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===Members of the Concord===
The minor species on Kardakouk that have agreed to join the Concord include:
- '''Bulka-Minnows''',
The Bulka-minnows are a species of sentient fish that, like the name suggests, are incredibly small. Reaching only a couple of centimetres in length this species was found in one of the cells that had life in them. Being so small means that in spite of their population, which isn't nearly as small as most of the other minor species, they can entirely fit within the cell that they were found in. They possess three arms but no legs, propelled forward by their tails. Unlike the queltl and tar'et they are entirely aquatic and cannot survive in the oxygenated parts of the planet. Thus they tend to avoid the areas that have been adapted to assist humanities survival on Kardakouk.
Whilst the tar'et often have a hard time avoiding accidentally stepping on humans or queltl the insanely small size of the Bulka-minnows and the fact that they only ever meet in water means that it is very rare for them to accidentally hurt the small species. As such it is quite common for Bulka-minnows in danger to seek the assistance of Tar’et who have many nooks and crannies to hide in for the small species. The Bulka-minnows are the closest in political significance to the major species of Kardakouk but are highly uninterested in leaving the planet, where their entire lives can be lived underwater with no danger of getting beached or suffering from strong uv rays from the suns of the sector. They were big proponents for maintaining the policy of isolation but since their lives have not changed much in practical terms since its end they have not been active in seeking isolation reintroduced.
- '''The Unitary Collective''',
After some nefarious actions by criminal elements known as the Cetecea cartel resulted in intelligence enhancers being smuggled onto Kardakouk and several animals gaining sentience. As dubious as the methods to gain this intelligence were it would nonetheless be reprehensible to remove the sentience of a creature against its will. As a result these uplifted animals have come to be known as the unitary collective. Named since most individuals uplifted are the only ones of their species to do so but requiring some method to refer to the group as a whole: hence unitary collective.
- '''Centrifugal Disks''',
The Centrifugal Disks are a collection of 3 geometric glass disks reaching 15 metres in diameter with a 3 metre space in the center (much like a donut, albeit far more angular) that are constantly spinning. They rotate at such speeds that the water around them is a constant whirlpool preventing any meaningful approach. They have not been seen leaving their cell block but when visited at times one or two have been missing, despite the seemingly only entrance of their cell block not being passed. Nor have the missing disks been seen at other locations on the planet. They do not communicate through sound but when approached with technological devices they are capable of hijacking them to type out communications. They are very mysterious with very little known about them but they did agree to join the Concord when asked. When asked for names they replied that they were called Fortune, Misfortune and 29. It is not clear which is which.
- '''Kagylórse''',
The Kagylórse are a species of hard shelled bivalve molluscs who have achieved sentience. The cell block they were stored in had cracked open allowing a flow of water that carried necessary food in and waste out. Without which they probably would not have survived until found by the Concord. Whilst they are sentient they are a sedentary species, remaining fixed to a location of their choosing their whole lives unless forced to move by extraneous circumstances. Nevertheless they are good listeners and always willing to exchange stories with any passers by who would be willing to exchange (And have never been employed by the Geoducks as spies, don’t worry about it).
- '''Xiphartem''',
A deep sea crab race that can't actually survive at lower pressures closer to the surface. As a result of the immense pressure of their environments they have wide, relatively flat bodies in the shape of an oblong, their legs attached at the thinnest points. Their claws are likewise wide and flat but possess an immense grip strength since they need to operate in such a high pressure environment.
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===Non-Concord members===
The minor species of Kardakouk that have not agreed to join the Concord
- '''Makra-Zul/Karc’te’dye''',
The Jailors designed and created organic security measures against the bleed. These monsters are called the Makra-Zul or Karc’te’dye. As Cell Blocks have become damaged they have escaped into the seas and oceans contributing to the Kardakian hybrid environment. It is a deep seated superstition that talking/writing about them draws them nearer and as such they are never mentioned in Kardakian society.