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Dew Fog was founded in [[date that lines up to 5 years ago]] in a small apartment in Camlann, Sihi, by an eclectic group from around the sector. Led by the dynamic entrepreneurial powerhouse that is Helouise Kaikara, a surprisingly short member of the Zelvan species. Little is known about where Dew Fog got its initial funding but shortly after its explosive entrance to the market last year with Double Dew Transcendental Drizzle they went through several rounds of funding drawing in several billion credits in investments from across the sector.
Dew Fog was founded in 1138 SR in a small apartment in Camlann, Sihi, by an eclectic group from around the sector. Led by the dynamic entrepreneurial powerhouse that is Helouise Kaikara, a surprisingly short member of the Zelvan species. Little is known about where Dew Fog got its initial funding but shortly after its explosive entrance to the market last year with Double Dew Transcendental Drizzle they went through several rounds of funding drawing in several billion credits in investments from across the sector.

As none of the initial founders of Dew Fog had any prior experience with the brewing of alcoholic beverages, the next 4 years were spent developing and testing their first product.
As none of the initial founders of Dew Fog had any prior experience with the brewing of alcoholic beverages, the next 4 years were spent developing and testing their first product.