Faction Turn Asset List

From Beacon Space

A major component of the faction turn is the assets used by factions to interact with the board. These assets fall into three categories: Force, Wealth, and Cunning, and each of these categories is then further broken down into smaller categories, 1-8. A faction may only have assets (with a few exceptions), if they have a stat value equal to or higher than the number of the asset in that category. For example, a faction with 2 Force and 3 Cunning could have a Cunning 3 asset, but not a Force 3 asset.

The assets shown below are originally taken from the Stars Without Number RPG Ruleset, and have been modified by the Unrestricted Lorefare community through a number of community patches.

Special assets are assets that all factions have available to them, regardless of stat level

Special Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Base of Influence X X 0 Special None None Required for purchasing or upgrading assets on a world. Cost and HP are X, where X is the number of credits spent to construct it, up to the value of the faction's max HP. Doesn't count against maximum assets. Can only be bought using the expand influence action.

Cunning Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Cunning 1
Smugglers 4 2 4 Starship CvW, 1d4 None Ability
Informers 3 2 0 Special Forces CvC, Special None Ability
False Front 2 1 0 Logistics Facility None None Ability
Cunning 2
Lobbyists 4 4 0 Special Forces CvC, 1d4+1 1d4 Ability
Saboteurs 6 5 0 Special Forces CvC, 2d4 None Ability
Blackmail 4 4 0 Tactic CvC, 1d6+1 None Ability
Seducterox 4 4 0 Special Forces CvC, Special None Ability
Cunning 3
Cyberninjas 4 6 4 Special Forces CvC, 2d6 None Ability
Stealth - 2 0 Tactic None None Ability
Covert Shipping 4 8 4 Logistics Facility None None Ability
Cunning 4
Party Machine 8 8 0 Logistics Facility CvC, 2d4 1d6 Ability
Vanguard Cadres 10 8 3 Military Unit CvC, 1d8 1d8 Ability
Tripwire Cells 8 12 4 Special Forces None 1d4 Ability
Seditionists 8 12 0 Special Forces None None Ability
Cunning 5
Organization Moles 10 10 0 Tactic CvC, 2d6 1d6 Ability
Cracked Comms 6 14 0 Tactic None Special Ability
Boltholes 6 12 4 Logistics Facility None 2d6 Ability
Cunning 6
Transport Lockdown 10 20 4 Tactic CvC, Special None Ability
Covert Transit Net 15 18 4 Logistics Facility None None Ability
Demagogue 10 20 0 Special Forces CvC, 2d8 1d8 Ability
Cunning 7
Popular Movement 16 25 4 Tactic CvC, 2d6 1d6 Ability
Book of Secrets 10 20 4 Tactic None 2d8 Ability
Treachery 5 10 0 Tactic CvC, Special None Ability
Cunning 8
Panopticon Matrix 20 30 5 Logistics Facility None 1d6 Ability

Force Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 1
Security Personnel 3 2 0 Military Unit FvF. 1d3+1 1d4 Ability
Hitmen 1 2 0 Special Forces FvC, 1d6 None Ability
Militia Unit 4 4 3 Military Unit FvF, 1d6 1d4+1 Ability
Force 2
Heavy Drop Assets 6 4 4 Facility None None Ability
Elite Skirmishers 5 5 4 Military Unit FvF, 2d4 1d4+1 Ability
Hardened Personnel 4 4 3 Special Forces None 1d4+1 Ability
Guerilla Populace 6 4 0 Military Unit FvC, 1d4+1 None Ability
Force 3
Zealots 4 6 0 Special Forces FvF, 2d6 2d6 Ability
Cunning Trap 2 5 0 Tactic None 1d6+3 Ability
Counterintel Unit 4 6 4 Special Forces CvC, 1d4+1 1d6 Ability
Force 4
Beachhead Landers 10 10 4 Facility None None Ability
Extended Theater 10 10 4 Facility None None Ability
Strike Fleet 8 12 4 Starship FvF, 2d6 1d8 Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 5
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 6
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 7
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 8
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability

Wealth Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 1
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 2
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 3
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 4
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 5
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 6
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 7
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 8
X HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability

Resources: Stars Without Number RPG Ruleset