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[[Category: DecadentianAscended Epistratum]]
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==Sentient Species of Ikaros==
The Ikarians, scientifically known as Homosapien Aureus, are a distinctive branch of humanity native to the planet Ikaros. Competition has seeped into the very soul of this species, who espouse virtues of sportsmanship, athleticism, and being competitive.
The Ikarosi are a tall, humanoid species with a resemblance to graceful, hoofed prey animals such as gazelles, deer, and springboks. Their physiology is optimized for speed and efficiency in all aspects of their lives.
==Geography and Climate==
===Continents & Major Landforms: ===
A main landmass surrounded by a multitude of varying-sized islands. The central land has a towering mountain, fertile plains, and dense jungle.
===Weather Patterns: ===
Seasons marked by mild rains and warm, dry periods, promoting growth of fruit-bearing trees and vineyards.
===Training Areas===
Special Terrains for Competitions:
Twisting Canyons: Maze-like canyons that challenge navigation and agility during races.
Tempestuous Waters: Seas with unpredictable currents, ideal for rigorous swimming or sailing trials.
Sunlit Plains: Expansive flat areas for speed-focused competitions.
Training Areas:
Varied terrains such as high-altitude regions and underwater domains where Ikarians refine their skills and endurance.
Vineyards: Spanning vast areas, producing various unique wines. The warmth and thick atmosphere allows for quicker grape maturation, resulting in wines with distinct flavors.
Spanning vast areas, producing various unique wines. The warmth and thick atmosphere allows for quicker grape maturation, resulting in wines with distinct flavors.
Sunleaf Trees:
Sunleaf Trees: Large, broad-leafed trees that thrive in the warm climate, offering shade and producing a fruit that's a staple in the Ikarian diet.
Large, broad-leafed trees that thrive in the warm climate, offering shade and producing a fruit that's a staple in the Ikarian diet.
Heatgrass: A type of grass that thrives in high temperatures, covering the Sunlit Plains. It has reflective properties, shimmering in sunlight.
A type of grass that thrives in high temperatures, covering the Sunlit Plains. It has reflective properties, shimmering in sunlight.
Skylarks: Bird species introduced for their ability to fly at higher altitudes, taking advantage of the thick atmosphere.
Bird species introduced for their ability to fly at higher altitudes, taking advantage of the thick atmosphere.
Therma-Fauna: Genetically modified animals that thrive in warm conditions, such as large reptiles used as beasts of burden.
Genetically modified animals that thrive in warm conditions, such as large reptiles used as beasts of burden.
Unique Ecosystem Interactions:
Photosynthetic Symbiosis:
Photosynthetic Symbiosis: Some animals have formed symbiotic relationships with plants due to the lack of a native biosphere, aiding in pollination or seed dispersion.
Some animals have formed symbiotic relationships with plants due to the lack of a native biosphere, aiding in pollination or seed dispersion.
Wine Production:
Wine Production: With vineyards being extensive, wine production is a major industry. Different regions are known for specific wine variants, and there are frequent competitions for the best wine.
With vineyards being extensive, wine production is a major industry. Different regions are known for specific wine variants, and there are frequent competitions for the best wine.
Fruit Orchards:
Fruit Orchards: Ochards producing various fruits adapted to the warm climate, adding diversity to the Ikarian diet and export products.
Ochards producing various fruits adapted to the warm climate, adding diversity to the Ikarian diet and export products.
Pest Control:
Pest Control: Without a native biosphere, introduced pests are a problem in the absence of natural predators. This has resulted in the development of unique pest control measure with the assistance of the Children of the Vein.
Without a native biosphere, introduced pests are a problem in the absence of natural predators. This has resulted in the development of unique pest control measure with the assistance of the Children of the Vein.
==History and Evolution==
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==Society and Culture==
Seconds, Minutes, and Hours:
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Years, or Orbits, are the length of time for Ikaros to orbit its pulsar. Each Orbit consists of 10 Arcs. Ikaros only has a warm season and a rainy season, with Solars being longer during the warm season, and shorter during the rainy season.
===Social Structure:===
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===Foundations & Layout:===
Polis Planning:
Polis Planning:
Each Polis has a central Agora surrounded by essential buildings,markets, and recreational areas. This central point acts as the heart of each Polis.
Harmonious Integration:
Buildings are designed to seamlessly blend with the environment. Terraced constructions that follow the natural curve of the islands' topography.
