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[[Category: Species]] [[Category:DecadentianAscended Epistratum]] [[Category: Species of the DecadentianAscended Epistratum]]
The Ikarians, scientifically known as Homosapien Aureus, are a distinctive branch of humanity native to the planet Ikaros. Averaging a height of 2 meters, they are notably taller than typical humans. Their skin has adapted to their sun, Pulsar Solis, taking on a golden sheen and hue, while their eyes display jewel-like colors such as sapphire, emerald, and ruby. Genetically engineered for physical prowess, they are an extraordinarily competitive society obsessed with physical perfection.
This page is a template for creating a Species
|title=Ikarian (Homosapien Aureus)
|placeorigin=[[Gograpatk]] / [[Ikaros]]
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For the humans of Ikaros, the relentless pursuit of physical perfection isn't just a cultural norm—it's an obsession. Competition is the pinnacle of this, a way to prove their worth, not just among themselves but also against the various species and other communities throughout Beacon Space.
==Core BeliefsCulture==
===Perfection or Nothing===
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Ikarians believe they are the epitome of human potential and that it's their birthright to prove this to every other species and culture. The embassies on Ikaros thus sponsor unique races from their own cultures, only to be bested by the Ikarians.
==Daily Life==
===Rigorous Training===
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Due to the obsession with physical perfection, holistic approaches such as diet, mental health, and spiritual well-being are also meticulously managed to achieve optimal physical performance.
==Cultural and Political Impact==
===Athletic Diplomacy===
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For an embassy to be in the good graces of the Ikarian government, it has to sponsor at least one annual race. These events serve as diplomatic endeavors as much as athletic competitions.
===Social Hierarchy===
Physical prowess dictates social standing. The winners of the PanIkaros Triathlon and other major races often enjoy a near-celebrity status, with immense political and social influence.
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Adapted to Ikaros' thick atmosphere, Ikarians have larger lung capacities. This allows them to intake more oxygen in a single breath, crucial for their stamina-driven athletic events.
#### 2. **===Skin Color:**===
#### 1. **Height:**
- A distinctive golden sheen and hue, an adaptation to their sun, Pulsar Solis. This provides them with some natural radiation resistance and has become a cultural symbol of their celestialsuperior heritage.
Average height of approximately 6'8" (203 cm) for both men and women, a result of both natural evolution and genomic sculpting
#### 3. **===Eye Color:**===
#### 2. **Weight:**
- Eyes that resemble jewels, with vibrant colors such as sapphire blue, emerald green, and ruby red. This is not just a cosmetic feature; their unique eye composition allows for a broader spectrum of vision.
- **Men**: 280 lbs
- **Women**: 230 lbs
#### 3. **Lifespan:**
The Ikarians trace their roots back to a group of explorers and scientists who settled on Ikaros in search of the beacon. Over time, and influenced by the unique conditions of their planet and sun, they diverged both culturally and genetically from Homesapiens. As a society that values physical prowess, they developed advanced genetic engineering techniques to optimize their physical capabilities, eventually giving rise to Homosapien Aureus.
- Average lifespan of 120-130 years, owing to advanced healthcare and optimized genetics.
#### 4. **Body Fat Percentage:**
The social hierarchy on Ikaros is largely meritocratic, based on physical and athletic achievements. At the top are the Aristos, individuals who won the [[PanIkaros Triathalon]] under the influence of [[Dyēus' Race]]. They are followed by Athlonarchs, individuals who won the PanIkaros Triathalon under normal conditions. Under champions are Sapiarchs, who contribute through scientific discovery and technological innovation. The Valkyrates, responsible for the defense of Ikaros, hold a special status but are below Athlonarchsand Sapiarchs. At the base are the Demosians, regular citizens, who although skilled, have not achieved the glory or recognition in physical or intellectual pursuits.
- **Men**: Around 8-12%
- **Women**: Around 16-20%
This strict social hierarchy informs every aspect of Ikarian life, from their education system to their diplomatic relations. However, it also creates a society of extreme competition, where the stakes are high and the pressure to perform is ever-present.
#### 5. **Resting Heart Rate:**
- Average of 50-60 bpm, indicative of cardiovascular fitness.
#### 6. **VO2 Max (a measure of aerobic endurance):**
- 50-60 mL/kg/min, well above the human average, especially for their age groups.
#### 7. **Bone Density:**
- Approximately 1.3 g/cm³, compared to the Earth human average of about 1.05 g/cm³.
#### 8. **Muscle Fiber Composition:**
- Fast-twitch to slow-twitch ratio is around 50:50, offering a balance of speed and endurance.
#### 9. **Vision:**
- 20/10 vision is common, allowing them to see at 20 feet what a regular human could see at 10 feet.
#### 10. **Reaction Time:**
- An average of 150 milliseconds, almost twice as fast as the average human's 250 milliseconds.
#### 2. **Skin Color:**
- A distinctive golden sheen and hue, an adaptation to their sun, Pulsar Solis. This provides them with some natural radiation resistance and has become a cultural symbol of their celestial heritage.
#### 3. **Eye Color:**
- Eyes that resemble jewels, with vibrant colors such as sapphire blue, emerald green, and ruby red. This is not just a cosmetic feature; their unique eye composition allows for a broader spectrum of vision.
The other physical attributes can remain as previously described, emphasizing their physical prowess and adaptability. This new height, golden skin, and jewel-like eyes make them an immediately recognizable and distinct subset of humanity.
This section contains the history of the species, such as origin location and evolution
This section contains the typical organisation of this species, such as nomadic, tribal, etc.
This section contains information about typical cultural features of the species
==Other Links==
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