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LegateMarz (talk | contribs)
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The Ikarians trace their roots back to a group of explorers and scientists who settled on Ikaros in search of the beacon. Over time, and influenced by the unique conditions of their planet and sun, they diverged both culturally and genetically from Homesapiens. As a society that values physical prowess, they developed advanced genetic engineering techniques to optimize their physical capabilities, eventually giving rise to Homosapien Aureus.
The social hierarchy on Ikaros is largely meritocratic, based on physical and athletic achievements. At the top are the Aristos, individuals who won the [[PanIkaros Triathalon]] under the influence of [[Dyēus' Race]]. They are followed by Athlonarchs, individuals who won the PanIkaros Triathalon under normal conditions. Under champions are Sapiarchs, who contribute through scientific discovery and technological innovation. The Valkyrates, responsible for the defense of Ikaros, hold a special status but are below Athlonarchsand Sapiarchs. At the base are the Demosians, regular citizens, who although skilled, have not achieved the glory or recognition in physical or intellectual pursuits.