Aionian Phalanx: Difference between revisions

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LegateMarz (talk | contribs)
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| Navigarch || Navigarchs hold high-ranking positions within the Epistratum, overseeing major sectors or theaters of operation. They are key decision-makers, responsible for the broad strategic direction and resource allocation necessary to achieve the Epistratum's objectives. Navigarchs possess a comprehensive understanding of military, political, and economic factors that influence their command decisions.
| [[File:Supreme Navigarch.jpg|250px|thumb|Supreme Navigarch]] || The Supreme Navigarch is the paramount naval authority within the Epistratum, responsible for the overall strategic direction and coordination of the Epistratum's naval forces. This position requires a visionary leader with unparalleled expertise in military strategy, diplomacy, and governance. The Supreme Navigarch works closely with the Imperator Princept to ensure that naval objectives are aligned with broader political goals.