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;Seaonge Bread
:''This bread is madeMade from seaSeaonge sponges which causes thethis bread to havehas a very light and airedairy texture. ItIf willleft collectin oxygen bubbles aroundwater it ifcollects leftoxygen inbubbles. theIt's watercommon forplace aon while.Kardakouk for Mosthuman Humanscuba travelersdivers in Kardakouk willto take thissome bread withon them,dives in case their oxygen line breaks, allowingas themthe tobread recapturecan capture the escaping air.''
;Sewral Boiled Bread
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;Grilled Smarkovk
:''AGrilled lungfish,Smarkovk that lives around an anemone calledis a grarne, cooked with a technology improved by the arrival ofhuman humansrecipe. Hot water is pumped from the surface into small tubing. Placing the lungfish on the pipes, they then grilled the salmon colored fish onis ingrilled theirout Oxygenof filledthe homeswater. ItThis technique leaves some nice scoring lines and is somewhat a favorite among the alien species. Traditionally they tend to cook fish inside vents of boiling water.''
;Kardakouk medley