===Structural Aesthetics:===
Pillars and Pediments:
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These are a central feature in every Polis. Designed for acoustics, they host not just performances but also significant duels or events.
===Technological Integration:===
Dynamic Walls:
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Buildings are equipped with advanced tech for sustainable living – from rainwater harvesting to energy conversion systems that harness the pulsar's energy.
===Cultural Imprints:===
Race Tracks:
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Given the reverence for the Lyceum and learning, temples dedicated to various disciplines of knowledge would dot the landscape. These would not be religious structures but places for contemplation, study, and debate.
===Politics and Governance:===
The heart of Ikarian politics is competition. This emphasis on athleticism as a form of governance and dispute resolution reinforces their unique cultural identity and sets them apart from other cultures.
====Political Structure:====
The Council of Champions:
This is the overarching governing body of Ikaros, comprising representatives from each of the 12 Poleis. Each Polis is represented by their most athletically competent and gifted citizen.
=====Prime Polis: =====
The first colony ship to land on Ikaros, and as a result, the most influential. Occupying the largest landmass, they have a greater say in the council but still maintain a sense of fairness.
=====Four Major Poleis: =====
Each having a significant influence and territory, their representatives hold considerable power in the Council of Champions.
=====Seven Minor Poleis:=====
While smaller, they still hold voting power and can form alliances to shift decisions in the council.
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Each Polis has its own Agoric Council, a group of esteemed citizens chosen through competition. This council handles local governance over their Polis. Each Agoric Council is led by their Champion, the representative to the Council of Champions.
===Laws & Ordinances:===
====The Olympian Code:====
A set of guidelines and laws inspired by the ideals of competition, sportsmanship, and fairness. The code emphasizes integrity, grace, and excellence.
'''Grace in Victory, Dignity in Defeat: '''
True sportsmanship is a reflection of one's character. An Ikarian must celebrate victory with humility and acknowledge defeat with grace. Gloating, mockery, or demeaning an opponent diminishes one's honor. Conversely, those who face loss should do so with dignity, respecting their victor and using the experience as an opportunity for growth and reflection. In all things, an Ikarian should remember that it is not the outcome, but the spirit of the competition and the lessons learned that hold true value.
'''Pursuit of Excellence: '''
Every Ikarian must strive for personal and societal excellence in all endeavors, be it physical, intellectual, or artistic. Complacency is viewed as a slow descent into oblivion.
'''Respect the Race:'''
Competitions and races are sacred. They are not just tests of skill and endurance but are also a celebration of Ikarian culture. Participants must compete with fairness, respecting both the rules and their opponents.
'''Duty to Polis:'''
Every Ikarian owes a duty to their Polis. This involves participating in its governance, defending its honor, and working towards its prosperity.
'''Unity in Diversity:'''
While each Polis has its unique traits, all Ikarians share a common heritage. Inter-Polis rivalries are encouraged in sport and competition, but when faced with external threats, unity is paramount.
'''Stewardship of Ikaros: '''
Ikaros offers its bounty, but in return, Ikarians must act as its stewards. This involves sustainable practices, conserving its beauty, and ensuring that future generations inherit a thriving planet.
'''Seek Wisdom: '''
Knowledge is treasured, but wisdom is revered. Ikarians are encouraged to learn from both the past and the present, to question, debate, and philosophize, and to share their insights for the betterment of all.
'''Hospitality and Generosity: '''
Ikarians honor their guests and show generosity to strangers. This ancient tradition stems from the belief that any stranger could be a god in disguise, a mythological concept.
'''Bravery and Sacrifice: '''
Ikarians value courage in the face of adversity. They are taught from a young age that sometimes sacrifice, both big and small, is necessary for the greater good.
'''Celebrate Life: '''
Life on Ikaros, despite its challenges, is to be celebrated. Festivals, music, dance, and wine play a significant role in ensuring that while the pursuit of excellence is vital, so is the joy of living.
====Ikarian Dueling: ====
Dueling is a commonly used method of conflict and dispute resolution. Duels can take on many shapes and over the decades the Council of Champions have outlined the details of official duels.
'''Invocation of the Duel: '''
A duel may be invoked for matters of personal honor, disputes that cannot be settled in a normal diplomatic manner, or to challenge decisions made by a superior.
'''Acceptance: '''
The challenged party has the right to accept or refuse the duel. Refusing a duel without a valid reason might result in a loss of honor or status and is extremely taboo.
