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==Notable Locations==
'''Statue of the Great Possessor'''
'''The Gatiisl Nature Preserve'''
'''Babdujahrahren''' - The largest mountain on Akiva, where some of the most dangerous wildlife on the planet call home. As a rite of passage the Acquisitioners take a journey alone to the top of the mountain, whereupon they remove a section of the peak; about the size of a clenched fist. They then return to the capital of Akiva where they place the collected piece at the central plaza of Accorimonia where a recreation of the mountain has been created from these gathered pieces. As a result of this continued rite of passage the top of Babdujahrahren is a flat surface after centuries of this custom. The recreation in the central plaza of the capital city is several stories high after so long and so many Acquisitioners making the journey. This rite has been around as long as the city as the massive central plaza is big enough for the whole mountain to eventually be moved.
The capital city of Accorimonia is organised around a central hexagonal plaza at the center of the city. On each side of this hexagonal plaza are the six main institutions that govern the Avoytari.