Kardakouk Cuisine: Difference between revisions

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;Coral platter
:''This appetizer comes with a varietydiverse assortment of corals that come in various colors, flavors and textures that is sure to make any meal fun. The selection is wide but most find themselves after trying themthe allgambit stickingmost topeople a few of them. They grow byfind themselves, makingsticking themto sustainabletheir source of foodfavorites. The coralscoral areis grown commercially in aan isolated area to protect themit from thepest localand seaparasites, lifeand is a sustainable though expensive food source. The livefresh, onesstill living coral has a taste better taste than the dried out coral, however they are rarely brought out for visitorsexported due to protectcost. thisThe valuablecorals exportused .in Thesethis coralsdish have gone through many experimentation and treatment processes to make them palatable to humans.''
;Sea Salad