos. It is a semi-public television studio funded through donation drives, sponsored product placement within its programing, and the sale of previously broadcast programing on physical media.
|A new record label. Founded by sector celebrity Howling Star of the Vein of Glorious Delights.
|[[Larkspur Combine]]
|Headquartered out of [[Mos]], Vice-Aid provides and designs all sources of medicinal vice aplenty and exports much of its surplus to the sector at large.
|Victorious Records
|[[Children of the Vein]]
|A new record label. Founded by sector celebrity Howling Star of the Vein of Glorious Delights.
|[[Sihian_Trade_Guilds|Sihian Trade Guilds]]
|[[Starlit Court]]
|Collectives of professionals and skilled enthusiasts of various trades and crafts, banded together under written charters and contracts to protect their trade and their products. These guilds maintain a minimum standard for the quality of their craft’s work, and represent the bulk of the Starlit Court's civilian economic output.
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|The TTGI is a cooperative endeavor by the major powers of the Beacon Space community to terraform [[Telas]] into a habitable and thriving core world. The TTGI is controlled by the Board, which is comprised of representatives of each of the 9 major factions, each of whom controls one vote for policy and resource allocation decisions. Each cycle, a new Chair of the Board is appointed randomly from among the representatives and is given the power to determine the next voting decision for the following cycle.
|[[Thynk Order, Thynk Peace]]
|[[Starlit Court]]
|A pacifistic religious community based on [[Sihi]], Thynk Order, Thynk Peace provides an organizational backbone for community support, mutual aid, and anti-violence protesting. Although they are generally accepting of any and all worldviews that align with their pacifistic goals, they do preach a fairly strong interpretation of the Starlit Path, in as much as the very generally accepting and adaptable personal faith can be brought to such an end.
|[[The Magpie Syndicate]]
|[[Starlit Court]]
|The Magpie Syndicate is an illegal criminal organization created by the [[Order of the Vulture]] and the [[Sihian Trade Guilds#Guilds of note|The Guild of Glinting Gears]] to exploit trophy taking laws to promote smuggling and the theft of technology. In the years since its founding the Syndicate has evolved into a larger group, smuggling goods on and off of Sihi while expanding into several aspects of organized crime.
|[[Red Harpoons]]
|A dangerous force of pirates which combine Tahora Whai and Starlit Court assets to destructive ends. Currently independently operating under the command of the rogue AI Rasa. The group primarily disrupts shipments of high tech assets, and commercial shuttle services, and are known for ransoming and press ganging victims.
|Example Name