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Pixel Fog has, so far, only produced demo reels of content for a variety of different potential shows. They have claimed that they are targeting a true multi-platform media experience hiring traditional production staff for everything from TV shows to VR games.
===Battle Stims===
One of the more recent products of Dew Fog's RnD department is their new line of battle stims, initially intended for the ranks of Sihian Knights they have opened orders to anyone able to get authorisation from one of the Orders of Sihian Knights.
====Sure Fire====
A cocktail of nootropic stims designed to help Knights maintain concentration and consciousness under the extreme stresses of high-g manoeuvres and improve their ability to handle the massive input of data involved with being wired into the pilot seat of their mechs.
Advertised to civilians as a way to ensure their ability to enforce a state of hyper-focus that will allow them to outperform all others in various fields including work and drone racing.
Dew Fog's concoction of muscle enhancing stims, allowing the user to push their muscles beyond the normal limits, allowing them to push harder for longer.
====Last Breathe====
A highly oxygenated fluid complex that is used in emergency situations to ensure that someone survives situations of low oxygen. Typically implemented in battle situations that result in lung damage or when lacking a functioning breather in hard vacuum.