'''Choice of Discipline:'''
The challenged party selects the discipline for the duel, be it a physical contest (e.g., a race, wrestling, or a test of strength) or a more intellectual one (e.g., a game of strategy or riddles).
Traditional disciplines include triathlons, footraces, aquatic races, and marksmanship. However, the list is not exhaustive and may include other skills or sports.
'''Neutral Ground'''
Neutral Ground: Duels must be conducted on neutral ground, often in designated arenas in each Polis. Each Polis has sacred ground or an arena dedicated to such events.
Duels must be conducted on neutral ground, often in designated arenas in each Polis. Each Polis has sacred ground or an arena dedicated to such events.
'''Witnesses: '''
Duels must have witnesses. A neutral third-party, known as the "Pulse Keeper", will oversee the proceedings to ensure fairness. Their role is to time the duel and make sure all rules are followed.
'''No External Enhancements: '''
Duelists are prohibited from using any drugs, or external devices that could give them an unfair advantage during the duel.
'''Outcome and Consequences:Consequence'''
* The outcome of the duel is final. The loser must accept the decision and the associated consequences.<br>
If the duel is about a personal matter or a challenge to a decision, the loser must abide by the winner's terms, provided they are honorable and fair.
If the duel leads to serious injury, the victor must ensure the well-being of the defeated. In Ikarian culture, it's essential to win with honor and grace, not with malice.
Defeated parties are expected to handle their loss with honor and grace as well.
* If the duel is about a personal matter or a challenge to a decision, the loser must abide by the winner's terms, provided they are honorable and fair.<br>
Limitation on Frequency:
* If the duel leads to serious injury, the victor must ensure the well-being of the defeated. In Ikarian culture, it's essential to win with honor and grace, not with malice.<br>
* Defeated parties are expected to handle their loss with honor and grace as well.<br>
'''Limitation on Frequency'''
A person cannot challenge the same individual to a duel for the same reason.
'''Post-Duel Reconciliation: '''
After the duel, both parties engage in a symbolic act of reconciliation, this typically takes the form of sharing a drink of wine (of the losers choice) to show that there are no lingering hard feelings and to promote unity among Ikarians.
'''Violation of the Code: '''
Violating any part of the dueling code will result in severe consequences, including banishment from Ikaros, being scrubbed from ancestry, or in extreme violations, execution. Violations are so rare that only the Council of Champions will determine appropriate consequences.
===Foreign Relations:===
Ambassadors of Excellence:
Ikarians send some of their best athletes as ambassadors to other planets or factions. This is meant to showcase their values and establish relations based on mutual respect for prowess and capability.
====Embassy Races:====
Any external faction desiring an embassy or diplomatic presence on Ikaros must host a Xenathon.
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Once a faction completes their Xenathon, it is customary to incorporate the race into the Competitive Calendar of Ikaros. Over time, many such races have been created, each tied to a different faction, celebrating the Ikarian connections with Beacon Space.
===Education and Knowledge:===
====Academy Isles: ====
Dedicated islands where Ikarians travel to learn, train, and hone their skills.
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In academic disputes, it's not uncommon for scholars to challenge each other in intellectual races. They're given a topic, and they have to race against time to provide the most comprehensive understanding, often in the form of presentations or debates.
====The Lyceum of Ikaros:====
Spheres of Study:
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==Economy and Resources==
===Major Exports and Imports:===
Ikarian Wine:
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Crystals that harness and store energy from the pulsar, used in various technologies local to Ikaros.
Bleed Technologies:
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To enhance their understanding of other civilizations.
===Currency System:===
Electronic Drachmae System (e-Drachmae)
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To ensure that the amount of e-Drachmae in circulation matches the physical Drachmae Crystals in the core and throughout Ikaros, regular audits are conducted. These audits are a community event, reinforcing trust in the system and ensuring its continued stability.
===Major Trade Hubs:===
====Port Helios: ====
The primary spaceport situated near the equator of Ikaros under the control of Protopolis. This bustling hub is where most inter-planetary trade occurs
Nested within the heart of Mount Impaylo, the tallest peak of Ikaros, Port Helios offers unparalleled views of the planet below and the vast expanse of the cosmos above. Its altitude, just a few thousand meters shy of space, gives it a unique advantage as a space port.
'''Physical Attributes:'''
''The Solar Spirals''
The Solar Spirals:
These are vast solar-themed discs, each larger than the last, spiraling around the upper stretches of Mount Impaylo. They serve multiple purposes:
''Solar Harvesters''
Solar Harvesters: Collecting energy from the pulsar, they power much of Port Helios and other parts of Protopolis.
