Faction Turn 29: Difference between revisions

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FoxyOwl (talk | contribs)
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[[Category:Monthly Faction Turns]]
[[Category:Faction Turn]]
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|style="text-align:left;"|For one FacCred, this asset can move to any location within two hexes (free action). As an action, this asset can gain the status 'Armored.' When this asset attacks or defends, the attacking Faction can overcharge this Mech resulting in a resounding display of power granting advantage on the roll and +3 to the damage. Regardless of the success or failure of this asset, overcharging damages critical systems resulting in a d6 of damage. If this damage would destroy the asset instead, it is set to 0 HP and in stasis until restored to full strength. While in this stasis, the asset can not be moved and can only defend if it is the only valid asset to do so. See: Boltholds rules.