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FoxyOwl (talk | contribs)
m Added more details and history
FoxyOwl (talk | contribs)
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====Dachia Crisis====
The event widely known as '''[[The Dachia Crisis]]''', or the Dominionist Civil War, was a violent conflict between the [[Free Dominion]] and the loyalists of the [[Starlit Court]]. Tensions flared over the inability to find the mythical grail, and the minority’s desire to utilize the Court’s martial prowess for conquest. During the armed insurrection, the rebel forces seized control of the worldship Sihi and nearly destroyed it on a collision course with the planet below. The plot was ultimately unsuccessful, but critically damaged the home vessel. The trauma of betrayal affected generations of Sihians and rocked the Starlit Court to its core.
=====Post Crisis======
Extensive repairs of Sihi, initially projected at fifteen years, ultimately ran behind schedule and over-budget. Sihi would be ‘stranded’ for over 20 years during the recovery efforts.
This period saw expansion and restoration of the polar powerstation [[Dachia#City of Hurion|Hurion]] and several communication stations. Memorials to those lost during the Dominionist Civil War and the Crisis were also established around the world. The most prestigious is the Starlit Court Historical Events Museum Exhibit (SCHEME). Exhibits survive to this day despite the rocky transition of power between governors. It is a place of memory to recount the atrocities of the Free Dominion and also honor those lost defending their home and way of life.
Lessons’ learned from the crisis brought more attention to the world as well. Military installations, known as the '''Dachia Proving Grounds''', provided a testing site for Starlit tech and units. Four main camps, Nadir, Kelvin, Tempesta, and Aquilo, were established in the crisis’ wake.
====Modern Court Activities====
With Sihi restored, the Court moved its home out of the Cacho system in 570 AoQ, but maintained a nominal presence at their temporary home system. The Starlit Court notably rallied to the aid of the [[Tahora Whai]] and the [[White Whale]] when it was under threat on Dachia and used caches in system to support the effort.