Collecting energy from the pulsar, they power much of Port Helios and other parts of Protopolis.
''Launch & Landing Platforms''
Launch & Landing Platforms: The discs also act as stages for spacecraft, making the process of descent and ascent more efficient.
The discs also act as stages for spacecraft, making the process of descent and ascent more efficient.
Observation Decks: Being so close to space, they offer breathtaking views not just Beacon Space, but also the planet below, making them popular spots for both locals and tourists.
''The Citadel''
The Citadel:
Deep within Mount Impaylo is a vast hollowed chamber, acting as the central hub for Port Helios. It's here that governance, commerce, and cultural events mainly take place.
''Stellar Elevators: ''
Given the vertical nature of the port, a series of rapid elevators connect the Heart Chamber to the outer discs and other parts of the mountain.
''The Path:''
Built along the treacherous path up the mountain from the outside, this twisting path up is a right of passage for many youth, as well as the track for The Ascent race.
''Solar Shields''
Solar Shields:
In times of threat, the Solar Spirals can be converted into powerful shields, harnessing solar energy to deflect or neutralize incoming attacks.
''Heraclade Sentinels: ''
An elite group tasked with the protection of the mountain, they are trained in high-altitude combat and rapid response to threats both internal and external.
''Heliod Lances: ''
Integrated into the Solar Spirals are a series of static, high-powered solar-energy cannons called "Heliod Lances." These can fire concentrated bursts of energy, making them devastating against both aerial and space targets.
''Stellar Drones: ''
These are autonomous drones stationed within Mount Impaylo. They can be deployed en masse, swarming enemy fleets or installations. They come equipped with smaller versions of the Lance Cannons and can self-destruct if needed.
''Harmonic Resonators: ''
Utilizing the unique crystalline structures within Mount Impaylo, these devices can emit powerful resonating frequencies that can destabilize enemy shields or even cause structural damage to enemy vessels.
'''Unique Attributes:'''
''The Ascent Race: ''
An annual competition where participants race from the base to the summit of Mount Impaylo, navigating the unique challenges the mountain offers.
''Flora & Fauna:''
Starwing Condor - A massive bird, adapted to the thin atmosphere of the heights, it's known to soar around the mountain's peak effortlessly.
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Summit Berry - Grown at high altitudes, it's a fruit with a cool, refreshing taste and a hint of natural carbonation.
====Agora Markets: ====
Found in each Polis, these are local trading hubs where intra-planetary trade predominantly happens.
Unique Fruits and Wines:
===Unique Fruits and Wines===
Solar Grape:
'''Solar Grape:'''
Fruits that ripen best during certain pulsar emissions, resulting in a wine with a golden hue and a warm, sunlit taste.
* Helianthos Nectar - A golden-hued wine with a sunlit shimmer, capturing the essence of leadership and prominence.
'''Sea Plum:'''
Helianthos Nectar - A golden-hued wine with a sunlit shimmer, capturing the essence of leadership and prominence.
Sea Plum:
A bluish fruit with a succulent, salty-sweet taste.
* Tidal Essence - A deep blue wine that has hints of saltiness and a refreshing aftertaste.
Tidal Essence - A deep blue wine that has hints of saltiness and a refreshing aftertaste.
A dark fruit with a bright, luminous core.
* Underworld Ambrosia - A dark, rich wine with smoky undertones, evoking mystery.
'''Volt Grape:'''
Underworld Ambrosia - A dark, rich wine with smoky undertones, evoking mystery.
Volt Grape:
A zesty, tingling fruit that electrifies the palate.
* Thunder's Kiss - A sparkling wine with a crackling sensation, embodying the power of the skies.
'''Altitude Apple:'''
Thunder's Kiss - A sparkling wine with a crackling sensation, embodying the power of the skies.
Altitude Apple:
A crisp fruit with an airy, light flavor profile.
* Pinnacle Elixir - A clear wine with multifaceted flavors, representing the height of achievement.
'''Star Cherry:'''
Pinnacle Elixir - A clear wine with multifaceted flavors, representing the height of achievement.
Star Cherry:
A fruit with tiny luminescent spots, reminiscent of stars.
* Moonshadow Wine - A silvery wine that has a tranquil, calming effect on the drinker.
===Major Corporations===
Moonshadow Wine - A silvery wine that has a tranquil, calming effect on the drinker.
Major Corporations:
Ambrosia Vineyards Corporation (AVC):