Guild of Digital Delights

From Beacon Space

The Guild of Digital Delights

The Guild of Digital Delights is a major Sihian guild operating out of an office in Camlainn. Established in 377 AoQ (195 years ago) the Guild of Digital Delights is software and entertainment guild. The Guild of Digital Delights primarily produces games and interactive media and has done so for the full length of their history. The guild primarily develops virtual reality devices, but has created several portable game devices and upgrade kits for computers.

The guild began small, primarily as a media preservation guild, compiling and updating films, games, as well as adapting and importing entertainment from outside sources for the consumption of the Sihian public. Eventually, the Guild grew in size and expertise to the point in which it began creating its own original programs, releasing the first installment in the Initial Figment series in 479 AoQ to mass acclaim.


The Guild of Digital Delights is divided into three major divisions; preservation, publishing, and development. The preservation department keeps old media available for the public to consume, updating software, graphics, and programming to make sure that the Guild’s back catalog is available. The publishing division seeks out talent on Sihi and Leviathan, and provides resources and assistance for the creation of new media. The development branch develops new games, creating sequels and entirely new experiences for the public to consume.


The following are a number of the Guild of Digital Delight’s most popular game series, currently available.

Initial Figment

A science fiction roleplaying game with fantasy elements, sometimes criticized for being more video than game. The initial Figment series has had 22 entries over it’s legendary run, with the vast majority being unrelated stories that explore similar themes.

Capsule Beasts

A children’s adventure game about raising and training monsters to help explore a fanciful world. Capsule beasts is immensely popular, with each game having a dozen or more mini games, new monsters, a robust combat, talent show, and base building mechanics.

Elentari Emperors

A strategy and tactics game that blends the line between roleplaying and grand strategy. The player assumes the role of an ancient Elentari warlord, attempting to seize as much of the world as possible, while keeping their own dynasty alive and in power.

Mutant Hunter

In this game, players act as a medieval swordsman who takes on political problems when his job really is to simply kill monsters and make money. He’s really good at his job, when he gets to do it on the rare occasion he isn’t involved in some vast political intrigue or scheme.

Grand Theft Airship

An open world action game based on Mosi crime dramas, where the player takes on the role of a Mosi gangster navigating the dangerous criminal underworld. Famous for its clever but dramatic writing, humorous and edgy characters, and its boundary pushing violence, drug, and sex related content.


An action roleplaying game series praised for its art direction and emotionally evocative writing, FaR is the latest from Autour designer Yakov Toro. The game takes place in Toro’s extended multiverse, and behind its excellent responsive gameplay, is a deep, esoteric meta-plot which involves no less than 3 other games, a short film, a pair of novellas, and a limited run stage play.

Knight’s Valor

Primarily a modern military shooter that bases its campaigns and weapon lists on recent events and interstellar politics. Often drawing controversy and sensationalizing scenarios based on recent events, the series is known for its cinematic qualities, and high production values. Technically the series is up to 70 entries, but in the last two decades developers have stuck to a single iteration with new campaigns and map packs rotating on an annual basis instead of releasing a new game each year.


A popular science fiction first person shooter, staring an exceptionally driven super soldier Lord Commander, fighting a nefarious alien cult for control of the seven artificial crown worlds. The series is famous for its multi-player, its often surprising well written campaign, it's world building and accompanying novel series, and it's spiritual undertones. The most recent installment, Crown: eternity, is the twentieth installment in the series, and has been criticized for its portrayal of fan favorite character Durandal, and the worst entry in the series since Crown, D.R.O.P.


A recent survival simulation game, where the player creates and controls artificially evolved creatures across multiple generations to create the ultimate life form and defeat rival gene splicers from the Vein of Parasites (a thinly veiled jab at the vein of paradise). Splice was made in cooperation with investors from the Vein of Glorious Delights, who wished to use the game as an ambassador, introducing Veinite concepts and ideas, while normalizing several real life practices that Veins use in their work.

Colony Craze

A popular city building Simulator putting the player in the role of a colonial administrator building the first planet colony on a recently discovered planet. There are two game modes; free play and campaign. In campaign mode you must build a series of colonies under increasingly difficulty conditions until you unlock the right to settle the Grail world: a verdant paradise planet whose objective is to create the largest population possible. In freeplay mode you choose a map, select its challenges, and build to your heart's content, with the only end forced on a player being if everyone in your colony dies.