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'''The Organization for Rare Colossus Advocates''' (ORCA) is an interstellar coalition of xenobiologists, ecologists, and conservationists dedicated to the preservation of rare void-borne species. They are unified in their commitment to direct action and, if need be, violence against those that would seek to harm or profit from this lonely creature.
The extreme measures of these activists are not without controversy. Advocates from various factions have condemned the zealotry as “unhinged attacks on [their] culture and lifeblood.” A decade ago, ORCA ships were targeted by these factions and decimated under superior firepower. Reduced to a fringe cult, the remnants of ORCA fled to the [[Assembled Commonwealth]] and persisted as a laughing stock.
Recent discovery of the “White Whale” as many across the sector are calling it has however led to a massive influx of support and manpower to the organization. ORCA moved operational headquarters from [[Idarast]] to Telas and the Center system to better coordinate their diverse coalition and to rally support from the interstellar community against the inhumane practices of the White Whale’s pursuers. ORCA as resurfaced in the media following protests on Telas against businesses suspected of supplying megafauna hunters.
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They are loosely associated with other groups such as ''The School of the Great Wanderer'' and ''Anti-Hunting Association of Beacon Space (AHABS)''
::(ORCA is represented by the White Whale's Zealot located on Telas)
===Starlit Court===
Various names have been given to the Whale by the knights of the Starlit Court, but ____ remains the most common.
=='''The Battle for the White Whale'''==